
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 409 - 432 of 862

Extinguishing Deca: A toxic flame retardant may flicker out

By Lisa Frack "This is the beginning of the end for brominated flame retardants." So said Richard Wiles, EWG senior VP for policy, upon learning last week that the major manufacturers of decaBDE have...

Trump EPA To Scale Back Climate Rule To Pave Way for More Coal Plants

The Environmental Protection Agency will repeal an Obama-era climate change regulation requiring coal-fired power plants to install technology that captures carbon dioxide emissions, according to...

Toxic Contamination Begins in the Womb

National media outlets, public health officials and Congress have all focused recently on lead contamination in drinking water, as they should be. The tainted water in Flint, Mich., Newark, N.J. and...

Pesticide peril: Toxic threats to farmworkers and families in Ventura County

A toxic threat is facing many parts of California’s Ventura County, where everyone from farmworkers to families could be at risk from increased exposure to harmful pesticides.

Sugar in Children's Cereals

Parents have good reason to worry about the sugar content of children's breakfast cereals, according to an Environmental Working Group review of 84 popular brands.

3 Things New Parents Do Differently Today to Protect Babies’ Health

If you're a new parent, it can be confusing to keep up with the latest recommendations about how to give your baby a healthy start. As scientists learn more about the dangers of toxic chemical...

Food: Powerful Medicine to Defend Against Cancer

What we eat is strongly and intricately linked to our health. No food or nutrient is a panacea against disease, but eating right can help prevent many serious diseases, including heart disease...

Cell Phone Radiation Series - Part 4: What phones emit, bodies absorb

Research is not yet settled on exactly how dangerous cell phone radiation is to your health. But we at Environmental Working Group have seen enough studies with enough troubling results that we think...

Timeline: Black Farmers and the USDA, 1920 to Present

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has a long history of discrimination against Black farmers.

Top 10 Reasons Why Congress Should Say NO to the Ethanol Tax Credit

Rumors are flying that the lame duck Congress will attach an extension of the so-called ethanol “blender's tax credit” to a bill to extend the Bush-era income tax cuts as part of a broader deal. Here...

Dry cleaning chemicals hang around - on your clothes

If you've ever dry cleaned your clothes (you have, right?), you've likely wondered how the "dry" part happens. And it may even have crossed your mind that it's a chemical process. Of course you'd be...

On protecting consumers from toxics in cosmetics, U.S. lags at least 80 countries

U.S. efforts to promote consumer safety by regulating chemicals and contaminants in cosmetics are falling further behind the rest of the world, according to a new EWG analysis.

FDA Warns Of Mercury in Skin Creams

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration warned this week that more than 35 imported skin creams, antiseptic soaps and anti-aging lotions have recently been tied to mercury poisoning that in some...

Products or politics? What'll it be?

A few weeks back I read Peggy Orenstein's piece The Toxic Paradox in the New York Times Sunday magazine. It hadn't settled all that well with me, so when I saw an Environmental Health News editorial...

Ohio River Basin Polluted by Super Algal Bloom

Ripped from the pages of an obscure science fiction novel, millions run screaming from the threat of a toxic algal bloom blanketing almost 650 miles of the Ohio River. Regrettably, this story isn't...

EWG Meat Eater’s Guide Spotlights Beef’s Outsize Carbon Footprint

The Environmental Working Group today released its groundbreaking Meat Eater's Guide to Climate Change and Health, a powerful, multi-featured tool that allows both consumers and experts to understand...

EWG’s Healthy Living: Guide to Safer Diapers

Babies and young children typically spend the majority of their first years in diapers. But many disposable diapers contain hazardous chemicals that can harm their health. Scientific assessments of disposable diapers have detected pesticides and chemicals linked to cancer, impaired reproductive development and dermatitis, among other harms.

Factory Food: You’re Welcome, America

Coalitions often help bring about real change for the public good. Not this one though.

Thanksgiving’s Superfood Sweet Potatoes – Without the Sugar Splurge

This year many Americans are rethinking how they will celebrate Thanksgiving during the Covid-19 pandemic. Although this holiday will probably look different from any in recent memory, it's still...

Explainer: Are ‘forever chemicals’ in my drinking water?

With the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS regularly grabbing headlines these days, you may be wondering what these chemicals mean for you. After all, these chemicals, found in a vast array of...

EWG news roundup (6/11): What FDA should do to address toxic chemicals in food, PFAS in Great Lake region rainwater and more

EWG news roundup (6/11): Here’s some news you can use going into the weekend.

EWG's Women of Courage: Janet Keating

Janet Keating has spent a lifetime as an activist, defender and organizer. Keating, executive director of the Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition, began her career in 1983, as a volunteer with a...

Good Food on a Tight Budget: EWG’s New Easy-to-Use Guide

In an era of rising food prices and economic strains that have put one in four people on federal nutrition assistance, nearly all Americans must search for foods that are nutritious and affordable. To...