
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 289 - 312 of 862

Spring is in the air – let’s make sure toxic chemicals aren’t

It’s spring, and many Americans are cleaning out their homes and throwing away what they no longer need. Let’s make sure this happens without using toxic chemicals.

Lighten Up In 2009

An EWG investigation called “Lighten Up in ‘09” has identified seven compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulb lines that trump the rest, with much lower levels of the toxic chemical mercury and lifespans...

Using EWG’s Water Filter Buying Guide

If you're concerned about what's in your water, buying a water filter is a smart next step.

Test Your Sun Safety Knowledge: EWG Tackles Five Popular Myths

I love this time of year. After a long, cold winter, how can you resist the sun when it beckons you to go outside?

TSCA? No, thanks. Kid-Safe? Yes, please.

How old were you in 1976? I was 7, the #1 hit song was "Silly Love Songs" by Paul McCartney and Wings, and gas cost 59 cents a gallon. These and most things have changed in the last 32 years, but not...

EWG pet health study spurs launch of new organization

Ed. note: This post comes to us from a friend and colleague of ours, Eddie. For more of his work, visit Pets for the Environment. Let's say, just for the sake of example, that you were a dog. Or a cat...

Here come the plastics ambassadors!

Good news, everyone! The Plastics Division of the American Chemistry Council and the Society of the Plastics Industry, Inc. are rolling out a new ' plastics ambassador' program. You'll be happy to...

Watch "Bag It," Then Just Bag It

Plastic pollution: it's everywhere, from the gigantic garbage patch swirling in the Pacific Ocean to the cells of our bodies, a point EWG's President, Ken Cook, makes so well in this recent TEDx talk.

Staying healthy this Fourth of July

Independence Day is almost here, with the potential for fun, sun and fireworks. While preparing for barbecues, beach days and get-togethers with family and friends, keep in mind a few health and...


Guide to Baby-Safe Bottles & Formula

Breast milk is best, but whether you're feeding breastmilk or formula in a bottle, use EWG's guide to feed your baby safely.

Drinking water: New frameworks needed to account for multiple contaminants and protect public health

To make sure all communities have better and safer drinking water, EWG research strives to push federal agencies to increase public health protections and invest in drinking water infrastructure. Our recent work shows how important it is to update federal legal limits that make public health the priority. Drinking water in communities across the U.S. contains mixtures of contaminants – including

Cuomo Administration Failure to Disclose Drilling Documents Prompts EWG Lawsuit

The Environmental Working Group Monday sued the administration of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo for documents that would show how the state has drafted its plan to permit high volume hydraulic fracturing...

EWG's Dietary Guidelines Give Straight Facts, No Spin

EWG's new Dietary Guidelines give people solid nutrition advice and highlight the shortcomings of the Obama administration's Dietary Guidelines for Americans released earlier this month, which were...


Rethinking Carcinogens

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. That old adage is certainly true for cancer. Despite great advances in treatments and therapies, preventing the disease from ever occurring will always be the best option.

Washington Post Keeps Digging Up Dirt on Wasteful Farm Policies

The Post's Dan Morgan, Gilbert M. Gaul, and Sarah Cohen continue to expose some serious flaws with the 2002 Farm Bill today in three articles deatiling different aspects of farm subsidy waste. Today's...

Help EWG do bottled water research - and win a prize!

Last year we took a close look at 100s of bottled water labels to see how good (or bad) manufacturers are at sharing important information with consumers - like my mother, who buys it by the box (me =...

Government Official Warns of Arsenic Wood Cancer Risk

Commissioner Thomas Moore of the federal government's Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) shares Environmental Working Group's (EWG) concern that children playing on decks, play sets and other...

House ‘Chemical Reform’ Bill Would Erode Protections for Health, Environment

Legislation proposed by Rep. John Shimkus (R-Ill.) to reform federal chemicals management law would leave the public at even greater risk of exposure to toxic substances than under the outdated...

Staying safe in the sun this Memorial Day weekend

With Memorial Day weekend unofficially starting the summer, some people will be heading to the beach, others to a lake or a picnic. Whatever your plans, EWG has useful tips to help protect you from...

7 ways to detox your home (and keep it clean) year ‘round

If you’ve ever thought about making changes in your household routine to lower your exposure to toxic chemicals, you may be put off by how daunting it seems.

More to flame retardants than PBDEs

If you follow these things, you've probably heard of the flame retardant chemicals PBDEs. They're in many electronics (possibly even that computer screen you're reading right now), and in the foam in...

Farm Bill Pickpockets

Earlier this summer, advocates for the fruit and vegetable industry touted their “commitment to increasing fresh fruit and vegetable consumption for tens of thousands of students.”

EPA Watchdog Investigating Potential Enforcement Failure of Critical Pollution Monitoring Program

The Environmental Protection Agency's internal watchdog is launching an investigation over whether the agency has failed to enforce a critical program that tracks toxic spills into the environment.