
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 265 - 288 of 1523

The Case For Organic Fruits and Veggies

Recently, some online musings have been bouncing around Twitter and Facebook claiming that there isn't much, if any, difference between organic and conventional foods. One article by Melinda Wenner...

Chemical Agriculture on the Attack, Again

Keeping politicians on message can sometimes be difficult. That also holds true of corporate chiefs and movie stars. Even the most seasoned, media-savvy folks veer off their talking points on occasion...

House GOP Seeks to Scuttle Playground Bans on Glyphosate

More than 50 city and county ordinances banning the use of the toxic weed killer glyphosate on local playgrounds, parks and school yards could be overturned by a provision championed by House...

Fungicides commonly found on citrus linked to breast cancer risk

Consumption of two fungicides found on nearly 90 percent of citrus samples tested by EWG, and of two other pesticides – widely used insecticides – may increase women’s risk of developing...

Their Spray Rigs in a Twist

When industry lobbyists want the government to do something the public won't like, they usually go about it quietly. Not so for the produce and pesticide lobby.

EWG’s Answers to Chemical Agribusiness

The Alliance for Food and Farming, an agribusiness group representing the bulk of conventional produce growers in California - and seemingly the only organization in existence that doesn't want people...

Massive Study Finds Eating Organic Slashes Cancer Risks

Eating organic foods free from pesticides is strongly correlated with a dramatic reduction in the risk of cancer, according to a groundbreaking study published today in an American Medical Association...


Every Breath You Take

Independent scientific monitoring by the Environmental Working Group found dangerously high concentrations of a partially banned pesticide in the air San Joaquin Valley residents breath. One-third of ambient air monitoring samples detected the pesticide chlorpyrifos, which the federal government has recently banned for home use as unsafe for children but remains the most widely used agricultural

New Alliance Forms

Mounting concern over long term health risks and the skyrocketing cost of water treatment associated with pesticide contaminated tapwater in hundreds of midwestern towns has forged an unprecedented...

Just science?

Greetings from California detours north of the border this week to answer criticisms of EWG by a Canadian newspaper columnist. His newspaper has (so far) refused to print the response below, so we're...

EWG Comments to EPA on Draft Antimicrobial Rule

Download PDF version. Office of Pesticide Programs Environmental Protection Agency 1200 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, Washington DC 20460-0001 Regarding: Proposed Rule for Data Requirements for Antimicrobial...

Organic Fruits and Vegetables Co-Star in a Healthy Diet

What makes a healthy diet? Adopting a low-fat diet didn't make Americans healthier. But does that mean “paleo” is the way to go?


Weed Killers By The Glass

Beginning on May 15, 1995, a network of environmental organizations began testing tap water for weed killers in cities across the U.S. Corn Belt, in Louisiana, and in Maryland. Samples were collected every three days from people's homes or offices. Samples collected were sent to the Iowa State Hygienic Lab and analyzed for the presence of atrazine and cyanazine, two of the most heavily used

50 Groups Challenge Government Grant to Pro-Pesticide PR Campaign

OAKLAND, Calif. – More than 50 organizations concerned about the risks of pesticides to human health and the environment have joined forces to fight California officials' award of a $180,000 taxpayer...

A Few Bad Apples...

Laboratory tests of apples grown in Washington State and purchased in Seattle supermarkets over the past five months found widespread insecticide contamination. Eight percent of apple samples had unsafe levels of a bug killer abruptly banned for use on apples and other foods in August, 1999 by federal authorities because of nervous system risks to children.

Researchers Seek Emergency Ban on Toxic Insecticide

Ten years after a consumer revolt against apples treated with the carcinogen Alar prompted a ban on the chemical, children are no better protected from pesticides in the nation's food supply...

Want Some Bug-Killer With That?

If you like your fruits and vegetables with pesticides, then you'll be glad to know the conventional produce industry is boasting of a big win with the Obama administration.

What You Don't Know Could Hurt You

Two years of independent scientific monitoring by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) detected an array of toxic pesticides drifting into the air Californians breathe -- the tip of a 100-million-pound iceberg of hazardous chemicals emitted statewide each year as a result of pesticide use.

Taxpayers Funding Pro-Pesticide PR Campaign

The Alliance for Food and Farming (AFF), a California trade association, wants you to have less information about pesticide residues on the fruits and vegetables you buy. That's not too surprising...

Better Bug Killers Through Farm Bill Reform

Could the Farm Bill be an opportunity to promote better bug killers?

EWG Statement on NAS Human Research Report

EWG sent this letter to the NAS Committee co-chair after the group approved the highly controversial procedure of using humans in laboratory tests for pesticides and other chemicals. February 23, 2004...

Study: Glyphosate Doubles Risk of Lymphoma

Scientists at the International Agency for Research on Cancer have found what appears to be a strong link between pesticide exposure and a blood cancer called non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

Chemical Agriculture Goes to the Mattresses

The U.S. Department of Agriculture began testing fruits and vegetables for pesticide residues in 1991 after the public became concerned about their potential risks to children.