
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 1 - 24 of 438

Atrazine: A Harmful Weedkiller Taints Tap Water for Millions in U.S.

Atrazine, a widely used agricultural weedkiller that disrupts hormones, contaminates tap water supplies for about 7.6 million Americans at potentially harmful levels. But the federal government is...

EPA Ignores the Science, Dismisses the Risks to Children’s Health From Syngenta’s Atrazine

In a move that echoes pesticide industry wishes, the Environmental Protection Agency chose to ignore recent science and human health studies on atrazine, a weed-killer that turns male frogs into...

EWG Comments on EPA's Draft Human Health Risk Assessment for Atrazine and Draft Cumulative Human Health Risk Assessment for Triazine Herbicides

Attached are EWG's comments to Environmental Protection Agency on the agency's draft human health risk assessment for atrazine and draft cumulative human health risk assessment for triazine herbicides...

From Hair Care to Hamburgers, Companies Get On Board the Transparency Train

Americans want and have a right to know what's in the stuff they buy. Manufacturers and marketers are finally joining the unstoppable movement for product transparency.

Latest Train Derailment Demonstrates Renewable Energy Needed to Protect Water and Environment

EWG Executive Director Heather White said today that Monday's West Virginia oil spill and explosion shows that it's absolutely critical for the U.S. to reduce its dependence on oil and base our future...

Oil and Water Don’t Mix -- Add trains and it’s a disaster waiting to happen

When I heard earlier this week that a train carrying crude oil had derailed and exploded in flames near the West Virginia town of Mount Carbon, I had a sickening feeling of déjà vu.

Toxic threats linger for Ohio community after train derailment spews harmful chemicals

The Ohio town of East Palestine faces an ongoing danger from hazardous chemical pollution after a train derailment earlier this month, putting air and water quality at risk and raising concerns about...

Graver danger from a common herbicide

This is a post by EWG social media intern Howie, who prefers his greens herbicide-free. New research suggests that atrazine, a possible carcinogen and the second most common herbicide used in America...

Hormone-Disrupting Weed Killer Taints Drinking Water for Millions of Americans

Seasonal spikes of atrazine, a weed killer that disrupts hormones and harms the developing fetus, contaminate the drinking water of millions of Americans at potentially hazardous levels as run-off from corn-growing areas finds its way into source waters and reservoirs.

Trump EPA to Weaken Safeguards of Pesticide Linked to Birth Defects, Cancer

The Trump administration announced in a document posted Thursday that it plans to weaken environmental safeguards for atrazine, a weedkilling pesticide linked to birth defects and cancer in humans.

Widely Used Hormone-Disrupting Pesticides Put Millions at Risk

The European Union just banned two agricultural weed killers linked to infertility, reproductive problems and fetal development – the first-ever EU ban on endocrine-disrupting pesticides. That's good...

Trump EPA Proposes To Scrap Protections for Children From Pesticide Linked to Birth Defects, Cancer

The Trump administration today proposed reapproving the pesticide atrazine, an endocrine-disrupting hormone that castrates frogs and is linked to birth defects and cancer in people. It has been banned...

Background Information on Cyanazine

Cyanazine is sold by DuPont Chemical as Bladex, and has been in use since 1971. It is the fourth most widely used synthetic chemical pesticide in U.S. agriculture. An estimated 30-35 million pounds were applied in 1993 (Aspeline 1994), primarily on corn fields to control grasses and broad leaf weeds. Based on information reported by the EPA, the USDA, and others, the use of cyanazine appears to be

Drinking Water and Children’s Health

Toxic pollutants in drinking water are particularly hazardous for children. Compared to adults, children drink more water per pound of body weight, resulting in greater exposure and greater risk. They're also more vulnerable to harmful contaminants because their bodies are still growing and toxic chemicals cause more harm to developing organs and tissues.

Into the Mouths of Babes

n a little-noticed decision earlier this year, the EPA's top scientific committee on children's health declared that protections against the toxic weed killer atrazine in food and water should not be considered safe for infants and children. According to the Office of Children's Health Protection Advisory Committee:

EPA: Popular Weedkiller Threatens Wildlife

The Environmental Protection Agency on Thursday (June 2) released a draft risk assessment confirming what some scientists have been warning for years: the weedkiller atrazine likely poses a risk to...

Hormone-Disrupting Weed Killer Taints Tap Water for Millions in Corn Belt

Seasonal spikes of atrazine – a weed killer that can disrupt hormones and harm developing fetuses – contaminate drinking water in corn-growing areas of the Midwest and beyond, according to an analysis...


Setting the Record Straight

EWG's response to a pesticide industry-funded 'critique' of their report Tap Water Blues, which documented public health risks from drinking water contaminated with herbicides.

A Hormone-Disrupting Weed Killer May Be in Your Tap Water. Here’s What to Do About It

As a child, I thought anybody who refused to drink tap water was just too picky. But once you learn about the array of potentially harmful chemicals in U.S. tap water, you realize it's smart to...

California Slaps Health Warning Label on Popular Weed Killer

The most commonly found pesticide in U.S. ground and surface water – a toxic weed killer called atrazine – will now have to carry a warning label in the most populated state in the country.

Frog researcher lectures Mayo Clinic docs on widely used weed-killer

Doctors at the Mayo Clinic heard a dire warning on the possible link between a widely used weed-killer and cancer. In a forum usually reserved for medical researchers, amphibian endocrinologist Tyrone...

GMOs Haven’t Cut Weedkiller Use

Monsanto marketed its potent weed killer glyphosate – brand name Roundup -- and the corn and soybeans genetically engineered to withstand it by claiming that it would replace other, more toxic weed...


Weed Killers By The Glass

Beginning on May 15, 1995, a network of environmental organizations began testing tap water for weed killers in cities across the U.S. Corn Belt, in Louisiana, and in Maryland. Samples were collected every three days from people's homes or offices. Samples collected were sent to the Iowa State Hygienic Lab and analyzed for the presence of atrazine and cyanazine, two of the most heavily used