
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 2329 - 2352 of 7441

8 Reasons Senate Farm Bill Is Better Than House Bill

It's not hard to see the differences between the terrible, partisan House farm bill and the bipartisan Senate farm bill

EWG News Roundup (7/6): Pruitt Leaves EPA, EWG Comments on GMO Rule and More

EWG's News Roundup (7/6): Here's some news you can use going into the weekend.

This Back-to-School Season, Protect the Lunchbox

Back to school means books, studying and recess – to kids. For many parents, this time of year means packing lunches.

Headed to a Lake This Summer? This Is How to Protect Your Kids from Toxic Algal Blooms.

Across the U.S., there is a growing epidemic of harmful algal blooms – also known as blue-green algae – polluting lakes, rivers and swimming holes, EWG reported this month.

Drinking Water and Children’s Health

Toxic pollutants in drinking water are particularly hazardous for children. Compared to adults, children drink more water per pound of body weight, resulting in greater exposure and greater risk. They...


“Washout” Revisited

In 2013, an Environmental Working Group report titled “WASHOUT” documented that soil erosion across Iowa farm land during that spring's heavy rains had been far worse than previous estimates – in some cases carrying away a devastating 40 tons of soil in a single week from fragile and poorly protected fields. In many places, runoff carved “ephemeral gullies” as a result of growers' inadequate

EWG’s Back-to-School Tips for a Healthy Lunch

Parents have a lot to worry about when sending their kids back to school. Lunch shouldn't be one. EWG can help you avoid pesticides, food additives and contaminants in drinking water to make your...

Pruitt’s Home State Leads Nation in Pesticide Illnesses and Deaths

President-elect Donald Trump's nominee to head the Environmental Protection Agency has a big problem in his home state of Oklahoma – pesticides.

EWG News Roundup (Dec. 9): Black Women’s Cosmetics and Climate Denier to Head EPA

This week was another busy one for folks at EWG. We released a report documenting some troubling facts about cosmetics products marketed to Black women. And we weighed in on President-elect Donald...

News from Ground Control: Planet Trump (Jan. 6)

With President-elect Donald Trump's inauguration coming in just two weeks, the final touches of the transition are being put in place. The Agriculture Secretary remains one of the very few slots left...

Federal Scientists May Lower Lead Exposure Threshold for Children

In a shift that could help hundreds of thousands of U.S. children, federal health officials are considering whether to lower the threshold for identifying kids with elevated levels of lead exposure.

Billions Spent on Farm Subsidies Don’t Lower Food Prices or Reduce Hunger

Last fall, an EWG investigation debunked the agriculture industry's claims that American farms “feed the world.” In fact, fewer than 1 percent of U.S. exports go toward feeding the hungriest nations.

Five Reasons a Pruitt EPA Would Threaten Public Health

President-elect Donald Trump's nominee to run the Environmental Protection Agency is a notorious opponent of efforts to cut carbon pollution that causes climate change. The nominee, Scott Pruitt, has...

EWG Investigates: Polluters Who Backed Pruitt's Anti-EPA Lawsuits Also Bankrolled His Campaigns

Interests tied to the big polluters who joined Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt's 14 lawsuits against the Environmental Protection Agency – companies such as ExxonMobil, Chevron and Peabody Coal...

EWG Investigates: Trump's EPA Pick Unaware Lead is Unsafe at Any Level for Kids

The man who could be in charge of ensuring the safety of the nation's drinking water doesn't know the most basic fact about a grave health threat for American children: lead contamination of tap water...

EWG News Roundup (1/20): Pruitt, Perdue, Big Poultry and Organics

Last weekend, EWG reported that after taking $40,000 in campaign contributions from poultry industry interests, Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt – President Trump's nominee to head the...

Do Farm Subsidies Reduce Rural Poverty?

Rural voters played an important role in the last election. As the Senate considers a new Secretary of Agriculture and Congress begins work on a new Farm Bill, it's important to consider the effect...


Mercury in Seafood

In 2014, federal agencies issued draft recommendations that women who are pregnant, breastfeeding or might become pregnant and young children eat more fish that is lower in mercury. Their advice is based on the fact that seafood consumption is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids and other nutrients.

Today’s Secret Ingredient: Traces of Toxic Plastic Chemicals

So you've thrown out your vinyl shower curtain and only buy fragrance-free cosmetics to avoid phthalates? Bad news – toxic plastic chemicals are still sneaking into the food you eat.

EWG News Roundup (1/27): Trump’s Media Blackout at EPA, Okla. Enviros Push Back on Pruitt and More

The first week of the Trump administration is just about over, and what a week it's been. It started with a media blackout at EPA and a freeze on EPA grants to states and localities used to protect...

As Okla. Attorney General, EPA Nominee Did Nothing to Protect Oklahomans from Toxic Swine Waste

Oklahoma has a dangerous and widespread groundwater pollution problem caused by illegal discharges of toxic swine waste from industrial-scale swine Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations, or CAFOs...

Who Wants Marshmallows?

The sweetest dish at your Thanksgiving dinner may not be the pie. On countless Thanksgiving tables, nestled somewhere between the turkey, gravy and green beans, sits a sweet potato casserole, topped...

Watch Out for Borax

Recipes for homemade “green” cleaning products often contain a common ingredient: borax.

EWG Ranks Cleaning Products for Babies

Every parent knows that caring for a new baby requires lots and lots of cleaning. But can washing up the milk and spit-up introduce your baby to potentially harmful chemicals?