
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 2281 - 2304 of 7441

Crop Insurance Subsidy Double Speak

When the government allows oil and gas companies to avoid paying taxes, lawmakers call it a “subsidy.” But when the government pays 62 percent of the cost of obtaining crop insurance, it's called a...

Subsidy Buffet for Agribiz, Table Scraps for Good Food

The farm bill draft released by the Senate Agriculture Committee last week (April 20) falls far short of providing farm and food policies Americans want. In a national poll last year, 78 percent said...

Local Food and The Farm Bill: Small Investments, Big Returns

For too long, funding provided by the United States' most far-reaching food and farm legislation has primarily benefited agri-business and large scale industrial-scale commodity farms that aren't...

Farm Subsidy Research and Analysis

Since 1995 U.S. taxpayers have sent $194 billion in subsidies to farmers including $5 billion per year in fixed direct payments paid regardless of need or crop price. Below is a list of recent EWG...

FRAC Act Re-introduced to Senate

Amid widespread fears that the boom in “fracking” for natural gas poses a growing array of environmental threats, some members of Congress are making a new effort to reverse a 2005 law that exempted...

The Flip-flopper’s Guide to “Fiscal Conservatism”

Under the best-case scenarios, crop insurance alone is expected to cost taxpayers $9 billion over the next 10 years. So who are the 48 Republicans who voted for this lavish taxpayer funded giveaway?

Worst. Farm Bill. Ever

Farm income has never been higher. The federal deficit has never been deeper. So why are House Republicans celebrating passage of a “farm-only” farm bill that includes the most generous farm subsidies...


EWG Study and Mapping Show Large CAFOs in Iowa Up Fivefold Since 1990

The number of large concentrated animal feeding operations, or large CAFOs, in Iowa increased nearly fivefold in the past two decades, a new study from Environmental Working Group reveals, with almost all of the growth from big hog-feeding operations.


In Minnesota’s Farm Country, Nitrate Pollution of Drinking Water is Getting Worse

Nitrate contamination of drinking water is getting worse in much of rural Minnesota, an Environmental Working Group analysis of state data found.

EWG’s UPDATED Water Filter Buying Guide

What is most important to you in a water filter? Check out EWG's Water Filter Buying Guide. Find the right filter for your water - and budget.

Behind Europe's Apple Chemical Ban

Those pyramids of apples in the produce section of supermarkets year-round may look fresh, but sometimes they're not. Apples are harvested once a year, in the autumn. Growers apply a mixture of...

Rep. Israel Proposes Bill To Require Disclosure of Cleaners Ingredients

Washington, D.C. – Rep. Steve Israel, D-N.Y., today introduced the Household Cleaning Products Right to Know Act of 2014 bill, which would require cleaning products makers to disclose hidden...

Chemical Industry Tops Vitter Super PAC Donors

The American Chemistry Council, a trade association of major chemical makers, is among the largest donors to a fund created to support Sen. David Vitter's campaign for governor of Louisiana.

We Called It: Low Prices will lead to Big Payouts

Big agriculture payouts could be coming, courtesy of American taxpayers, who are forking over money through lavish new subsidy programs established in the recently passed farm bill.

Report Highlights Corn Ethanol’s Devastating Toll

Corn-based ethanol is a major cause of the water pollution that is ravaging the Mississippi River basin and the Gulf of Mexico, a report by the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) inspector...


EWG’s Healthy Living: Quick Tips to Safer Diapers

In their first year alone, a baby will wear an estimated 2,500 disposable diapers. When buying diapers, parents are likely to consider absorbency, fit and comfort as the most important features. But recent scientific research highlights the fact that the ingredients and materials used to make the diapers may be just as important, if not more so: The diaper itself could potentially harm a child's

Ethanol’s Broken Promise

Taking 580,000 cars and trucks off the road would reduce a lot of greenhouse gas emissions. And something like that would happen if a proposal by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency becomes...

Senator Pushes to Ban 10 Toxic Flame Retardants From Children’s Products

Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) announced Sunday (Sept. 14) that he was introducing legislation that would ban 10 toxic flame retardant chemicals from being used in children's products and upholstered...

EWG’s Women of Courage: Ayana Elizabeth Johnson

What does it take for a small Caribbean nation to implement strong, sustainable and popular ocean conservation practices? A team of experts, an island community dedicated to preserving its way of life...

In Defense of Billionaires

EWG's latest analysis of billionaires who reaped federal farm dollars seems to have hit a nerve with folks who – unsurprisingly – benefit from these same government handouts.

Americans Eat Their Weight in Genetically Engineered Food

Americans are eating their weight and more in genetically engineered food every year, a new Environmental Working Group analysis shows.

Study Finds Risky Gas Leaks in Nation’s Capital

A team of scientists using portable methane detectors reported last week that it has detected 5,893 leaks of methane, the main component of natural gas, from gas utility lines in Washington D.C.

Now that It’s Law, Farm Bill’s True Price Tag Continues To Grow

One new program in the recently enacted farm bill is going to cost at least $21 billion more than we'd bargained for, according to a report just issued by the authoritative Farm and Agriculture Policy...

EWG Tests of Hummus Find High Levels of Glyphosate Weedkiller

The health-food staple hummus and the chickpeas it is made from can be contaminated with high levels of glyphosate, a weedkilling chemical linked to cancer, according to independent laboratory tests commissioned by EWG. The tests also found glyphosate in other kinds of dry and canned beans, dry lentils and garbanzo flour.