
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 265 - 288 of 413

NIH panel links Vitamin A in sunscreen to skin tumors

A key independent science advisory panel has voted to confirm federal researchers' conclusion that retinyl palmitate, a form of vitamin A found in two-fifths of U.S. sunscreens, speeds the development...

Oral testimony of Heather White on the regulation of new chemicals, protection of confidential business information, and innovation

Oral testimony of Heather White, Executive Director, Environmental Working Group before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on Environment and the Ecomomy...

EWG News Roundup (Nov. 18): Trump, Farms, Food and Drinking Water

It's been a busy week for EWG as we launched our new watchdog initiative, Planet Trump, where we'll provide a steady stream of commentary and analysis highlighting the implications President-elect...

Cosmetics Safety Bill Gains Support from Industry and Advocates

Cosmetics companies and health and consumer advocates are coming together to support the Personal Care Products Safety Act, which would strengthen federal regulations that have remained largely...

Oversight Hearing on The Revised Environmental Impact Statement on Hydraulic Fracturing and New York City's Upstate Drinking Water Supply Infrastructure

Dusty Horwitt, EWG senior counsel, testifies before the New York City Council Committee on Environmental Protection about the health and financial risks of fracking, particularly potential danger to...

Don’t Want to Eat Pruitt’s Pesticide? Here’s What to Avoid

Last week Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt stuck to his long-standing practice of ignoring science, disregarding data that shows the pesticide chlorpyrifos could harm kids'...

Pizza and French Fry Lobbyists Also Speak For Lunch Ladies?

School lunch ladies and frozen pizza and french fry companies have more in common than the food they serve: they have also been represented by the same lobbyists.

Bill Requires California To Test Millions of Children for Lead Exposure

The California state legislature sent Gov. Gavin Newsom a bill that would protect millions of children from the developmental and health impacts of toxic lead exposure. Assembly Bill 2276 addresses...

Is the Chemical Industry Looking for Chemicals in People?

Only a scant number of chemical industry studies documenting Americans' exposures to industrial chemicals appear on public databases maintained by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and even...

Comments for Public Meeting on "International Cooperation on Cosmetics Regulations (ICCR) Preparations"

Comments for the public meeting on "International Cooperation on Cosmetics Regulations (ICCR) Preparations" by Jane Houlihan, Vice President for Research, Environmental Working Group; Washington, DC...

EWG Urges Gov't Panel to Embrace Scientific Research Showing BPA’s Potential Impacts on Human Health

Download a PDF of the letter below, plus attachment. January 25, 2008 Dr. Michael D. Shelby Director Center for the Evaluation of Risks to Human Reproduction National Institute of Environmental Health...

Brain Food

On January 12, 2001, government health officials issued new advisories warning women to limit fish consumption during pregnancy to avoid exposing their unborn children to unsafe levels of methylmercury. Methylmercury can cross the placenta and cause learning deficits and developmental delays in children who are exposed even to relatively low levels in the womb. The principal exposure route for the

EWG News Roundup (8/13): Schools’ Tap Water in the Time of COVID-19, Nitrate Pollution in Minnesota, a Twitter Battle with BP and More

On Monday, EWG released an article on government officials' inadequate guidance about reopening schools safely as the coronavirus pandemic seems to worsen.

CDC: Americans Carry Body Burden of Toxic Sunscreen Chemical

EWG's review of scientific evidence and biomonitoring data for the common sunscreen ingredient oxybenzone.


Federal Scientists Warn NY of Fracking Risks

The U.S. Geological Survey has warned New York state regulators that their plan to allow drilling and hydraulic fracturing for natural gas in the Marcellus Shale could endanger private water wells, municipal aquifers and New York City's drinking water supply.

Study finds new link between lead in private waters wells and juvenile delinquency

A first-time study of the link between early-life exposure to lead in private water wells and juvenile delinquency finds that children who get lead-laced drinking water from private wells have much...

Comments to EPA request premarket safety testing for nanomaterials

EWG opposes an EPA pesticide office plan for conditional registration of a nanoscale silver chemical known as HeiQ AGS-20 and used as an antimicrobial, pesticide and textile preservative. EWG asks the...

El 5 de marzo, los legisladores presentaron dos proyectos de ley que protegerían a los neoyorquinos de los químicos tóxicos en los alimentos. Entre ambos, prohibirían siete sustancias de los alimentos fabricados, distribuidos o vendidos en el estado y requerirían que las empresas hagan nuevas revelaciones sobre los químicos añadidos a los alimentos sin una revisión rigurosa.


We've all seen (or at least heard of) the movie "Erin Brockovich" in which a bold and fiercely determined mom takes on a chemical company for exposing a small town and the families and children that...

EWG's work on toxics and natural resources

Here's a look at what the Environmental Working Group staff has been up to lately, and how our research, advocacy and commentary are being covered in the press.

Gingrich for Free Markets (Except for Corn Ethanol)

The Iowa caucuses are more than a year away but potential 2012 presidential hopefuls are already parachuting into corn country to pander to Big Ag. Perennially coy Newt Gingrich is only the latest to...