
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 73 - 96 of 267

How conventional hog farms pass the baton of antibiotic resistance

Researchers at the University of Illinois have concluded that antibiotic resistance created by the nearly ubiquitous use of antibiotics on large-scale hog farms is being transferred between organisms...

EWG News Roundup (9/11): PFAS Discharges Near Schools, Tracking Farm Pollution in Our Drinking Water and More

EWG News Roundup (9/11): Here's some news you can use going into the weekend.

Why I decided to cut back on processed meat, go green and eat organic

As a kid, I was taught that a decent meal has carbs, veggies and meat. Tacos and burgers were my favorites. I have absolutely no interest in becoming a vegetarian.

Quick Tips for Using a Humidifier Safely

Humidifiers are a popular tool to help parents treat problems ranging from dry skin and cracked lips to stuffy noses and a nagging cough. But if they're not used properly, humidifiers can harbor mold...

Salmonella Outbreak Raises Concern About Thanksgiving Turkey

With Thanksgiving less than a week away, news of a salmonella outbreak in turkey is a serious concern.

Testing for pharmaceuticals and personal care products in the New York City drinking water supply

EWG's Olga Naidenko testifies before the New York City Counsel Committee on Environmental Protection in support of a proposed law to require testing for pharmaceuticals and personal care product...

EWG Study and Mapping Show Large CAFOs in Iowa Up Fivefold Since 1990

The number of large concentrated animal feeding operations, or large CAFOs, in Iowa increased nearly fivefold in the past two decades, a new study from Environmental Working Group reveals, with almost all of the growth from big hog-feeding operations.

EWG News Roundup (6/29): Superbugs in Supermarket Meat, Senate Farm Bill Passes and More

EWG News Roundup (6/29): Here's some news you can use going into the weekend.

EWG News Roundup (7/23): House Passes PFAS Reforms in Military Spending Bill, Bodies of Water Infested With E. Coli and More

EWG News Roundup (7/23): Here's some news you can use going into the weekend.

Don't wipe out: The hidden hazards of antibacterial wipes

Antibacterial cleaning wipes are everywhere, but are they harmless? Unfortunately, for most popular versions, that's not the case.

Record-Breaking Number of Algae Outbreaks in 2019

A record-breaking number of potentially toxic algae blooms have plagued bodies of water across the country this summer. According to our map, which tracks news stories of algae blooms, as of August 27...

UPDATE: Across U.S., Alarming Rise in Algae Outbreaks Plagues Lakes, Rivers and Beaches

Outbreaks of potentially toxic algae in U.S. lakes, rivers, streams and even the Gulf of Mexico continue to rise sharply this summer, according to EWG's ongoing tracking of algae outbreaks.

Consumers Deserve to Know the Facts about Antibiotics and Meat

The federal Food and Drug Administration has posted a statement on its website criticizing the Environmental Working Group's report, Superbugs Invade American Supermarkets, published April 15. The...

Don't wipe out: The hidden hazards of antibacterial wipes

Grocery stores dispense them for wiping down carts, gyms, for spiffing up exercise equipment. Some schools hand them out so kids can scrub their desks and ask parents for wipes as back-to-school...

Triclosan-containing antibacterial soaps neither safe nor effective:

Triclosan-containing antibacterial soaps neither safe nor effective: Comments from Environmental Working Group on the Food and Drug Administration proposed data requirements for antibacterial soaps...

EPA Proposes Roll-back of Food Safety Standards at Request of Pesticide Manufacturer

Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP) Regulatory Public Docket (7502P) Environmental Protection Agency 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW. Washington, DC 20460-0001 October 20, 2008 Regarding: Docket EPA-HQ-OPP...

FDA needs to protect people and the environment from triclosan contamination

EWG comments that FDA's assessment of triclosan in over-the-counter antimicrobial products should weigh evidence suggesting that antibacterial hand soaps and dish detergents are no more effective than...

Organic Produce Reduces Exposure to Pesticides, Research Confirms

Consumers can markedly reduce their intake of pesticide residues and their exposure to antibiotic-resistant bacteria by choosing organic produce and meat, according to researchers at Stanford...

EWG News Roundup (3/6): PFAS Resemble Cancer-Causing Chemicals, Nitrate Taints Minnesota Drinking Water and More

EWG News Roundup (3/6): Here's some news you can use going into the weekend.

Industrial Animal Agriculture Poses Serious Threats to Human Health

For people who live near industrial animal feedlots, the stench, flies and day-and-night rumbling of trucks are more than a nuisance that impairs the use and enjoyment of their own property...