
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 361 - 384 of 1529

EWG Comments on Pyrethroid/Pyrethrin Insecticide Risk Assessments

EWG’s public comments to the Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Pesticides demand it fully consider the risks of low-dose exposures to pyrethroid pesticides during pregnancy and childhood...

EWG Comments to EPA on Registration Review for Paraquat Dichloride

Environmental Working Group submits comments to the EPA on the registration review for the pesticide paraquat dichloride, commonly called paraquat. EWG urges the EPA to revise the paraquat human risk...

Eco-friendly pest control

Got cockroaches? Grist's Umbra gives us a few eco-friendly tips for getting rid of the unwanted guests. I'm definitely bookmarking this one as I have little idea what crawlers may await me in the...

Poll: Nearly all Americans say government must ensure chemicals are safe before use in consumer products

Almost all Americans believe the federal government has a duty to ensure chemicals used in making consumer products are safe, and even more say companies aren’t doing enough to keep toxic substances...

Dear Food Manufacturers: Stop Polluting Children With Glyphosate

In its latest report on glyphosate residues on common children's foods, EWG found that, like oats and wheat, chickpeas and other beans and lentils come with a dose of Roundup, a weedkiller formerly...

Avoiding Organic Milk Pitfalls

This New York Times article brings the tips on what to watch out for when buying organic milk. For example, while organic means that the cows weren't fed synthetic growth hormones, antibiotics or...

Trump’s Full-Scale War on Food

President Trump is waging a full-scale campaign to roll back decades of progress toward making America's food safer, healthier and more clearly labeled.

Preventing Cancer: 9 Practical Tips for Consumers

By Jane Houlihan, EWG Senior V-P for Research Four of every 10 Americans will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetimes, and two of every 10 will die of it. But there are some things you can do to...

Into the Mouths of Babes

n a little-noticed decision earlier this year, the EPA's top scientific committee on children's health declared that protections against the toxic weed killer atrazine in food and water should not be considered safe for infants and children. According to the Office of Children's Health Protection Advisory Committee:


Tests Find Methyl Bromide Drifting Into Mobile Home Park

On Aug. 21, 1997, owners of the Nakama Ranch began fumigating a 90-acre strawberry field in Camarillo, Calif., with methyl bromide. The field is next to the Lamplighter Mobile Home Estates, whose residents, concerned about the dangers of exposure to the acutely toxic pesticide, had appealed to the California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) to stop the fumigation. DPR denied the appeal

Landmark EPA Report on Chemicals and Children’s Health at Odds With Pruitt’s Cancellation of Chlorpyrifos Ban

A new report from the Environmental Protection Agency and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences warns that the neurotoxic pesticide chlorpyrifos can severely harm children's...

Tell Congress: BAN Toxic Chlorpyrifos!

By nicole.snyder | March 26, 2021

For decades, Big Ag has stopped the Environmental Protection Agency from taking action on the most notorious pesticides, including chlorpyrifos!

Chlorpyrifos is a neurotoxic pesticide that can harm children's developing brains, even at low doses. Congress needs to take serious action to protect Americans from this toxic chemical pesticide!

Ask your representatives to support legislation to

Scientists, Health Professionals Urge Action to Protect Children from Toxic Chemicals

Today, a distinguished group of 50 scientists, health professionals and advocates called for urgent action to protect children from the harmful effects of toxic chemicals.

Behind Europe's Apple Chemical Ban

Those pyramids of apples in the produce section of supermarkets year-round may look fresh, but sometimes they're not. Apples are harvested once a year, in the autumn. Growers apply a mixture of...

EPA to suspend all uses of widely used weedkiller over risks to fetus, thyroid function

The Environmental Protection Agency intends to suspend all future uses of a toxic weedkiller that scientific research has shown to cause harm to the developing fetus and problems associated with...

Trump’s Budget Unites Farmers and Foodies

President Trump's budget request managed to do something few could have imagined: unite farmers and foodies.

For National Honey Bee Day, Show Some Love for Pollinators

August 18 is National Honey Bee Day, according to an official proclamation by the Department of Agriculture. It's a good day to focus on the importance of bees and what we can do to protect them.


Dumping Sewage Sludge On Organic Farms?

In December, 1997, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) proposed draft national standards for organic agriculture. As part of this proposal, the department invited the public to comment on the idea of allowing application of municipal sewage sludge on land used to grow organic foods. The Environmental Protection Agency's top sludge regulator urged the department to allow “high quality


The English Patients

For decades, U.S. and foreign pesticide manufacturers have been feeding their products to rats, rabbits, mice, and guinea pigs in thousands of controlled laboratory studies, all designed to satisfy government regulatory requirements for chemicals that kill weeds, insects, rodents and other pests. Studies on lab animals are still routinely conducted for pesticides today. But in recent years, in a

When to buy organic: The video

The lowdown on the 2000 Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce.

This Breast Cancer Awareness Month, reduce your exposure to endocrine disruptors

For almost four decades, the U.S. has recognized October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month to spotlight the disease and funding for research on breast cancer diagnoses, treatments and prevention.

Trying to honor Rachel Carson ain't easy

Earlier this week Maryland Sen. Ben Cardin announced his intention to offer a resolution to mark the 100th birthday of Rachel Carson . Sen. Tom Coburn from Oklahoma decided that the Senate was the...