
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 241 - 264 of 438

Trump’s USDA Wants To Kick 750,000 Americans Off Food Stamps, While Many Farmers Have Gotten Subsidies for Decades

A Trump administration proposal could force 750,000 low-income Americans to lose their meager federal food assistance – a cruel contrast to federal farm subsidies, which tens of thousands of farmers...

7 Reasons Your Family May Want To Become Vegetarian

You've likely heard that eating meat and poultry isn't good for your health or the planet. Recent news from Washington may make meat even less palatable: Pork inspections may be taken over by the...

America Needs a True Renewable Energy Policy

Finding ways to reduce fossil fuel use and greenhouse gas emissions while producing enough energy to support economic development worldwide is this century's preeminent challenge. We must meet this...

Mapping the PFAS Contamination Crisis: New Data Show 610 Sites in 43 States

The known extent of contamination of American communities with the highly toxic fluorinated compounds known as PFAS continues to grow at an alarming rate. As of March 2019, 610 locations in 43 states are now known to be affected, including drinking water systems serving an estimated 19 million people.

Secret Lobby for Secret Safety Net

Few Americans know that taxpayers finance a $90 billion crop insurance program that provides millions in subsidies to highly profitable farm businesses and insurance companies. And even fewer know...

California Law Bans Toxic PFAS From Firefighting Foam

California Gov. Gavin Newson signed into law a measure to ban the toxic fluorinated chemicals known as PFAS from firefighting foams. PFAS-based firefighting foams – known as aqueous film-fighting foam...

Study: Lead detected in more than half of U.S. kids under age 6

A new study of children in every U.S. state and the District of Columbia finds more than half had detectable levels of lead in their blood. The proportion of children with lead in their blood...

‘Forever chemicals’ contamination at Defense Department sites threatens Great Lakes fish and residents

Groundwater from at least six Defense Department sites in the Great Lakes region is contaminated with high levels of the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS, according to DOD records obtained by...

For decades, the department of defense knew firefighting foams with ‘forever chemicals’ were dangerous but continued their use

As far back as the 1970s, studies conducted by the Department of Defense showed that the firefighting foam used on military bases and ships known as aqueous film-forming foam, or AFFF, that contain the fluorinated chemicals now known as PFAS were toxic.

Mother's Milk

In the first nationwide tests for chemical fire retardants in the breast milk of American women, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) found unexpectedly high levels of these little-known neurotoxic chemicals in every participant tested.

Will GMO Labeling 'Win' Be Undermined by Loopholes?

For a variety of reasons, EWG does not support the Roberts-Stabenow legislation to establish mandatory, federal labeling of genetically engineered food. That said, we are grateful to many members of...

It’s Time To Designate PFAS a “Hazardous Substance”

Per-and polyfluorinated substances, known as PFAS, are often characterized as “emerging contaminants.” However, ask the residents living in the communities polluted by decades of unregulated...

Safety investigation faults PG&E’s failure to maintain aging infrastructure against wildfire risks

Pacific Gas & Electric’s aging and unmaintained infrastructure is a driving factor in the threat of California wildfires, an independent investigator found.

EWG Meat Eater’s Guide Spotlights Beef’s Outsize Carbon Footprint

The Environmental Working Group today released its groundbreaking Meat Eater's Guide to Climate Change and Health, a powerful, multi-featured tool that allows both consumers and experts to understand...

First Do No Harm

Foreword If you have to be hospitalized in the United States it’s going to run you (or your insurance company) about 930 bucks a day, on average. Would you be willing to pay 93 cents more—that’s right, 93 cents, not much more than you’d pay for a candy bar down at the gift shop––so that the hospital you’re in could “afford” to stop polluting the air with one of the most potent toxic substances

PFAS news roundup

July 23: California proposes bold public health goals for PFAS in water, House passes PFAS Action Act with bipartisan support and more

California School District Cleans Up - With CLASS

When school purchasing agent Dawn Everson came across a program called CLASS - "Cleaning for Asthma-Safe Schools" - she recognized a great opportunity for the Manteca Unified School District.

Will the Obama Administration Give Cotton Growers a New $10 Billion Subsidy?

The price tag for subsidizing cottonseed turns out to be a whopping $10 billion over the next 10 years. The cotton industry wants to take that big chunk of change out of the pockets of taxpayers who...


Iowa’s Private Wells Contaminated by Nitrate and Bacteria

Des Moines Water Works has struggled for years to provide safe drinking water to its customers, battling nitrate contamination from upstream farms. But contamination from agricultural practices may be even worse for the estimated 230,000 to 290,000 Iowans whose drinking water comes from private wells, an investigation by Environmental Working Group and Iowa Environmental Council finds.

Industrial Animal Agriculture Poses Serious Threats to Human Health

For people who live near industrial animal feedlots, the stench, flies and day-and-night rumbling of trucks are more than a nuisance that impairs the use and enjoyment of their own property...

America Needs a True Renewable Energy Policy

Finding ways to reduce fossil fuel use and greenhouse gas emissions while producing enough energy to support economic development worldwide is this century's preeminent challenge. We must meet this challenge while simultaneously reducing environmental degradation, poverty and hunger. The United States must make a sustained commitment to invest in and develop renewable energy sources that

When Are Antibiotic-Resistant Microbes "Superbugs?"

Last week, the Environmental Working Group released a report analyzing antibiotic resistance of bacteria detected in supermarket meat. We unearthed data buried deep in the annual report of theNational...


Potassium Bromate

Few foods evoke an image of wholesomeness like fresh-baked bread. But the flour used in many commercial baked goods may include an additive that's been linked to cancer.

How the EPA Should Act To Protect Americans From Toxic PFAS Chemicals

The toxic chemicals known as PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) are a national crisis demanding national action.