
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 25 - 48 of 862

Consumer Guides

EWG's tips to avoid flame retardants

For decades, foam furniture, baby products and electronics have been loaded with needless flame retardants that migrate out of products and into our bodies. These chemicals have been linked to cancer and hormone disruption, as well as deficits in motor skills, attention and IQ in children. Though the most toxic ones have been phased out in the United States, they were replaced with poorly studied

How the Fincher Stole Christmas (for the cotton industry)

What could a member of Congress who has collected more than $3 million in federal cotton subsidies want in his Christmas stocking this year? If you're Rep. Stephen Fincher (R-Tenn.), the answer is...

EWG’s Back-to-School Tips for a Healthy Lunch

Parents have a lot to worry about when sending their kids back to school. Lunch shouldn't be one. EWG can help you avoid pesticides, food additives and contaminants in drinking water to make your...

How to Improve Air Quality at Your Child’s School

A healthy, resting adult takes 12 to 20 breaths per minute. Children, from school-age to preschoolers and younger, take many more. It's normal for a toddler to take twice as many breaths as an adult...

Fluoride in your water: How much is too much?

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services proposes that public water systems cut back on the amount of fluoride they add to drinking water.

EWG's Healthy Home Tip 1: Choose better body care products

Most people use around 10 personal care products every day with an average of 126 unique ingredients. The government's NOT protecting us. We'd like to believe that the government is policing the...

Fighting the climate crisis: It’s the cow and the how

Changing how we produce beef can reduce greenhouse gas emissions – but not enough to offset the growing demand for beef and its contribution to the climate crisis.

How to buy a mattress without toxic chemicals

How hard can it be to buy a mattress? The answer: There’s more to consider with this big ticket consumer item than you might suspect – including your health. A mattress is a purchase you may make only...

Tips for a healthy and safe Memorial Day holiday weekend

It’s Memorial Day weekend, the unofficial beginning of summer. As you get ready to spread the picnic blankets, fire up the grills and enjoy the warm evenings, EWG has useful tips for helping you and...

Consumer Guides

EWG’s quick tips for reducing your diet's climate footprint

The way we eat has a direct impact on the climate crisis, and there are steps everyone can take to rethink their diets in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

9 Cellphone Safety Tips for Back to School

It's probably not news to you that cellphone use may be harmful to you and your kids. Studies have found a possible link between cellphone radiation and brain and heart tumors, not to mention a range...

Feeding Baby Green: Dr. Greene tells us how - and why

My husband hates parenting books. Absolutely hates them. Which is a good thing (there. are. so. many.) and a bad thing (sometimes you just gotta get an expert outside opinion).

How Much Seafood Should Your Family Eat?

Seafood is good source of lean protein and healthy omega-3 fatty acids. But some types of fish contain high levels of mercury, a heavy metal that's harmful to human health when consumed in large...

How EWG saved Christmas: Healthy stocking stuffers under $20

Rushing downstairs on Christmas morning to check your stocking is one of the oldest and most treasured yuletide traditions. But finding the perfect stocking stuffers isn’t always as enjoyable.

Credibility Gap: Toxic Chemicals in Food Packaging

In 2006, under pressure from the U.S. EPA, DuPont and 7 other companies promised to phase out by 2015 a cancer-causing chemical called PFOA, used to make Teflon and also found in grease-resistant coatings for food packaging. In its place, the chemical industry is pushing new, supposedly “green” food package coatings. But an investigation by EWG finds no evidence that the industry-touted

Hot Spots in the Emerging Global Food Crisis

The Environmental Working Group and ActionAid have collaborated to create an interactive world map highlighting countries at highest risk of a food crisis due to the recent food price hikes.

How to protect kids during the EPA’s Children’s Health Month

The Environmental Protection Agency is celebrating national Children’s Health Month, with tips for shielding kids from potential health harms caused by lead contamination, pesticides on produce and...

How to Keep Your Kids Safer in the Sun

Kids are more vulnerable to damage from the sun than adults. A few blistering sunburns in childhood can double a person's lifetime chances of developing serious forms of skin cancer.

7 holiday cleaning tips for a healthy home

’Tis the season of joy and celebration – but with all the cooking and entertaining, our homes can quickly become a mess. Many of us may feel inspired to engage in a bit of seasonal cleaning –...

EWG's 10 tips for a less toxic pregnancy

Last week we told you about the 232 toxic chemicals we found in umbilical cord blood. This week we tell you how to reduce your exposures to toxic chemicals to keep them out of your womb.

EWG's Healthy Home Tip 2: Eat organic, fresh foods

Most people prefer their foods free of pesticides and toxic chemicals, for a whole host of (pretty) obvious reasons. I know I do. The government isn't doing enough Pesticides and toxic chemicals are...

EWG’s Healthy Living: Quick Tips to Safer Diapers

In their first year alone, a baby will wear an estimated 2,500 disposable diapers. When buying diapers, parents are likely to consider absorbency, fit and comfort as the most important features. But recent scientific research highlights the fact that the ingredients and materials used to make the diapers may be just as important, if not more so: The diaper itself could potentially harm a child's

Spring Cleaning: EWG’s Tips on What to Use – and What to Avoid

From kitchen, bathroom, glass and all-purpose cleaners to dishwashing detergent, laundry soap and bleach, Environmental Working Group has scoured the chemical ingredients of more than 2,000 different...

10 Tips for a Healthy Memorial Day Weekend

This weekend is all about fun in the sun. Whether you're heading to the beach, a lake or a backyard picnic, be sure to cover up to protect your skin against sunburn and pesky bug bites.