
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 289 - 312 of 438

Red State Welfare

The New York Times, Timothy Egan Published June 27, 2007 Drive across the empty reaches of the Great Plains, from the lost promise of Valentine, Neb., to the shadowless side roads into Sunray, Tex...

Yes We Can - And Should - Make Our Food Safer

We're all used to hearing Big Food and Big Ag brag about America having "the safest food supply in the world," usually as a warm-up for complaining that EWG and other critics of our food system are...

Five Tips To Protect Kids from Cellphone Radiation During Holiday Travel

If you're traveling this holiday season, chances are your kid will have a device in their lap for at least part of the trip. Don't feel bad. We get it. Traveling with kids requires backup.

Another one bites the dust

Glen Martin, one of the best environmental reporters in California, has written his last story for the San Francisco Chronicle. Glen was one of EWG's favorite journalists. He dug deep into our Farm...

GAO Knocks EPA Tap Water Monitoring

A new report from Government Accountability Office, Congress's investigative arm, shows that a number of states have made serious errors in tap water safety data reporting. GAO attributed the lapses...

Fertilizer runoff creates 'Dead Zone' in Gulf

St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Bill Lambrecht Published June 14, 2007 There was hope for a cure down in the Louisiana bayous even as the Gulf of Mexico Dead Zone expanded like a B-movie blob.

Good Food on a Tight Budget: EWG’s New Easy-to-Use Guide

In an era of rising food prices and economic strains that have put one in four people on federal nutrition assistance, nearly all Americans must search for foods that are nutritious and affordable. To...

Roundup at Recess? How to Get Cancer-Causing Pesticides Off Your Local Playground

Two University of California, Berkeley alumnae recently succeeded in convincing the entire UC system to suspend its use of the cancer-causing pesticide glyphosate in its landscaping. If they can do...


Power Drain

Every year, the Central Valley Project (CVP) moves more than 2 trillion gallons of water - about 18 percent of California's fresh water supply - to thousands of farms in the state's arid heartland. Massive pumps push the water through 1,437 miles of canals. The electricity used in one year to move water around the CVP would power all of the homes in Chico for more than 18 months, and at current

Pollution in people: It's an inside job

Beverly Wright has done battle with oil refineries and landfills. She has dug her New Orleans East neighborhood out from under tons of contaminated sludge smeared across the landscape by Hurricane...

Follow The Food: Ensuring Greater Transparency in our Food Supply

As the 2012 food and farm policy fights heat up, entrepreneurs have some lessons for Washington. These were on full display at a recent TEDx Manhattan conference, where the innovative business leaders...

Toxic Beaches

Either toxic algae or potentially dangerous fecal bacteria forced the closure of at least 116 U.S. beaches this spring and summer and triggered health warnings at 162 more, according to a new analysis by the Environmental Working Group.
Big Sky Country has a big air pollution problem, thanks to cryptocurrency mining. Air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise as a result of flaring, coal-fired power plants and other energy sources working 24 hours a day, seven days a week, just to “mine” bitcoin.

Butch, Sundance & BPA

You remember the final scene: Butch and Sundance, hopelessly cornered and surrounded by the Bolivian army, are stubbornly confident that they'll escape to make their way to sanctuary in Australia. It...

Tyson Foods sued over deceptive ‘net-zero’ and ‘climate-smart’ marketing claims

An environmental and consumer organization filed a lawsuit today against Tyson Foods, Inc., the second largest meat company in the U.S. and the world, accusing the company of making “false or...

Five Tips To Protect Kids from Cellphone Radiation During Holiday Travel

If you're traveling this holiday season, chances are your kid will have a device in his or her lap for at least part of the trip. Don't feel bad. We get it. Traveling with kids is harder than lifting...

New PFAS Detections Reported at 90 Additional Army Installations

Drinking water supplies at an additional 90 current and former Army and Army National Guard installations nationwide are contaminated with the toxic fluorinated chemicals called PFAS, according to...

Five ways a hidden Pentagon health study undercounts ‘forever chemicals’ risks

The Defense Department may be underestimating by hundreds of thousands the number of people at military installations drinking water contaminated with the “forever chemicals” known as PFAS. The DOD’s...

Chef Ann Cooper's School Salad Bar Salvo

In the months since we spoke with Chef Ann Cooper about her school lunch project, she's been crafting a new plan to get healthy foods into the mouths of America's kids.

Update: Mapping the Expanding PFAS Crisis

The latest update of an interactive map by EWG and the Social Science Environmental Health Research Institute at Northeastern University documents publicly known PFAS pollution from 94 sites in 22 states, including industrial plants and dumps, military air bases, civilian airports and fire training sites. It also shows PFAS pollution of tap water for 16 million people in 33 states and Puerto Rico.

EWG's Top 10 Good Environmental News Stories of 2010

Ok, our list of the "worst" environmental stories of the year was a bit of a downer. So here are EWG's Top 10 good environmental news stories.

EWG joins allies in promoting smart transportation planning for the 21st century

Download PDF. United States Senate Washington, DC 20510 Dear Senator, The 102 undersigned national, regional and local organizations write to request your support for S. 1036, the Federal...

Massive Brunswick PFAS spill is Maine’s largest ever firefighting foam contamination

A malfunction unleashed a staggering 51,450 gallons of firefighting foam made with the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS in Brunswick, Maine. It’s the largest accidental spill of such foam in...