
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 217 - 240 of 413

Chlorinated tap water called risk for pregnant women

San Francisco Chronicle, Jane Kay Published January 9, 2002 Pregnant women who drink chlorinated tap water face a higher risk of miscarriage and birth defects in their newborns despite tougher new...

Four Myths the Ethanol Industry Wants You to Believe

The Renewable Fuels Association, a well-funded lobbyist group for Big Ethanol, recently responded to EWG's report, Ethanol's Broken Promise, by claiming that corn ethanol isn't worse for the climate...

Two Philadelphia Schools Closed After Renovation Reveals Deadly Asbestos

The Philadelphia School District has closed two schools indefinitely after renovations uncovered deadly asbestos. The closure of the schools, housed in the same building, comes just weeks after a...

Internal papers show Syngenta hid risks of widely used pesticide from public, regulators for decades

A trove of internal documents obtained and published by The New Lede show Swiss chemical giant Syngenta knew in the 1960s and 1970s that the widely used weedkiller paraquat could build up in human...

Excessive Vitamins and Minerals in Food Put Millions of Children at Risk

Nearly half of American kids age eight and younger consume potentially harmful amounts of vitamin A, zinc and niacin because of excessive food fortification, outdated nutritional labeling rules and...

Harvard Study: Strong Link Between Fluoridated Water and Bone Cancer in Boys

Boys who drink water with levels of fluoride considered safe by federal guidelines are five times more likely to have a rare bone cancer than boys who drink unfluoridated water, according to a study...

Urgent pleas go unheeded: Advocacy groups challenge California’s handling of lead pipes amid federal funding concerns

Today, a coalition of 22 organizations dedicated to environmental protection, public health, the welfare of low-income communities and children’s health, including the Environmental Working Group...

Experts Denounce FDA Efforts to Weaken Mercury Warnings for Fish Eaters

Download PDF file. Stephen F. Sundlof, DVM, Director Center for Food Safety & Applied Nutrition U.S. Food and Drug Administration 5100 Paint Branch Parkway College Park, MD 20740-3835 RE: Docket [FDA...

The Scariest Trump Appointee You’ve Never Heard Of

The Trump administration just appointed a chemical industry bigwig to a high-level chemical safety position at the Environmental Protection Agency as Deputy Assistant Administrator of the Office of...

Re-doubling my commitment to organic food

There's nothing to make you feel like a dope like a bunch of experts telling you you're wasting your money by buying organic food. And after the recent review of the issue by Stanford University...

EWG Comments on the California Air Resources Board Climate Change Proposed Scoping Plan

Environmental Working Group is a research and advocacy nonprofit with considerable expertise in U.S. agriculture. We are perhaps best known in agriculture policy circles for our Farm Subsidy Database...

Study: Chemists develop promising new method for destroying ‘forever chemicals’

Today, chemists at Northwestern University revealed a new method for destroying the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS. The new method is encouraging, since it does not require high temperatures...

California Green Chemistry rules should be withdrawn

California is supposed to be a leader on all things green. That was certainly Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's message back in September 2008, when he signed two bills (AB 1879 and SB 509) that he said...

Pollution in Minority Newborns

Laboratory tests commissioned by EWG have detected as many as 232 toxic chemicals in cord blood samples collected from 10 minority newborns. Notably these tests show, for the first time, bisphenol A (BPA), a plastic component and synthetic estrogen, in umbilical cord blood of American infants.

EWG Comments on the California Air Resources Board Climate Change Proposed Scoping Plan

Mary D. Nichols, Chairman California Air Resources Board Members & Staff California Air Resources Board 1001 I Street PO Box 2815 Sacramento, CA 95812 Re: The role of agriculture must grow; Comments...

Three Top Scientists Honored with Prestigious Heinz Award

Washington, D.C. -- Among this year's recipients of the prestigious Heinz Family Philanthropies Global Change Awards are three preeminent scientists working to advance our understanding of the impacts...

Data Quality Act Challenge

Dr. David Acheson Chief Medical Officer Office of Science Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition U.S. Food and Drug Administration Harvey W. Wiley Federal Building 5100 Paint Branch Parkway Mail...

Keys to a Healthy Diet

What we eat is directly and intricately linked to our health. Not only can eating right help prevent many of the most burdensome diseases in America today, such as heart disease and diabetes, but it...

New CDC report on pollution in people

By Alex Formuzis, EWG Director of Communications With its fourth and most ambitious edition of its National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals, released today, the U.S. Centers for...

Senator Formaldehyde’s ‘Chemical Safety’ Bill

These days, legislation rarely makes it through Congress without support from interest groups on both sides of the issue, forcing lawmakers to draft bills that are largely balanced. Now, however, the...

FDA test results again downplay risks of ‘forever chemicals’ in food

The Food and Drug Administration’s release today of tests for the presence of the “forever chemicals” known as PFAS in food once again downplays the risks that the substances pose to consumers, with...

Physicians, Makers and Advocates Press For Safer Sunscreens

The coalition led by EWG and dermatologist Steven Q. Wang has asked the FDA to finalize its sunscreen regulations this year and to expedite its review of new ingredients that could enhance the...

California bill to protect children from lead exposure advances to Senate

On May 21, California Assembly lawmakers passed a bill to safeguard children’s health from the lasting and devastating effects of lead exposure through drinking water, an urgent threat in the state.