
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 97 - 120 of 307

EWG news roundup (7/2): Cover crops planting plateaus across the Midwest, ‘forever chemicals’ legislation introduced and more

EWG news roundup (7/2): Here’s some news you can use going into the weekend.

Double trouble: Wisconsin's land and water are inundated with pollution from animal manure and excess farm fertilizer

A new investigation by the Environmental Working Group and Midwest Environmental Advocates finds that in nine Wisconsin counties, farmers are overapplying both commercial fertilizer and animal manure to their cropland, causing a crisis of land and water pollution from the chemicals nitrogen and phosphorus.

Trump Budget Slashes Funds to Help Rural America Keep Farm Pollution Out of Drinking Water

Rural Americans were key to President Trump's election, but the president's proposed budget would reward their support by allowing more animal waste, toxic pesticides and fertilizer pollution in their...

EWG Study and Mapping Show Large CAFOs in Iowa Up Fivefold Since 1990

The number of large concentrated animal feeding operations, or large CAFOs, in Iowa increased nearly fivefold in the past two decades, a new study from Environmental Working Group reveals, with almost all of the growth from big hog-feeding operations.

Protecting Water at the Source

One of the big challenges facing the globe in the next century will be access to clean water. In America, federal agriculture policies are putting drinking water used by millions of people at risk...

Manure Overload

In almost all of Minnesota's farm counties, the combination of manure plus commercial fertilizer is likely to load too much nitrogen or phosphorus or both onto crop fields, threatening drinking water and fouling the state's iconic lakes and rivers, according to an Environmental Working Group investigation.

New Report Shows Iowans Could Have Cleaner Water With One Simple Rule

Requiring farmers to plant 50-foot wide grass strips, or buffers, between cropland and streams would jumpstart progress toward cleaning Iowa's dirty water while affecting only a handful of growers and...

Cancer and the Environment: 10 Common Misconceptions Answered

Conjecture and falsehoods that masquerade as fact can hamper efforts to prevent and treat cancer.

Industrial Animal Agriculture Poses Serious Threats to Human Health

For people who live near industrial animal feedlots, the stench, flies and day-and-night rumbling of trucks are more than a nuisance that impairs the use and enjoyment of their own property...

Scathing Internal Report Says EPA Failed to Review Corn Ethanol’s Environmental Effects

The EPA has failed to determine whether the Renewable Fuel Standard, a so-called environmental policy that's costing American taxpayers $1 billion to $2 billion a year, has a net benefit on the...

Minnesota appeals court ignores threat to Pineland Sands communities’ water and health

The Minnesota Court of Appeals will not reverse the state’s decision to allow more irrigation permits in the Pineland Sands region, despite the lack of full environmental review – a ruling that clears...

New House bill targets harmful additives in meat and dairy products

The Environmental Working Group applauds today’s introduction of House legislation that would require the Department of Agriculture to reassess seven potentially harmful food chemicals used in meat...


Pollutants in rivers and other source waters throughout Ohio are contaminating drinking water statewide, a citizen monitoring project has found.

Cancer and the Environment: 10 Common Misconceptions Answered

As a cancer epidemiologist, I've spent a lot of time researching the links between environmental contaminants and cancer. One of the pitfalls of the Digital Age is that people come across a lot of...


Under Trump, Farm Subsidies Soared and the Rich Got Richer

Taxpayer-funded farm subsidies have long been skewed in favor of the richest farmers and landowners. But under the Trump administration, even more money went to the largest and wealthiest farms, further shortchanging smaller, struggling family farms.

Record-Breaking Number of Algae Outbreaks in 2019

A record-breaking number of potentially toxic algae blooms have plagued bodies of water across the country this summer. According to our map, which tracks news stories of algae blooms, as of August 27...

Farm Runoff Causing Widespread Drinking Water Pollution in Midwest

A new report from the Environmental Working Group reveals that the U.S. Department of Agriculture is failing to enforce a key farm bill provision, with dire consequences for drinking water in the...

Time to help the 'dead zone'

Peoria Journal Star, Steve Tarter Published June 25, 2006 It's an area the size of Connecticut that fails to harbor aquatic life in the Gulf of Mexico.