
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 817 - 840 of 862

Consumer Guides

EWG’s Consumer Guide to Seafood

Which fish are richest in healthy omega-3 fatty acids, lowest in mercury contamination and sustainably produced?

Rocket Fuel in Cows' Milk - Perchlorate

Milk from cows raised in some parts of California may expose infants and children to more of a toxic rocket fuel chemical than is considered safe by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the State of Massachusetts, according to unreleased tests by state agriculture officials and independent laboratory tests commissioned by Environmental Working Group (EWG).

Soaking Uncle Sam

Courtesy of U.S. taxpayers, a few hundred farms in Fresno and Kings counties annually get enough water to supply every household in Los Angeles, at pennies on the dollar of the price paid by urban water users. Now they're about to gain control of still more — even though they will need less in the future.

Off the Books II: More Secret Chemicals

Code names for untested chemicals, secret production amounts reported by unnamed companies, discharges of undisclosed amounts of pollutants – these occurrences are not the fantastical inventions of some Dr. Seuss book. These are realities currently allowed under the federal Toxic Substances Control Act, commonly referred to as TSCA, which became law in 1976.

EPA Axes Panel Chair at Request of Chemical Industry Lobbyists

At the request of a chemical industry lobbyist, the Environmental Protection Agency removed the chair of an expert peer review panel charged with setting safe exposure levels for a toxic fire retardant that contaminates human blood and breast milk, according to documents obtained by EWG.

Exposing the Cosmetics Cover-up

At EWG, we know how much you care about the safety of personal care products. Over the next several weeks we will delve deeper into some of the crucial issues surrounding these products. EWG's investigative series, "Exposing the Cosmetics Cover-Up," will take on a wide range of topics that should be on the minds of everyone who uses a personal care product. As EWG has long known — and as leading

EWG's Guide to Infant Formula and Baby Bottles

Liquid infant formula from the top manufacturers is sold in cans lined with a toxic chemical linked to reproductive disorders and neurobehavioral problems in laboratory animals, according to an investigation by Environmental Working Group (EWG). The chemical is almost as common in the packaging of powdered formula, with 4 of the top 5 companies acknowledging its use.

MTBE In Drinking Water

An EWG analysis of data from state environmental agencies finds that drinking water supplies for over 15 million Americans are contaminated with MTBE, a suspected carcinogen added to gasoline that even at trace levels renders water undrinkable due to foul taste and odor.

EWG Tests of Hummus Find High Levels of Glyphosate Weedkiller

The health-food staple hummus and the chickpeas it is made from can be contaminated with high levels of glyphosate, a weedkilling chemical linked to cancer, according to independent laboratory tests commissioned by EWG. The tests also found glyphosate in other kinds of dry and canned beans, dry lentils and garbanzo flour.

Bottled Water Quality Investigation

The bottled water industry promotes an image of purity, but comprehensive testing by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) reveals a surprising array of chemical contaminants in every bottled water brand analyzed, including toxic byproducts of chlorination in Walmart's Sam's Choice and Giant Supermarket's Acadia brands, at levels no different than routinely found in tap water. Several Sam's Choice

FDA Warns Cosmetics Industry to Follow Law on Untested Ingredients

FDA calls industry's bluff on product safety. Acting on a petition filed June 14, 2004 by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) [ view petition], on February 3, 2005 the Food and Drug Administration...

EWG News Roundup (1/17): Asbestos in Children’s Toys, Nitrate in Minnesota’s Drinking Water, Cosmetic Safety Reform in California and More

EWG News Roundup (1/17): Here's some news you can use going into the weekend.

EWG Urges Drinking Water Standards for Teflon Chemical

By Olga V. Naidenko, PhD EWG Senior Scientist Download this letter[PDF] May 21, 2008 Water Docket (2822T) Environmental Protection Agency 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW. Washington, DC 20460 Regarding...

EWG's Report on Cell Phone Radiation

EWG's 2009 Report on cell phone radiation summarizes the state of the science on cell phone radiation and raises concerns about long-term health impacts. Recommendations to reduce exposures for consumers included using a headset or putting the phone into speaker mode.


Mapping PFAS Chemical Contamination at 206 U.S. Military Sites

The Environmental Working Group has identified and mapped 206 military sites in the U.S. where drinking water or groundwater is contaminated with fluorinated chemicals, known as PFAS, at levels that exceed the Environmental Protection Agency's health guideline. But this is only the tip of a toxic iceberg that is largely hidden and still growing.

Throwing Good Money at Bad Land

Thanks to five decades of bad policy decisions, a quirk of geology underlaying hundreds of thousands of acres of California's Central Valley has snowballed into a multi-million dollar taxpayer boondoggle that continues to pose an environmental threat to the fragile San Francisco/San Joaquin Bay-Delta estuary.

EWG News Roundup (1/24): EWG Finds PFAS in Major Cities’ Water, Federal Clean Energy Policies Lag Behind and More

EWG News Roundup (1/24): Here's some news you can use going into the weekend.


FDA's Midnight Mischief Heightens Mercury Risk to Pregnant Women, Infants

Fish is loaded with valuable nutrients, including protein, iron, omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce harmful cholesterol, lower blood pressure and prevent blood clots, and selenium, a trace mineral that helps the body prevent cellular damage. But some ocean-dwelling fish also contain high levels of mercury, a powerful neurotoxin that is especially dangerous to the fetus and infants.

EWG Calls on FDA to Reform Nutrition Facts Labels to Address Added Sugars and Over-fortification of Food

Comments from Environmental Working Group on the Food and Drug Administration proposed revisions to the Nutrition Facts label

EPA’s Risk Assessment is Too Flawed to Proceed

EPA's Risk Assessment is Too Flawed to Proceed - Comments from Environmental Working Group on the EPA's Proposed Decision to Register EnlistTM Herbicide Containing 2,4-D and Glyphosate

Across Generations

The unique bond between a mother and daughter starts in the womb and evolves over a lifetime, as each adapts and grows with the other in an elaborate interplay of nature and nurture. Shared bonds of common genetics and a common environment — their home, the air they breathe, and the food they eat — inextricably link daughters and mothers. Now, new laboratory tests of mothers and their daughters

Freedom to Farm

The "Freedom to Farm" legislation, approved by a partisan vote of the House Agriculture Committee, will be taken up by the House of Representatives soon after it reconvenes on Tuesday, February 27. The Senate has already passed a version of the bill. In its current form, the "Freedom to Farm" bill will be one of the most generous Federal farm subsidy programs ever considered in the U.S. House of

Attack of the Killer Weeds

Section 18 of the Federal Insecticide Fungicide and Rodenticide Act allows the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to grant "emergency" and "crisis" exemptions from pesticide health and safety standards for farmers facing sudden and potentially catastrophic pest infestations. By definition, granting these exemptions is a hurried procedure, accompanied by less than a full scientific study of