
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 337 - 360 of 1529

Monsanto’s GMO Weedkiller Threatens Endangered Species

The Environmental Protection Agency recently pledged to spend the next five years studying the effects of glyphosate, the most commonly used herbicide in the U.S. and the main ingredient in Monsanto's...

The Agrichemical Industry’s Broken Promise

In a newly published review, former Environmental Protection Agency senior scientist Dr. Ramon J. Seidler explains that the agrichemical industry's promise that genetically engineered crops would...

News from Ground Control: Planet Trump (March 31)

Here are several of this past week's deep dives on developments coming out of the Trump White House.

When is a farm bill not a farm bill? When it’s loaded with troubling provisions

A farm bill debate in Congress might conjure up visions of rustic barns and amber waves of grain. So it may surprise you to learn that this legislation could expose kids to pesticides, cut funding for...

EWG’s Most-Read Stories of 2019 – And Some You May Have Missed

It was a year of both encouraging progress and frustrating setbacks for public health and the environment, as EWG continued to provide the information Americans need to protect themselves from toxic...

Does your iPhone speak organic?

EWG introduces its newest iPhone app, for the Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce.

Chef Tom Colicchio and EWG Launch “Worth Protecting” Campaign

Environmental Working Group (EWG) today launched the Worth Protecting social media and advocacy campaign to underscore the need for federal farm bill reforms that protect public health and the...

Despite Rising Demand, U.S. Doesn’t Do Enough to Support Organic Transition

More and more Americans want to avoid toxic pesticides on the foods they are buying and feeding their families. But the U.S. invests too little in growing more organic food. As demand for organic food...

Most U.S. Apples Coated with Chemical Banned in Europe

A chemical widely used on non-organic American apples was banned in the European Union in 2012 because its makers could not show it did not pose a risk to human health, according to a new analysis by...

Groups Challenge Grant for Pro-Pesticide Campaign

We are writing to express our serious concern about the recent decision of the California Department of Food and Agriculture and the U.S. Department of Agriculture to award a Specialty Crop Block...

8 Reasons Senate Farm Bill Is Better Than House Bill

It's not hard to see the differences between the terrible, partisan House farm bill and the bipartisan Senate farm bill

EPA Stops Controversial Study

Today Steve Johnson, nominee for Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, announced that the Agency is calling off a study that would have paid families $970 to videotape their children...

EPA emergency order immediately suspends all uses of highly toxic weedkiller DCPA, sold under brand name Dacthal

Today the Environmental Protection Agency announced an emergency order immediately suspending all uses of the highly toxic weedkiller sold under the brand name Dacthal due to its significant health...

More Scientific Evidence That Organic Food Is More Nutritious

A new study led by a team of scientists at Newcastle University in England provides the most compelling and comprehensive evidence that organic crops are more nutritious than their conventional...

EWG’s Ken Cook Recognized by Mount Sinai’s Children’s Environmental Health Center

Environmental Working Group President Ken Cook will be the featured guest and honoree today (May 16) at the annual Greening Our Children event hosted by the Children's Environmental Health Center...

Untapped: Farm Bill Conservation Programs Must Do More to Clean Up California's Water

Hundreds of millions of conservation dollars in the federal farm bill should be used more effectively to address widespread water pollution problems in California, concludes a new report by...

Friends and Foes of Organic Food

The Alliance for Food and Farming, which is run out of a P.O. box in Watsonville, Calif., claims to extol the health benefits of consuming both conventional and organic produce and maintains that its...

EWG Report: Trump’s Pick to Protect Americans from Toxic Substances is Longtime Shill for Chemical Companies

A new EWG investigation underscores just how unfit Michael Dourson, President Trump's nominee for a top Environmental Protection Agency position, is for the job of safeguarding children and other...

USDA Weakens National Organic Food Standards

Grist magazine reports that the Bush Administration, at the behest of agribusiness lobbyists, has quietly taken several actions to weaken national standards for organic food. The Department of...

EWG's Guide To A Healthy Thanksgiving

Roughly a third of the meat on every turkey goes straight into the garbage. If you tend not to finish your leftovers, buy a smaller bird this year. Try an organic, local or heritage turkey or one...

California Proposes Safe Level for Roundup More Than 100 Times Lower Than EPA Limit

In a landmark rule with global repercussions, California state scientists are preparing to issue the world's first health guideline for Monsanto's glyphosate herbicide based on its cancer risk. The state's proposed safe level is more than 100 times lower than the current federal standard.

How to protect kids during the EPA’s Children’s Health Month

The Environmental Protection Agency is celebrating national Children’s Health Month, with tips for shielding kids from potential health harms caused by lead contamination, pesticides on produce and...


Pollutants in rivers and other source waters throughout Ohio are contaminating drinking water statewide, a citizen monitoring project has found.