
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 97 - 120 of 317

EWG Asked People If They’d Like To Eat Cereal with Monsanto’s Weedkiller in It.

On a recent afternoon, across the street from the White House, EWG set up an impromptu taste test and asked participants to choose between two oat-based cereals: one that likely contained a pinch of...

Monsanto “Science” Ignores Weed Killers Linked to Cancer

As the New York Times reveals today, the “science” being served up to legislators considering whether to block state and federal GMO labeling has been cherry-picked by GMO labeling opponents.

Unregulated Genetic Engineering: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Some companies are so hell-bent on avoiding oversight of their genetically engineered crops that they are using new technique to avoid any government review of the safety and environmental impact of...

California Moves To Protect Citizens From Monsanto’s GMO Weed Killer

California officials want to add glyphosate, the main chemical ingredient in Monsanto's Roundup herbicide, to the state's official list of known carcinogens. This could significantly curb the weed...

GMO Labeling Urgent As USDA Frees Growers to Use New Monsanto GMO Corn

The U.S. Department of Agriculture said this week (March 23) it will allow farmers to plant a new strain of genetically modified (GMO) corn created by Monsanto to be tolerant of the week killers...

Obama Administration Reverses Approval of Dow AgroSciences Weed-Killer Over Environmental Risks

In a stunning reversal, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has retreated from its earlier decision to let Dow AgroSciences market a new weed killer, branded Enlist Duo, which the company...

Monsanto’s GMO Weed Killer Sprayed on Fields Close to 12,000 Churches

Genetically engineered crops, commonly called “GMOs,” have led to an explosion in the use of toxic weed killers linked to cancer and other health problems – and people in America's heartland are most...

GMO-Linked Herbicide May Doom Monarch Butterflies

A new study (March 21) concludes that monarch butterflies may go extinct within two decades, largely as the result of widespread adoption of herbicides used with genetically modified corn and soybeans...

Big Corn and Soy Go on the Defensive As Cancer Experts Probe Weed Killers

News that the world's cancer experts are taking a fresh look at 2,4-D has farm organizations worried.

EPA Watchdog to Investigate Monsanto GMOs and Superweeds

Genetically modified corn and soybeans were supposed to reduce chemical use on farms, but instead they've done the exact opposite by creating herbicide-resistant "superweeds" and increasing the use of...

Doctors, Scientists Urge Obama Administration to Reject Potent Herbicide Mix

35 prominent doctors, scientists and researchers have signed a letter urging the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to deny approval of a new double herbicide mix of 2,4-D and glyphosate, which...

Fields of Drift: GMO Weed Killer Exposure on Playing Fields and Parks

An EWG survey of athletic fields and parks in a six-state sample of small-town America shows that more than 90 percent of these recreational areas are within 1,000 feet of a corn or soybean field...

EWG Blasts EPA’s GMO Weed Killer Expansion Plan

Ignoring the World Health Organization's conclusion that the crop chemical glyphosate is “probably carcinogenic to humans,” the Environmental Protection Agency has approved the glyphosate-containing...

EWG Opposes USDA Recommendation To Deregulate 2,4-D-Tolerant Corn, Soybeans

A U.S. Department of Agriculture recommendation to deregulate new varieties of genetically engineered corn and soybean seeds would bring a chemical manufacturer one step closer to selling a new toxic...

Court Docs: Monsanto Paid Chemical Industry Front Group To Claim Cancer-Causing Weedkiller ‘Safe’ and Attack Its Critics

Monsanto paid a shadowy chemical industry front group to help push back against the mounting scientific evidence that the company's signature Roundup weedkiller causes cancer, court documents reveal.

Dow Cherry-Picks its Evidence to Defend New Toxic Pesticide

Dow AgroSciences, which is seeking federal approval to sell a new herbicide mixture, last week (July 3) attacked an EWG analysis pointing out that thousands of school children could be exposed to...

EWG’s Top 10 Agriculture Stories of 2015

As in past years, EWG asked its staff of scientists, policy analysts and governmental and communications specialists to vote on what they considered the 10 most important stories of 2015 in two...

Will The Senate Keep Us In the DARK?

Some members of the Senate are trying to lure their colleagues to the dark side by cosponsoring a version of what critics call the DARK – Deny Americans the Right to Know – Act.

How Industry Twists Science to Downplay the Dangers of Toxic Chemicals

The most egregious flaw of the United States' toothless and outdated system of regulating chemicals is the failure to adequately and independently test chemicals for safety. Because of the...

DARKer Act Blocks State and Local GMO Safety Rules

The anti-labeling DARK Act sponsored by Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-Kans.) is now also an anti-environment, anti-farmworker and anti-public health bill. The latest version could rip more than 100 laws from...

Citing GMO-Herbicide Link, Renowned Children’s Health Expert Calls for GMO Labeling

An article published today in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine by two of the nation's most respected experts on pesticides and children's environmental health calls for the Food and...