
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 217 - 240 of 307

Are Pesticide Sprayers "Health Experts?" Seriously?

New online videos from a chemical agribusiness front group show conventional growers straining to convince consumers that it's just fine to eat bug killers and weed killers.

EWG News Roundup (12/13): Key PFAS Provisions Left Out of Defense Spending Bill, EWG Map Shows 305 Military Sites Tainted With PFAS and More

EWG News Roundup (12/13): Here's some news you can use going into the weekend.


Coronavirus Economic Stimulus Bills Should Tackle Failing U.S. Tap Water System

By spending billions to upgrade the nation’s failing water infrastructure, Congress can create tens of thousands of jobs and significantly improve the safety of drinking water supplies. In the face of the economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, Congress is considering multiple economic stimulus bills. When passed, this legislation must allocate at least $75 billion to clean up widespread

EWG news roundup (4/30): Years of EPA inaction on brain-damaging pesticide, Duke Energy watchdog group to hold second hearing and more

EWG news roundup (4/30): Here’s some news you can use going into the weekend.

EWG News Roundup (4/10): Mapping PFAS Discharges, COVID-19 Hand Care Tips and More

EWG News Roundup (4/10): Here's some news you can use going into the weekend.


The Pollution in People

More than 1,400 chemicals and chemical groups are known or likely carcinogens. Through industrial applications, consumer products and food, water and air, Americans are exposed daily to these cancer-causing compounds, which invade the body and build up in blood and urine.

Finding a Water Filter that Works for You

No matter where you live, the tap water is sure to contain some chemicals you don't want to drink. For instance, we at Environmental Working Group recently reviewed the water quality tests of 201 big...

Making Illinoise Over Water Pollution

Three leading environmental groups say they're hauling Chicago's sewer system and the Environmental Protection Agency into court over the pollution that pours out of the city, down the Mississippi and...

News from Ground Control: Planet Trump (March 10)

In another tumultuous week for the Trump White House, alleged corruption, regulatory rollbacks and head-scratching statements reigned supreme.

EWG News Roundup (1/15): Follain Commits To Support Black-Owned Brands, Trump EPA Announces 11th-Hour Toxic Rollbacks and More

EWG News Roundup (1/15): Here's some news you can use going into the weekend.

California's proposed chromium-6 drinking water limit fails to protect public health

Today California’s State Water Resources Board convened a hearing on its proposed drinking water limit for hexavalent chromium, commonly known as chromium-6, the notorious “Erin Brockovich” carcinogen...

EWG news roundup (5/28): Little progress on cleanup of ‘forever chemicals’ at military bases, a healthy and safe Memorial Day and more

EWG news roundup (5/28): Here’s some news you can use going into the weekend.


Just Add Water

More than 45 million Americans in thousands of communities were served drinking water during 1994-1995 that was polluted with fecal matter, parasites, disease causing microbes, radiation, pesticides, toxic chemicals, and lead at levels that violated health standards established under the federal Safe Drinking Water Act. More than 18,500 public water supplies reported at least one violation of a

Fertilizer runoff creates 'Dead Zone' in Gulf

St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Bill Lambrecht Published June 14, 2007 There was hope for a cure down in the Louisiana bayous even as the Gulf of Mexico Dead Zone expanded like a B-movie blob.


Media attention has understandably focused on flooding, especially given the devastating floods that have repeatedly struck the region in recent years.This year, it looks as if the Midwest will dodge the bullet – flooding has been damaging and heart-breaking for those affected, but nothing yet has resembled the scope and devastation of the 1993 and 2008 floods. But the Corn Belt's rich soil and

Less Farm Pollution, More Clean Water

The federal farm bill is scheduled for reauthorization in 2018. The conservation title of a new farm bill is a remarkable opportunity to jump-start progress toward clean water, clean air and a better quality of life for both rural and urban Americans – but only if we are ambitious and reach for fundamental changes in the title.

EWG’s News Roundup (11/9): U.S. Fails in Climate Leadership, Tips on Avoiding Toxic Dust and More

On Tuesday, the U.S. earned the awful distinction of being the only nation on Earth to stand in opposition to the Paris climate accord. EWG was quick to call out the Trump administration for its...


Colorado's Chemical Injection

Oil and gas companies in Colorado are injecting wells with millions of gallons of unknown fluids that contain dozens of dangerous chemicals linked to respiratory, neurological, cardiovascular, immune, and other disorders, including cancer.

EWG News Roundup (7/30): CAFOs Run Amok in North Carolina, Senate Republican COVID-19 Stimulus Lets Down Farm Workers and More

EWG News Roundup (7/30): Here's some news you can use going into the weekend.

Consumer Guides

Cancer prevention: Top 5 cancer-causing chemicals to avoid for cancer prevention

Cancer-causing chemicals can lurk in almost any everyday product you can imagine: candy, toys, clothes, hair dyes, pet food and more. Reducing your exposure to items that have potentially harmful ingredients is a great way to safeguard your health.

EWG news roundup (11/5): EWG’s 2021 national drinking water database and more

EWG news roundup (11/5): Here’s some news you can use going into the weekend.