
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 2233 - 2256 of 7441

Nanotechnology risks unknown

From The Washington Post: The United States is the world leader in nanotechnology -- the newly blossoming science of making incredibly small materials and devices -- but is not paying enough attention...

Unsafe levels of pesticide residues in food

From The Guradian (UK): Consumers are being routinely exposed to unsafe levels of pesticide residues in their food which are nevertheless still within legal limits, campaigners warn today.

What goes into crisps goes into who?

Children who eat a bag of potato chips (35g) daily, consume 5 liters (1.3 US gallons) of cooking oil every year. That's the message the British Heart Foundation is looking to spread via their new ad...

Spinach growers are "victims" of E. coli, not culprits

While sensationalists and those fond of chemical-intensive farming were ready to hang the organic industry at the first mention of an E coli outbreak, NYT farm and food columnist Nina Planck says the...

Voodoo and Mercury

Mercury is believed to attract love, luck or riches and can protect against evil. It is also known to cause permanent damage to developing children's brains and have numerous harmful effects on the...

Drug-review fees help industry shape FDA agenda

According to the Wall Street Journal, the Food and Drug Administration is bargaining with the pharmaceutical industry for an increase in fees used for reviewing new drug applications-- a move experts...

In the news

E-85 Mileage Loophole for Carmakers: Car companies promoting E-85 as an alternative to gasoline are getting credit from the government for nearly double the gas mileage their vehicles actually achieve...

California's rocket fuel standard four times tougher than feds'

California has proposed an enforceable limit of 6 parts per billion for perchlorate (rocket fuel) in drinking water--four times more stringent than the EPA's waste-site cleanup standard of 24 parts...

Obama Would Cut Subsidies to Wealthy Farms

The Obama administration's proposed 2012 federal budget released today targets several wasteful agriculture programs, including cutting $4.25 billion over 10 years from subsidies to large farm...

EPA Approves Wider Use of Destructive Corn Ethanol

Here's who lost out today (Jan. 21) when the Environmental Protection Agency decided to allow the use of fuel containing up to 15 percent ethanol (E15) in any gas-powered car or truck built since 2001...

Defining a True Safety Net for Struggling Farmers

With Congress in recess, talks on reshaping the federal Farm Bill, due for action in 2012, have been set aside while nervous lawmakers focus on the November elections.

Oil and Gas Sites Costing Colo. Communities

Construction on 9,500 new oil and gas wells in western Colorado is creating erosion and runoff that's clogging towns' irrigation systems and raising cleanup costs.

Pollution Decreasing Male Births?

Environmental Health Perspectives examines the possible connection between a startlingly low male birth rate and industrial pollution among a population of Native Americans in Ontario living right...

Can Synthetic Food Additives Be Organic?

Yes, if major food processors have their way in the Senate. According to Beyond Pesticides and the Organic Consumers Association, if the food processors get their amendment through the Senate this...

Lead in Lunchboxes

An Oakland group found lead in 27 soft vinyl lunchboxes in a recent study, a quarter of the products tested. The lead was on the surface of the plastic, where it could easily leach onto children's...

What Revolving Door? Industry and Government Share an Office in Utah

Here is a news story you may need to read twice. It's about people on energy company payrolls, consultants whose livelihoods depend on plundering our natural treasures, and who are now charged with...

Utah Denies Request to Test Fish for Mercury

Two Utah state agencies have denied a request for an independent testing program of mercury levels in fish in the Great Salt Lake Basin. In February the U.S. Geological Survey announced that the lake...

Fight Back Against Dirty Energy’s PR Machine

The energy industry spends millions of dollars on lobbying and public relations to fend off pressure for necessary changes to their core businesses. The way to fight back is for local groups...

New “Chemical Safety” Bill Would Put People at Greater Risk

There's a growing consensus – except in the chemical industry and among its lobbyists and allies in Congress – that when it comes to protecting people and the environment from dangerous chemicals, the...

12 Chemical Facilities Putting the Most Americans at Risk

There are more than 12,000 chemical plants that put Americans at risk with large amounts of chemicals, and 89 of those endanger more than 1 million people. Unfortunately, those most at risk in the...

Robin Hood in Reverse

The House of Representatives will debate this week whether to cut the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) by $40 billion over the next 10 years – and eliminate food assistance for roughly...

Public Energy Enemy No. 1

Duke Energy is the largest investor-owned electric utility in the U.S., serving 7.7 million customers in North and South Carolina, Florida, Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky. But a deep dive into Duke's actions, portfolio and regulatory filings reveals another distinction: Considering its size, environmental record, puny investments in solar and wind power, and schemes to penalize customers who want to

It’s Only Fair: Protecting the Land in Return for Subsidies

The pending Senate version of the farm bill includes a provision to relink conservation compliance with crop insurance subsidies. Chairman Lucas's competing House version does not.


California Drinking Water

The array of toxic pollutants in California drinking water could in combination cause more than 15,000 excess cases of cancer, according to a peer-reviewed study by scientists at Environmental Working Group – the first such study to assess the cumulative risk from carcinogenic drinking water contaminants.