
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 193 - 216 of 862

Can EWG staff live a week without canned food? Can you?

In 2007 we tested canned food for BPA because the can linings contain the chemical, and we suspected it might leach into the food. And, as we all know now, it does.
Consumer Guides

EWG's Guide to Safe Drinking Water

Drinking plenty of good, clean water is important for a healthy body.

Brazilian-style Blowouts: Still Poisonous, Still in Salons

Hair straightening sessions are injuring clients and making stylists sick, so why are they still offered in salons across the country?

New EPA data show millions more have ‘forever chemicals’ in drinking water

New data released by the Environmental Protection Agency show 44 million people have toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS in their drinking water after collecting test results from fewer than one...

About 75 percent of sunscreens have inferior sun protection or worrisome ingredients

Today the Environmental Working Group released its 16th annual Guide to Sunscreens, finding that about 75 percent of more than 1,850 products evaluated rate poorly for skin protection from the sun, or...

Fertilizer runoff creates 'Dead Zone' in Gulf

St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Bill Lambrecht Published June 14, 2007 There was hope for a cure down in the Louisiana bayous even as the Gulf of Mexico Dead Zone expanded like a B-movie blob.

Let's Talk Trash

When it comes to food and health, the agriculture system, and consumer choices, the conversation often starts around the dinner table. Laurie David, activist and producer, has written The Family Cooks...

Relax, it's baby safety month

Thanks to Nature's Child for reminding me that September is Baby Safety Month at the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). I feel a little safer now, don't you? So it's no secret that I'm less...

“We put the database together to not stay in our lane,” says Ken Cook about EWG’s decision to initiate the most important ag reform in 20 years.

EWG Comments on Chemical Risk Evaluation Procedures Under New TSCA

EWG has spent over a decade advocating for reforms to strengthen the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). EPA should use its expanded authority to create a robust, data-driven risk evaluation process...

Proposal Would Reform Bloated Crop Insurance Program

Legislation introduced in Congress today would ease the burden placed on taxpayers and the environment by the bloated federal crop insurance program, according to the Environmental Working Group.

Greening Santa's Workshop: Eco gifts in the blogosphere

Now that it's December, I feel safe discussing gifts. Just because my neighbors turn on their life-size candy canes before Thanksgiving doesn't mean I have to think about holiday gifts before the...

EWG News Roundup (Nov. 8): Factory Farms, Nontoxic Cleaning and GMOs

This week, EWG joined forces with our colleagues at Waterkeeper Alliance again to show how industrial animal farms can wreak havoc on public health and the environment. Through startling aerial...

China's great greenwashing

Here, we call them cancer clusters. Their existence is practically denied much of the time, and when it is acknowledged the polluting industries in the neighborhood often deny any culpability. They...

An Important New Reason to Keep Pesticides Away from Children

Despite major improvements in treatment and survival, children's cancer rates are rising in the United States, leaving parents and scientists alike searching for evidence of what's behind the trend. A...

Scorn Storm Continues for Farm Subsidies

Trimming profit-ensuring farm subsidies to the largest growers of cotton, corn and rice continues to be a hot topic since president Obama announced his intentions to reform the wasteful programs...

EWG's Cancer Defense Diet

The foods we eat have a powerful effect on our health. Learn about changes you can make to your diet that can help reduce your risk of cancer through EWG's Cancer Defense Diet.

Making makeup safe for kids

So lets say, hypothetically, that your four year old has begun begging for a play makeup set. Some parents would react with a firm but gentle "no stinkin' way, sweetcheeks." I can understand that...

A closer look at cosmetics safety

Last month, you saw the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics' first video about cosmetics safety, What's going on with toxic chemicals in cosmetics?

Congress, Spare Food Stamps

As the New York Times editorialized on August 17, Congress will soon debate how to trim the nation's agricultural budget by $3 billion dollars. EWG agrees with the Times that Congress should not cut...

New Resource Reveals Widespread Use of Toxic BPA

EWG has uncovered new information about a toxic chemical many of us are buying at the grocery store – and how common it really is.

It's practically summer: Quick, grab the (safe) sunscreen

Every year about this time we get a note from our preschool asking parents to either sign off on the school's sunscreen application regimen (their brand) or to bring your own. We've always brought our...

EWG Seeks Answers About Loophole in Proposed New York Fracking Plan

EWG is requesting records from New York officials to shed light on a potentially glaring loophole in the state's draft plan for regulating high-volume hydraulic fracturing in the event that Gov...