
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 121 - 144 of 307

The 'Dead Zone': You're Paying for It in More Ways Than One

From The Huffington Post: "No, not the Stephen King novel. It's no work of fiction, but a growing horror just the same. Every spring, polluted waters from the Mississippi watershed drain into the Gulf...

Using Private Wells: A Drinking Water Safety Guide

If you're one of the 44 million people relying on a private well for drinking water, here's what you should know and do to make sure your water is safe.

Considering renourishment: An important dialogue about human and environmental health

EWG is eager to foster a dialogue about the climate impact of animal versus plant proteins. But food behavior is highly emotional, and having a conversation about nourishment – particularly during a...

Big Ag: Cheaper to Pollute

The American Farm Bureau Federation believes that it's simply cheaper to pollute America's rivers and streams – and pass the cost on to water utilities like the Des Moines Water Works – than it is to...

House Bill Slashes Funding for Critical Farm Conservation Programs

Today (April 19) the House Appropriations Committee will mark up the $21 billion agriculture spending bill for fiscal year 2017, which proposes to slash a number of vital conservation programs. To...

EWG’s Nationwide Tap Water Transparency Report is Here: New Database Details Pollutants in Virtually All U.S. Public Water Systems

Starting today, the vast majority of Americans can learn about every potentially harmful chemical in their drinking water and what scientists say are the safe levels of those contaminants. EWG's new...
Consumer Guides

10 Household tips for cancer prevention

Don't forget that your environment also plays an important role in cancer prevention. Here are some simple actions you can take in and around your home to help reduce your family's risk of cancer.

EWG News Roundup (3/13): AspenClean Earns EWG VERIFIED® Mark, Landmark Cosmetics Legislation Advances and More

This week AspenClean announced nine new cleaning products that meet EWG's rigorous standards for health, ingredient disclosure and transparency to earn our EWG VERIFIED® mark.

Dirty Drinking Water in Farm Country

A new study from the University of Minnesota confirms what we've been saying – big agriculture is contaminating your drinking water.

EWG News Roundup (2/5): Investigation Finds Toxic Heavy Metals in Baby Food, the Recent History of USDA Discrimination Against Black Farmers and More

On Thursday, a congressional investigation revealed it had found that a number of widely sold baby food brands are tainted with dangerous levels of toxic heavy metals, including arsenic, lead, cadmium...

Is Organic Really Better?

A new study published in the British Journal of Nutrition found that organic crops have higher concentrations of antioxidants, lower levels of cadmium and nitrates and fewer pesticide residues than...

EWG’s News Roundup (1/12): Radioactive Tap Water, Iowa’s Farm Runoff and 12 Months of Trump

EWG News Roundup (1/12): Here's some news you can use going into the weekend.

House bill would force the USDA to take a new look at chemicals in meat

With two federal agencies involved in reviewing the safety of food chemicals in meat, poultry and egg products, it would be easy to assume those foods are doubly safe – that no potentially harmful...

The Farm Bill Should Better Protect America’s Drinking Water

America's drinking water is under threat from a formidable foe: polluted farm runoff, which contaminates the tap water supplies for millions of people, especially in rural areas.

EWG news roundup (8/27): ‘Forever chemicals’ taint military sites across the nation, FDA downplays PFAS risks in food and more

EWG news roundup (8/27):Here’s some news you can use going into the weekend.

Amid Nationwide Water Quality Concerns, Americans Flock to New Tap Water Database

It has been roughly three weeks since we released EWG's new national drinking water database, and the response from consumers and media outlets has been sweeping and sustained.

Farm Nitrogen Pollution Damage Estimated at $157 Billion Yearly

Nitrogen from fertilizers and manures washed off farmland costs Americans $157 billion a year in damages to human health and the environment.

The Other National Debt

You hear plenty of talk about the ballooning federal deficit created by tax cuts, two wars and the effort to dig out of the economic meltdown, but precious little about the funding gap that's...

Report highlights reasons

Minnesota Pilot-Independent, Babe Winkelman Published June 19, 2006 What grows larger with each passing summer and is roughly the size of New Jersey? The answer: the dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico...

Trump’s Ag Secretary Wants EU To Have Polluted Water, Too

President Donald Trump and his secretary of agriculture have a message for Europeans: We want you to drink polluted water too.


Bottled Water Quality Investigation

The bottled water industry promotes an image of purity, but comprehensive testing by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) reveals a surprising array of chemical contaminants in every bottled water brand analyzed, including toxic byproducts of chlorination in Walmart's Sam's Choice and Giant Supermarket's Acadia brands, at levels no different than routinely found in tap water. Several Sam's Choice
EWG scientists’ publication of in-depth peer-reviewed research significantly bolsters our authority in the scientific community and the power of our voice among consumer citizens, the media and on Capitol Hill. This page houses links to our research.

Pineland Sands

The Pineland Sands is a 770-square-mile area in northern Minnesota, home to globally threatened jack pine forests and abundant wetlands. The entire region is underlain by a critical, shallow and highly vulnerable drinking water aquifer, which lies just a few feet beneath sandy surface soils. The Pineland Sands also contains the headwaters of the Mississippi River. Chemicals and fertilizers that