
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 721 - 744 of 862


Ethanol Report 2012

Beware of higher ethanol gas. E-15 fuel could void warranties, damage small engines.

California lead pipeline replacements are welcome but lack vital health safeguards

Water utilities across California are taking the welcome step of replacing lead pipelines, a much-needed effort to get the known neurotoxin out of drinking water. But information obtained by EWG...

EWG News Roundup (12/20): Congress Fails on PFAS, Trump EPA’s Bear Hug for Hormone-Disrupting Pesticide, and More

EWG News Roundup (12/20): Here's some news you can use going into the weekend.

Animal feeding operations identification

EWG received a list of permitted animal feeding operations, or AFOs, from the Wisconsin DNR (WIDNR, 2018), which listed the dominant animal type and number of animal units, or AU, for each operation. This dataset was used for all counties except Kewaunee, for which EWG used a dataset derived from


Not Too Pretty

In May 2002 a coalition of environmental and public health organizations contracted with a major national laboratory to test 72 name-brand, off-the-shelf beauty products for the presence of phthalates, a large family of industrial chemicals linked to per- manent birth defects in the male reproductive system.

Mapping a Contamination Crisis

The known extent of the contamination of U.S. communities with PFCs – highly fluorinated toxic chemicals, also known as PFASs, that have been linked to cancer, thyroid disease, weakened immunity and other health problems – continues to expand with no end in sight. New research from EWG and Northeastern University in Boston details PFC pollution in tap water supplies for 15 million Americans in 27

Leading Scientists Call for Increases Pesticide Testing on Children's Favorite Foods

Leading pesticide researchers write FDA, USDA and EPA to call for increased monitoring of pesticide residues on fruits and vegetables, as well as more study of pesticide effects on children.

U.S. Sunscreens Get Flunking Grade for UVA Protection

Fall is the iconic American season. Football. Soccer. Cross-country meets. Apple-picking. Hiking through forests blazing red and orange. Bicycling in crisp country air. Raking the leaves. Hayrides. Pumpkin patches. School fairs.

Pay Dirt

Dan Rather Reports Aired on November 20, 2007 Episode Title: Pay Dirt: Subsidies and the American Farmer Description: Some farmers are worried that huge subsides are a waste. A visit to the backwaters...

Higher Ethanol Blends May Harm Health and Engines

In March 2009 corn ethanol producers asked for help from the federal government to expand their industry. Growth Energy, a consortium of ethanol producers, petitioned the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to allow 50% more ethanol in gasoline than is currently permitted, requesting approval for E15 fuel (a mixture of gasoline with 15% ethanol) (Growth Energy 2009).

Comments on the Proposed Reissuance of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Nationwide Permits

Section 404 of the federal Clean Water Act gives the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers responsibility for protecting rivers, lakes, streams and wetlands from the effects of dredging, draining and filling. The Corps' primary procedure for regulating these activities is the issuance of permits for a range of activities that alter these water bodies and related wetlands. To lighten its workload, the Corps

Kernel Watch: 9 Farm Subsidy Myths

Lobbyists are swarming the offices of the Congressional super committee in an attempt to protect their pieces of the federal budget pie. The farm subsidy lobby is part of the pack.

Dirty Secrets: Vinyl Chloride

The story of vinyl chloride is a tale of corporate deception in which chemical industry executives kept workers and government health officials in the dark about the debilitating and sometimes fatal consequences of working with the chemical.

The promise of the clean energy economy for American workers

One week after taking office, President Biden signed sweeping executive orders outlining ambitious plans to tackle the climate crisis and speed the transition to a clean energy economy, and promised that workers in the fossil fuel economy will not be left behind.

EWG’s News Roundup (10/13): Feds Imperil Children’s Health, Seek Bailout for Coal and Nuke Industries

EWG's News Roundup (10/13): Here's some news you can use going into the weekend.

Removing Toxic Fluorinated Chemicals From Your Home’s Tap Water

The family of fluorinated compounds known as PFAS chemicals includes more than 4,700 chemicals – some linked to cancer, thyroid disease, weakened immunity and developmental defects, and others whose...

Good, Bad and Truly Awful: Top Environmental Stories of 2011

People are messy. So is nature. And what people do when nature unleashes its fury often makes things worse. The staff at Environmental Working Group took a look at the major environmental news stories...

EWG Urges FDA to Focus on Cosmetics in 5-Year Plan

EWG comments on FDA's 5-year plan urge the agency to give priority to cosmetics safety, particularly nanotechnology in cosmetics, surveillance of adverse reactions and consumer education of...

BB and CC Creams

“Skin Perfector.” “Balance, brighten, renew and protect.” “Anti-aging.” The ads sound too good to be true. BB (stands for beauty balm) and CC (stands for color corrector or complexion corrector) creams claim to be all-in-one moisturizer, concealer, foundation and sometimes sunscreen.