
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 361 - 384 of 438

EWG News Roundup (2/5): Investigation Finds Toxic Heavy Metals in Baby Food, the Recent History of USDA Discrimination Against Black Farmers and More

On Thursday, a congressional investigation revealed it had found that a number of widely sold baby food brands are tainted with dangerous levels of toxic heavy metals, including arsenic, lead, cadmium...


Monsanto in Alabama

Documents obtained by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) through Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests and a review of court records show that a federal cleanup agreement between Monsanto and the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) changed significantly in Monsanto's favor just seven days after Administrator Christine Todd Whitman received a “briefing” she had requested on the company

EWG Urges Ban On Toxic Soft Soap Additive

EWG urges EPA to work with FDA to ban all non-medical uses of triclosan, an antibacterial additive and potent hormone disruptor. In a letter to EPA's pesticide division EWG outlines new evidence that...


Rocket Fuel in Drinking Water

Drinking water for more than 20 million Americans is contaminated with a toxic legacy of the Cold War: Perchlorate interferes with normal thyroid function, may cause cancer and persists indefinitely in the environment, but is currently unregulated by state or federal authorities.

What Scientists Say About Vitamin A in Sunscreen

New sunscreen rules will do away with the worst hype in sunscreen marketing. But they don't address concerns about ingredient safety, particularly a form of vitamin A which has become common in sunscreen and other skin products.

For half a century, the chemical industry has waged a high-stakes, high-priced public relations war against the American public. The industry has used every trick in the PR business with polling, focus groups, news media outreach, propaganda materials such as videos, pamphlets and speakers' programs, paid advertising, promotion of pro-industry scientific experts and research, and most of all, greenwashing - PR campaigns that hype chemical makers' "environmental commitment" while hiding the truth about their toxic pollution.

The Pentagon’s toxic ‘forever chemicals’ waste could be burning near your home

Industrial facilities across the country could be unwittingly burning the Pentagon’s legacy firefighting foam, according to an analysis of Pentagon records. The firefighting foam is made with the...

The High Cost of Algae Blooms in U.S. Waters

Communities across the United States have spent more than $1 billion since 2010 dealing with outbreaks of potentially toxic algae in lakes, rivers, bays and drinking water supplies, according to an analysis by the Environmental Working Group.

Experts Denounce FDA Efforts to Weaken Mercury Warnings for Fish Eaters

Download PDF file. Stephen F. Sundlof, DVM, Director Center for Food Safety & Applied Nutrition U.S. Food and Drug Administration 5100 Paint Branch Parkway College Park, MD 20740-3835 RE: Docket [FDA...

EWG Urges EPA: Protect Public from Chromium-6 in Tap Water

EWG submits comments on EPA's IRIS program draft toxicological review of hexavalent chromium.

Letter to Society of Toxicology

EWG is a non-profit public health watchdog organization. We are writing to alert you that a current Society of Toxicology (SOT) member, Dr. Dennis Paustenbach, has committed a serious violation of the...

Nurses' Health

Caring for patients during a typical workday, nurses handle dozens of chemicals, drugs, and other agents that are designed to prevent, diagnose, control, or cure diseases and other health conditions. These therapeutic agents can heal, but have side effects as well. For most patients, the benefits of tightly controlled doses usually outweigh the risks. But the same may not be true for nurses.

Wellness Chat: The Environment and Breast Health

We close out breast cancer awareness month with insights from one of the leading scientists in the field of breast cancer research, Ruthann Rudel.


Will the Real Ethanol Beneficiaries Please Stand Up?

Eight years ago, the ethanol industry was keeping up the pretence that corn ethanol was a “bridge” to advanced biofuels. But figures like these, derived from the Renewable Fuels Association's (RFA) own Annual Industry Outlook, tell a different story.

Fire Retardants in Toddlers and Their Mothers

In thehe first investigation of toxic fire retardants in parents and their children, EWG found that toddlers and preschoolers typically had 3 times as much of these hormone-disrupting chemicals in their blood as their mothers.

EWG Comments to BPA Advisory Panel

BPA Experts Find Hundreds of Errors in Government Assessment Download a PDF of EWG's comments below, or view the press release. August 6, 2007 Dr. Michael D. Shelby Director Center for the Evaluation...

EWG News Roundup (4/5): EPA Chief Dodges Questions, Big Pork Will Make Its Own Food Safety Inspections, Why Trump Hates Wind and More

Environmental Protection Agency chief Andrew Wheeler made the rounds of Capitol Hill this week, displaying twice his questionable commitment to protecting Americans' public health.

Consumer Guides

EWG’s Consumer Guide to Seafood

Which fish are richest in healthy omega-3 fatty acids, lowest in mercury contamination and sustainably produced?

EWG Debunks Ethanol Lobby's Push For Clean Air Act Waiver

LINK: Science Analysis - Ethanol Health Risks and Engine Damage The Honorable Lisa Jackson Administrator U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20460 Subject...

Men's Health

Most men know by now that good lifestyle choices – such as exercising regularly, eating a healthy diet, not smoking and drinking in moderation – make a big difference in staying healthy. Men may too often ignore these sensible recommendations, but it's not because they're not aware of them.

Trump’s Toxic Wake: 10 Ways the EPA Has Made Life More Hazardous

From the beginning, the Trump administration has aggressively slashed environmental regulations. A New York Times analysis identified 100 environmental protections that have been reversed or are in...