
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 265 - 288 of 438

Tests Find Toxic ‘Forever Chemicals’ in Drinking Water at Rhode Island Army Installations

Drinking water supplies at two Army installations in Rhode Island are contaminated with elevated levels of toxic fluorinated chemicals called PFAS, according to newly released Department of Defense...

How the EPA Should Act To Protect Americans From Toxic PFAS Chemicals

The toxic chemicals known as PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) are a national crisis demanding national action.

Nation's Pediatricians Warn Against Pesticides in Food

The American Academy of Pediatrics has taken the unprecedented step of issuing a policy statement that calls on the government, schools, parents and medical professionals to take concerted action to...

Potassium Bromate

Few foods evoke an image of wholesomeness like fresh-baked bread. But the flour used in many commercial baked goods may include an additive that's been linked to cancer.

100% DEET: Good Bug Protection Or Bad Idea?

EWG's science review concluded that although DEET certainly isn't perfect, its safety profile is actually better than a lot of people think. Given that DEET is highly effective, reasonably safe and...

New Studies Trace PFC Pollution from Sources to the Next Generation

Fluorine-based chemicals that can cause cancer, developmental toxicity and numerous other detrimental health effects have contaminated the drinking water of millions of Americans, and the blood of...

Homes That Make More Energy Than They Use Quickly Pay Back Added Costs

Efficiency should be the core of national, state and local energy policy. The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy estimates that, since 1990, advances in energy efficiency have supplanted...

EWG Letter to CERHR, Re: Interim Draft Report on Bisphenol A

Download a PDF of this letter. June 20, 2007 Dr. Michael D. Shelby Director Center for the Evaluation of Risks to Human Reproduction National Institute of Environmental Health Services Department of...

Protecting kids from wireless radiation in school and at home

Children are almost constantly exposed to wireless radiation, starting as early as the first weeks of life. As they get older, that exposure grows every day, thanks to the widespread use of...

News from Ground Control: Planet Trump (Feb. 24)

Last Friday, in a near party-line vote, the Senate confirmed Scott Pruitt as the new Environmental Protection Agency administrator. A swell of controversy surrounded the decision, with an Oklahoma...

EWG statement on EPA inspector general report urging scientific integrity

Yesterday the Environmental Protection Agency’s inspector general released a new report, “Report Investigation: Whistleblower Reprisal Investigation.”

The Great Food Divide

The fortunate among us need never struggle with either hunger or obesity. This morning my healthy 3-year old had yogurt, a banana and scrambled egg whites for breakfast before beginning her day. But...

Mapping a Contamination Crisis

The known extent of the contamination of U.S. communities with PFCs – highly fluorinated toxic chemicals, also known as PFASs, that have been linked to cancer, thyroid disease, weakened immunity and other health problems – continues to expand with no end in sight. New research from EWG and Northeastern University in Boston details PFC pollution in tap water supplies for 15 million Americans in 27

Tell Congress: Pass the Healthy, Hunger-free Kids Act

With the aftershocks from this month's midterm election still reverberating around the nation, the "lame-duck" Congress returning to Washington for one last week's work is largely ready to punt most...

Think U.S. Agriculture Will End World Hunger? Think Again, Says New Report

U.S. agribusiness spokesmen routinely defend practices that pollute air and water, and destroy soil by claiming that American farmers are doing what it takes to “feed the world.”

Big Ag Doesn’t Want You to Know About Pesticides on Produce

Nothing sets off the chemical agriculture industry like questioning its heavy dependence on toxic pesticides. Every year, when EWG releases our Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce, the Alliance...

The Pollution in People: Flame Retardants in Gymnasts

A new study bolstered evidence that gymnasts are highly exposed to fire retardant chemicals in landing mats and foam cubes in landing pits used to practice tumbling and vaults.

California Bill To Ban Toxic PFAS From Firefighting Foam Heads to Governor

The California legislature approved a measure to address the growing contamination crisis of toxic fluorinated chemicals known as PFAS. The bill would ban the chemicals in PFAS-based firefighting...


EWG Assessment of EPA Draft Human Health Risk Assessment for the Teflon Chemical PFOA

An Environmental Working Group (EWG) analysis of the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) newly released draft human health risk assessment for the Teflon chemical (C-8, APFO, or PFOA) shows that the Agency has dramatically underestimated human health risks from exposures to this ubiquitous, persistent toxic chemical (EPA 2005). The Agency substantially tilts the assessment in DuPont's favor

Latest nuclear power boondoggle barrels toward North Carolina

Lawmakers in North Carolina may soon make the misguided step of designating nuclear power “clean energy,” a change that would encourage Duke Energy’s foolhardy plan to throw away millions or even...

California Bills Would Ban ‘Forever Chemicals’ in Firefighting Foam, Expand Testing of Water for All PFAS Chemicals

On Tuesday the California Senate introduced two bills to address the growing contamination crisis of toxic fluorinated chemicals known as PFAS. One bill would ban the chemicals in firefighting foam –...

Are Pesticide Sprayers "Health Experts?" Seriously?

New online videos from a chemical agribusiness front group show conventional growers straining to convince consumers that it's just fine to eat bug killers and weed killers.

Tests Find Toxic ‘Forever Chemicals’ at 10 Oregon Army Installations

Drinking water supplies at 10 Army installations in Oregon are contaminated with the toxic fluorinated chemicals called PFAS, according to newly released Department of Defense data obtained by EWG...

Yes we can - and should - make our food safer

We're all used to hearing Big Food and Big Ag brag about America having "the safest food supply in the world," usually as a warm-up for complaining that EWG and other critics of our food system are...