
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 241 - 264 of 413

EWG’s 2016 Dirty Dozen™ List of Pesticides on Produce: Strawberries Most Contaminated, Apples Drop to Second

Conventional strawberries top the Dirty Dozen™ list of EWG's 2016 Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce, displacing apples, which headed the list the last five years running.

Dead Zone Action Needed: EWG Remarks to Hypoxia Task Force

EWG testifies before the Mississippi River/Gulf of Mexico Watershed Nutrient Task Force that farm run-off in the Mississippi River Basin expands the Gulf of Mexico “dead zone.”

There She Goes Again: Duke CEO ‘Not Prepared’ To Embrace the Renewable Energy Future

In an interview last month for TIME, Duke Energy CEO Lynn Good began by saying what a utility executive should say now, as the climate crisis demands a rapid transition to clean, safe, renewable...
Los alimentos para su bebé pueden contener pesticidas potencialmente dañinos, pero las décadas de lucha del Environmental Working Group (Grupo de Trabajo Ambiental, EWG por sus siglas en inglés)  para proteger la salud de los niños han ayudado a eliminar las amenazas más tóxicas provenientes de estos pesticidas.

EWG Announces New Jonas Initiative for Children’s Environmental Health

With the generous support of the Jonas Family Fund, EWG is launching the Jonas Initiative for Children's Environmental Health, redoubling EWG's decades-long commitment to children's environmental...

GAO Calls Reform of Federal Toxics Policy a ‘Top Priority’

In its 2009 ‘High Risk' priority list released yesterday, the General Accountability Office (GAO) has issued a blistering indictment of the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Bush-era lapses from...

Forbidden Fruit | Illegal Pesticides in the US Food Supply

Most people believe that the produce they buy meets pesticide safety standards. But as this study shows, fruits and vegetables with illegal pesticides end up on grocery shelves, in kitchens, and in lunchboxes throughout the country every day. Forbidden Fruit analyzes 14,923 computerized records from the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) routine pesticide monitoring program for the fiscal years

FDA Clears BPA In Cans, Again

The federal Food and Drug Administration has quietly reaffirmed its position that Americans are not being harmed by bisphenol A, a synthetic estrogen that is an essential ingredient of the epoxy...

BPA Update: Tracking the Canned Food Phaseout

For decades, most canned food manufacturers used can linings made of epoxy resin based on bisphenol A, or BPA, making food the primary route of our exposure to this toxic chemical. A robust body of...

Seven Most Common Mistakes When Applying Sunscreen

The good news: you're putting sunscreen on yourself and your kids. The bad news: you might be doing it all wrong. Here are the seven most common mistakes people make when putting on sunscreen – and...

Duke Energy seeks license renewal for its oldest nuclear power plant, vulnerable to damage from nearby dam

Duke Energy has asked federal regulators to renew a 20-year operating license for the utility’s oldest nuclear power plant, which is uniquely vulnerable to potentially catastrophic damage because of...

Another Ethanol Earmark: Bringing Home the Bacon

On Wednesday (Dec 1), 15 senators from Corn Belt states sent a letter to Senate Majority Leader Reid and Minority Leader McConnell asking them to extend the ethanol tax credits and tariff protection...

Calif. Bill Would Be First to Ban Teflon-Like Chemicals from Fast Food Wrappers

Legislation introduced today would make California the first state to ban perfluorinated chemicals, or PFCs, from fast food wrappers and takeout containers.

Landmark BPA Study Finds Troubling Health Effects at FDA’s ‘Safe’ Levels

A groundbreaking new study, the first to test what happens in people immediately after they are exposed to bisphenol A, or BPA, shows that levels at which the federal government states is “safe” and...

Parkinson's and Pesticides

Environmental Working Group President Ken Cook often points out that many pesticides that were once liberally sprayed on food crops and considered perfectly safe turn out to be anything but - after...


EWG’s Healthy Living: Guide to Safer Diapers

Babies and young children typically spend the majority of their first years in diapers. But many disposable diapers contain hazardous chemicals that can harm their health. Scientific assessments of disposable diapers have detected pesticides and chemicals linked to cancer, impaired reproductive development and dermatitis, among other harms.

Removing Toxic Fluorinated Chemicals From Your Home’s Tap Water

The family of fluorinated compounds known as PFAS chemicals includes more than 4,700 chemicals – some linked to cancer, thyroid disease, weakened immunity and developmental defects, and others whose...

Bipartisan Bills Would Require Coordinated Cleanup of PFAS Chemicals at Federal Facilities

A bipartisan group of senators and representatives introduced legislation today to improve cooperation between state regulators and federal agencies, including the Pentagon, to address PFAS...

It's practically summer: Quick, grab the (safe) sunscreen

Every year about this time we get a note from our preschool asking parents to either sign off on the school's sunscreen application regimen (their brand) or to bring your own. We've always brought our...

Statement of Jane Houlihan on Cosmetics Safety

Statement of Jane Houlihan on Cosmetics Safety on the discussion draft of the ‘Food and Drug Administration Globalization Act' Legislation: Device and Cosmetic Safety before the Subcommittee on Health...

The Nation's New Pesticide Law

On August 3,1996, President Clinton signed the Food Quality Protection Act,fundamen tally improving the way that pesticides are regulated in food. The bill passed the House of Representatives on July 23, 1996, by a vote of 417 - 0. It cleared the Senate on July 24, 1996, by unanimous consent.

Fruit leather: A snack sometimes chock full of pesticides and sugar

When parents and caregivers herd kids out the door for an outing, they typically grab snack food on the way. And one of the most convenient is a product kids love – fruit leather.

EWG's Report on Cell Phone Radiation

EWG's 2009 Report on cell phone radiation summarizes the state of the science on cell phone radiation and raises concerns about long-term health impacts. Recommendations to reduce exposures for consumers included using a headset or putting the phone into speaker mode.

Pruitt Scrubs Climate, Renewable Energy Data for State and Local Governments From EPA Website

Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt has wiped much of the information that helps state and local governments fight climate change and invest in renewable energy sources from the agency...