
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 2257 - 2280 of 7441

Guest Blog: Toxic chemical reform must help, not hinder states and victims’ rights

In the United States, the framework for safeguarding people and the environment against the dangers of toxic chemicals comprises three mutually reinforcing legal systems: federal regulation, state and...

Chemical Agriculture on the Attack, Again

Keeping politicians on message can sometimes be difficult. That also holds true of corporate chiefs and movie stars. Even the most seasoned, media-savvy folks veer off their talking points on occasion...


Iowa’s Private Wells Contaminated by Nitrate and Bacteria

Des Moines Water Works has struggled for years to provide safe drinking water to its customers, battling nitrate contamination from upstream farms. But contamination from agricultural practices may be even worse for the estimated 230,000 to 290,000 Iowans whose drinking water comes from private wells, an investigation by Environmental Working Group and Iowa Environmental Council finds.

It’s Time for a Mandatory National Registry of Fracking Chemicals

If oil and gas companies were injecting potentially toxic fluids into the ground near your home or your children's schoolyard, wouldn't you want to know about it?

Is Organic Really Better?

A new study published in the British Journal of Nutrition found that organic crops have higher concentrations of antioxidants, lower levels of cadmium and nitrates and fewer pesticide residues than...

Abandoned Oil and Gas Wells Spew Methane, Study Finds

If you think the risks associated with fracking for oil and gas disappear once a well stops producing and goes out of commission, think again. And that goes for conventional drilling technologies, too...

Obama and Vilsack Push For Conservation Compliance

The Obama Administration is ramping up efforts to link crop insurance subsidies with conservation requirements.

Crop Insurance: A never-ending disaster

As the cost of crop insurance has ballooned – from less than $500 million a year in the 1990s to more than $14 billion in 2012[1] – the program's most ardent defenders keep repeating the same mantra...

Bipartisan Coalition Would Link Land Conservation to Farm Subsidies

Seven U.S. senators last week called for re-linking the federal crop insurance program to conservation compliance during a House-Senate conference committee meeting on the 2013 farm bill. The ranking...

Stop Unrestrained Antibiotic Use Before It’s Too Late

It's just common sense: If you're not sick, your doctor doesn't prescribe you medicine. Why should the animals we eat be treated any differently?

Programs to Reduce Ag’s Water Use Must Be Strengthened, Not Cut

Since it was first authorized in the 1996 farm bill, USDA's Environmental Quality Incentives Program has grown into the single most important federal program that helps farmers and ranchers protect...

Unlimited Subsidies, High Prices Threaten “Prairie Potholes”

High crop prices combined with unlimited insurance subsidies are contributing to the rapid loss of wetlands and prairie grasslands in the “prairie pothole” region of North and South Dakota, Montana...

The PFAS and the Furious

Rob Bilott's Exposure is a real-life whodunit, a page-turning courtroom drama, a David-and-Goliath story of one man against an industrial colossus and a shocking exposé of America's utterly broken environmental policy. You should also take this book personally – because the “exposure” of the title is yours.

Expert Panel Confirms that Fragrance Ingredient Can Cause Cancer

Last month (July 28) a committee convened by the National Academy of Sciences confirmed a federal interagency group's conclusion that styrene, a chemical building block used to produce a wide variety...

The Fincher that Stole Food Stamps

Congressman Fincher: Stop stealing our money.

Why Environmentalists (and Every American) Should Reject the House Farm Bill

The budget-busting farm bill approved Wednesday night (May 15) by the House Agriculture Committee and its leaders – Reps. Frank Lucas (R-Okla.) and Collin Peterson (D-Minn.) – is nothing but bad news...

Reject Farm Bill Bait and Switch

Here's the bottom line: Both farm bills proposed this week (May 13) by the House and Senate Agriculture committees would cut funding for the hungry and the environment to help boost subsidies for the...


Duke Energy’s Epic Fails: $11.6 Billion in Scrapped Projects Since 2013

In July, Duke Energy and Dominion Energy canceled the $8 billion Atlantic Coast Pipeline. Six months earlier, Duke and three partners canceled the $1 billion Constitution Pipeline. These surprising decisions – made shortly after both ventures seemed assured of going forward – sent shock waves through the industry, with Dominion selling off much of its natural gas infrastructure, even as Duke

Where is the Scrutiny of Crop Insurance Fraud?

Minnesota Congressman Colin Peterson (D-Minn.) struck a nerve this month when he said that “there is five times as much fraud” in the federal crop insurance program as there is the Supplemental...

Lawmakers Could Look to Farm Bill for $100 Billion in Additional Budget Savings

EWG's Scott Faber joined representatives of several fiscally conservative organizations in calling on Congress not to slip a full farm bill reauthorization into any legislative package they cobble...

Crop Insurance: Bad for Taxpayers, Bad for the Environment

Unlimited crop insurance subsidies lead growers to make planting decisions that are bad for the environment, two of the nation's most respected agricultural economists conclude in a newly published...

The Audacity of Scope

Late Wednesday night, July 11, the House Agriculture Committee added an amendment by Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) to the farm bill that would severely limit states' authority to regulate conditions or...

Insurance for Corn, Not Kids?

On the same day that the House will vote to end health insurance subsidies for low income Americans, the House Agriculture Committee will vote to increase crop insurance subsidies for the largest and...


The farm bill proposed yesterday by House Agriculture Committee leaders would cut funds for nutrition programs and the environment to help finance new price and revenue guarantees and increase...