
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 49 - 72 of 267

How to Prevent Dangerous Salmonella Infections in Children

Antibiotic resistant salmonella “superbugs” in poultry are creating a public health crisis for children as strains become resistant to amoxicillin

FDA Plan For Livestock Antibiotics Phase-Out Is Too Little, Too Late

The federal Food and Drug Administration's call for the livestock industry to voluntarily stop dosing healthy animals with antibiotics is “is long overdue and inadequate”, Heather White, executive...

Healthy Home Tip 5: Another reason to wash those hands

With one case of kid flu and another serious case of coughing and sneezing in the house this week, our family is hand washing like never before. Parents included.

Less Farm Pollution, More Clean Water

The federal farm bill is scheduled for reauthorization in 2018. The conservation title of a new farm bill is a remarkable opportunity to jump-start progress toward clean water, clean air and a better quality of life for both rural and urban Americans – but only if we are ambitious and reach for fundamental changes in the title.

Across U.S., Eruptions of Toxic Algae Plague Lakes, Threatening Drinking Water and Recreation

Microcystins are poisonous toxins that can form in blooms of blue-green algae. In recent years, algae blooms – actually microscopic bacteria called cyanobacteria – have erupted in hundreds of lakes nationwide, putting at risk Americans whose drinking water comes from those lakes, or who swim, ski or fish in them. If ingested, microcystins can cause adverse health effects in people and animals

Removing Toxic Fluorinated Chemicals From Your Home’s Tap Water

The family of fluorinated compounds known as PFAS chemicals includes more than 4,700 chemicals – some linked to cancer, thyroid disease, weakened immunity and developmental defects, and others whose...

EWG News Roundup (7/20): The Best Bug Repellents, Lead in Schools’ Tap Water and More

EWG News Roundup (7/20): Here's some news you can use going into the weekend.

When Are Antibiotic-Resistant Microbes "Superbugs?"

Last week, the Environmental Working Group released a report analyzing antibiotic resistance of bacteria detected in supermarket meat. We unearthed data buried deep in the annual report of theNational...


Tap Water for 500,000 Minnesotans Contaminated With Elevated Levels of Nitrate

Drinking water for an estimated half a million Minnesotans is drawn from groundwater contaminated with elevated levels of nitrate, a toxic pollutant that is linked to cancer and is especially dangerous for infants, according to an EWG analysis of federal and state test data.

Duke University Study: N.C. Residents Living Near Large Hog Farms Have Elevated Disease, Death Risks

Residents of communities near industrial-scale hog farms in North Carolina face an increased risk of potentially deadly diseases, Duke University scientists reported in a study released this week.

E. coli from factory farms threatens America's leafy greens

A single enormous cattle feeding operation potentially threatens the safety of thousands of acres of leafy greens grown in the U.S. during the colder months, an EWG analysis shows.

When Are Antibiotic-Resistant Microbes "Superbugs?"

Our report struck at nerve at FDA. The agency issued a statement calling it “misleading” and “alarmist.” You can read our full response here. Essentially, the FDA argued that antibiotic-resistance to...


Pesticide in Soap, Toothpaste and Breast Milk - Is It Kid-Safe?

With no assessment of health risks to infants, federal regulators have approved a hormone-disrupting pesticide, triclosan, for use in 140 different types of consumer products including liquid hand soap, toothpaste, undergarments and children's toys. This exposure has been allowed despite the fact that the chemical ends up in mothers' breast milk and poses potential toxicity to fetal and childhood

Case Study: Iowa Cities Struggle to Keep Farm Pollution Out of Tap Water

The Raccoon River in central Iowa runs through one of the most intensely farmed regions of the nation. Agriculture is vital to the area's economy, but polluted runoff from farms poses an acute threat to residents' tap water – and a daunting challenge to utilities struggling to keep the water clean.

Iowa’s Private Wells Overrun With Agricultural Contaminants

Private wells across Iowa are contaminated with unsafe levels of two agricultural contaminants, according to an investigation by the Environmental Working Group and the Iowa Environmental Council.

Study: Nitrate in Wisconsin’s Drinking Water Linked to Cancer, Preterm Births and Up To $74 Million in Yearly Healthcare Costs

Nitrate contamination of drinking water in Wisconsin may cause nearly 300 cases a year of colorectal and other cancers and increase the risk of very premature births, very low birth weight and birth...

GMO Ag Company Touts Seed Corn With A Bug Zapper in Every Bite

Pesticide and chemical companies battling California's Proposition 37, to require labeling of genetically engineered foods, are telling Californians these genetically engineered foods are perfectly...

Rural Iowans Feel the Brunt of Unregulated Ag Pollution

The major role that rural voters played in recent elections has amped up the focus on farm country from politicians and candidates on both sides of the aisle. In the runup to 2020, presidential...

Give Us a Fake

Based on the evidence presented, the millions who watched the original broadcast might well have answered Walters' questions in the affirmative. After viewing the segment, Walters said she might “cry.” The ABC News investigation seemed to offer compelling proof that millions of consumers were very wrong, indeed, about the benefits of organic food. Even more consumers saw the program when ABC News

EWG Urges Drinking Water Standards for Teflon Chemical

By Olga V. Naidenko, PhD EWG Senior Scientist Download this letter[PDF] May 21, 2008 Water Docket (2822T) Environmental Protection Agency 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW. Washington, DC 20460 Regarding...

Double trouble: Wisconsin's land and water are inundated with pollution from animal manure and excess farm fertilizer

A new investigation by the Environmental Working Group and Midwest Environmental Advocates finds that in nine Wisconsin counties, farmers are overapplying both commercial fertilizer and animal manure to their cropland, causing a crisis of land and water pollution from the chemicals nitrogen and phosphorus.