
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 313 - 336 of 413

EPA Needs to Set Enforceable Standards for Currently Unregulated Drinking Water Pollutants

Comments to the Environmental Protection Agency Science Advisory Board (SAB), Public Teleconference on the EPA SAB Drinking Water Committee report on EPA's draft Drinking Water Contaminant Candidate...

EWG Celebrates 13 Women Scientists in 2013 Women’s History Month

March is Women's History Month, when the nation honors the many women who have had a lasting impact on American culture, history and women's rights.

Marks the Spot

A little-noticed urge in relicensing of nuclear reactors over the past four years will add 9,000 metric tons to the nation's inventory of high-level nuclear waste, prolonging storage problems through the middle of the century at reactor sites across the country, effectively transforming over a dozen power plants into long term nuclear waste dumps.

EPA Must Abide by the Law and Assess the Full Climate Impacts of Biofuels

Download PDF. American Rivers * Audubon Society * Clean Air Task Force * Clean Water Action * Earthjustice * Environment America * Environmental Working Group * Defenders of Wildlife * Friends of the...

Follow The Food: Ensuring Greater Transparency in our Food Supply

As the 2012 food and farm policy fights heat up, entrepreneurs have some lessons for Washington. These were on full display at a recent TEDx Manhattan conference, where the innovative business leaders...

Food for Thought? Not With the Farm Bill

Sarah (not her real name), was usually one of the best students I met while teaching 8th grade math in a New Orleans public school. When I asked a question, her hand darted into the air as she...

We Already Gave at the (Insurance) Office

At a time when the agriculture economy is white-hot, sending government checks to mega-farms that don't need the money is indefensible. But that hasn't kept leaders of the agricultural community from...

PFAS Contamination of Tap Water Far More Prevalent Than Previously Reported

New laboratory tests commissioned by EWG have for the first time found the toxic fluorinated chemicals known as PFAS in the drinking water of dozens of U.S. cities, including major metropolitan areas...

“Freedom” is Corn Ethanol Propaganda

The new film “Freedom” is an industry bought-and-paid-for infomercial for environmentally destructive corn ethanol, masquerading as a pseudo-documentary on the nation's oil addiction. Josh Tickell won...

EWG Letter to CERHR, Re: Interim Draft Report on Bisphenol A

Download a PDF of this letter. June 20, 2007 Dr. Michael D. Shelby Director Center for the Evaluation of Risks to Human Reproduction National Institute of Environmental Health Services Department of...

EWG Guidance for Industry on Use of Term "Healthy" in the Labeling of Food Products

Below are comments submitted by EWG in response to the Food and Drug Administration's request for input on guidance for the food industry on the use of the term "healthy" on food packaging. -- March 9...

EWG’s News Roundup (10/13): Feds Imperil Children’s Health, Seek Bailout for Coal and Nuke Industries

EWG's News Roundup (10/13): Here's some news you can use going into the weekend.


On The Hook: Commercial Fishing Reaps Billions

U.S. taxpayers doled out more than $6.4 billion in subsidies to the commercial fishing industry between 1996 and 2004, possibly accelerating the ongoing collapse of fish stocks worldwide and adding to the devastation of large ocean fish species.

Gibbons' Fixes Fall Short

Proposed fixes to heavily criticized mining legislation sponsored by U.S. Rep. James A. Gibbons (R-NV) would still cost Nevada schools more than $120 million, slash up to $100 million per year in taxes currently paid by the mining industry, and leave 350 million acres of public property across the West open to development. As amended, the Gibbons bill allows the purchase of existing mining claims
Consumer Guides

EWG’s guide to bug repellents

EWG has updated our guide to bug sprays and repellents to protect your family from bug bites, including those from ticks, mosquitoes and other critters. Use our guide to find the best bug spray and repellent for your family.

EWG Comments on Chemical Risk Evaluation Procedures Under New TSCA

EWG has spent over a decade advocating for reforms to strengthen the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). EPA should use its expanded authority to create a robust, data-driven risk evaluation process...

EWG Comments to EPA on Draft Antimicrobial Rule

Download PDF version. Office of Pesticide Programs Environmental Protection Agency 1200 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, Washington DC 20460-0001 Regarding: Proposed Rule for Data Requirements for Antimicrobial...

Modernizing BPA Standards in Food to Protect Public Health

Comments to the Science Board of the Food and Drug Administration Jane Houlihan, MSCE, Senior Vice President for Research Sonya Lunder, MPH, Senior Analyst Summary Nine months ago this Science Board...

Trump’s War on Children’s Health Escalates at Wheeler’s EPA

Under President Trump, the Environmental Protection Agency has repeatedly betrayed its responsibility to safeguard the health of children. But in recent weeks, the hostile actions of the president and...

An Ill Wind

More than 2.3 million pounds of the acutely toxic pesticide methyl bromide were applied near 455 public schools in California in 1998, according to state records of pesticide use analyzed by the Environmental Working Group. Methyl bromide, a volatile nerve gas, is a Category 1 acute toxin, the most hazardous classification of toxic chemicals, and causes birth defects and brain and nervous system

Pouring It On

Nitrate in drinking water at levels greater than the Federal standard of 10 parts per million (ppm) can cause methemoglobinemia, a potentially fatal condition in infants commonly known as blue-baby syndrome. According to Dr. Burton Kross, of the University of Iowa's Center For International Rural and Environmental Health, nitrate poisoning via drinking water contamination "certainly contributes to