
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 49 - 72 of 438

EWG’s Tap Water Database Drives Research, Public Awareness

Since 2005, Environmental Working Group's Tap Water Database has been the authoritative source for consumers, journalists and researchers who want to know about contaminants in the nation's drinking...


Rethinking Carcinogens

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. That old adage is certainly true for cancer. Despite great advances in treatments and therapies, preventing the disease from ever occurring will always be the best option.

Five Reasons a Pruitt EPA Would Threaten Public Health

President-elect Donald Trump's nominee to run the Environmental Protection Agency is a notorious opponent of efforts to cut carbon pollution that causes climate change. The nominee, Scott Pruitt, has...

Home Antibacterials Raise FDA Concerns

An FDA panel is examining possible health concerns associated with antibacterial soaps, wipes and other household products. The market is booming for these germ-killers, but home use might be creating...

RAN's World Rainforest Week

Currently, about 40 million acres of rainforest are lost annually, even though they are home to to five to ten million plant and animal species. In addition to their role as diverse habitats...

How to Prevent Dangerous Salmonella Infections in Children

Antibiotic resistant salmonella “superbugs” in poultry are creating a public health crisis for children as strains become resistant to amoxicillin

Inconvenient Truth 2 with Cameron Diaz?

Al Gore's Nashville-based Climate Project expects to train well over 1,000 volunteers to be effective messengers of climate change science through slideshow presentations. Al's use of the slideshow...

GMO Labeling Urgent As USDA Frees Growers to Use New Monsanto GMO Corn

The U.S. Department of Agriculture said this week (March 23) it will allow farmers to plant a new strain of genetically modified (GMO) corn created by Monsanto to be tolerant of the week killers...

D.C. sues baby food company for misleading parents about its products’ safety

The attorney general of Washington, D.C., has filed a lawsuit against the nation’s second-largest manufacturer of baby food, Beech-Nut, for knowingly making false claims about the presence of heavy...

Is Fluoride in Drinking Water Healthy for Kids?

EWG recommends breastfeeding if possible for at least the first 12 months of life.

EWG Donor Exclusive

EWG couldn't do all of our great work without your support. As a small show of appreciation, we're sharing with you this special recipe and photo album from our San Francisco Earth Dinner.

EWG’s Answers to Chemical Agribusiness

The Alliance for Food and Farming, an agribusiness group representing the bulk of conventional produce growers in California - and seemingly the only organization in existence that doesn't want people...

USDA sides with EWG on E. coli

The food poisoning test that ABC News Correspondent John Stossel used to allege that organic food "could kill you" cannot definitively prove any risk of food poisoning, according to a letter issued by...

Trump’s Toxic Wake: 8 Ways the President Made Chemicals Less Safe in 2017

In his first year in office, President Trump has wreaked devastating damage on public health protections against hazardous chemicals Photo credit:

Organic farmed fish a contradiction in terms

Can fish really be “organic?” Well, that depends how the USDA shapes that definition in the coming years. Currently the agency has no standards for what qualifies a fish as organic and it seems they...

The Guide: Good Food on a Tight Budget

Environmental Working Group's researchers have created Good Food on a Tight Budget, a science-based shopping guide of the top 100 foods that are healthy, cheap, clean and green. Here are the files for...

Your body. My body. The Body Toxic.

Like many parents of young children, I don't read books cover-to-cover much anymore. So it was with great pleasure that I read even the appendices in Nena Baker's new book, The Body Toxic: How the...

Salmonella Outbreak Raises Concern About Thanksgiving Turkey

With Thanksgiving less than a week away, news of a salmonella outbreak in turkey is a serious concern.

Trump Wants To Let Big Hog Farmers Decide If Pork Is Safe

The Trump administration plans to let the pork industry take over inspections of meat from industrial-scale hog farms, including all tests for deadly pathogens that sicken half a million Americans a...

How to Mix Your Baby’s Formula with Safe Water

One in every four American newborns consumes formula from birth. Around two-thirds of these babies drink some formula by the time they are three months old.

EPA Chief: Environmental and Public Health Rollbacks ‘Make Things Better’

Environmental Protection Agency chief Andrew Wheeler told a Senate oversight committee today that the scores of rollbacks of environmental and public health regulations under the Trump administration...

Are food and consumer product chemicals contributing to our obesity crisis?

The food industry insists America’s obesity crisis can be chalked up to simple math – people eat too much and exercise too little.

New EWG Map: 305 Military Sites That Used PFAS-based Firefighting Foam

Environmental Working Group today published a map of 305 military installations that used the firefighting foams made with the toxic fluorinated chemicals called PFAS, which have likely contaminated...

Don’t Waste Conservation Dollars on Concentrated Animal Waste!

Raising animals in concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) is bad for public health and the environment.