
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 409 - 432 of 1523


Paraquat disproportionately threatens California’s low-income Latino communities

Latinos in some of California’s lowest-income communities are exposed to far higher amounts of paraquat – a toxic weedkiller linked to an increased risk of developing Parkinson’s disease – than other areas, according to a new Environmental Working Group analysis.

EPA’s Risk Assessment is Too Flawed to Proceed

EPA's Risk Assessment is Too Flawed to Proceed - Comments from Environmental Working Group on the EPA's Proposed Decision to Register EnlistTM Herbicide Containing 2,4-D and Glyphosate

Healthy Home Tips for your holiday kitchen

In the next two weeks, you're probably going to do some (or possibly tons of) holiday cooking. You'll buy ingredients, cook, clean -- and enjoy some leftovers. It's a great time to do a little...

New Study Finds Chemical Cocktail in Household Dust

Tests on household dust in seven states show that we're breathing in a hodgepodge of chemicals from consumer products, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. On the shortlist of 35 toxic industrial...

ACC's $2 million Grant to EPA Comes With String Attached

October 29, 2004 Dr. Paul Gilman, Assistant Administrator Environmental Protection Agency Ariel Rios Building 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Washington, DC 20460 Dear Dr. Gilman: Thank you for your...


Pollutants in rivers and other source waters throughout Ohio are contaminating drinking water statewide, a citizen monitoring project has found. Tap water in a dozen Ohio communities is contaminated -...

How Much of Monsanto’s Weed Killer Is In Your Food?

The Food and Drug Administration plans to start testing food for traces of glyphosate, the world's most commonly used pesticide. I know what you're thinking: the federal government wasn't doing that...

EPA sharply restricts consumer use of diazinon, nation's #2 selling home and garden insecticide

Citing excessive risk to children, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today moved to sharply restrict consumer use of diazinon, the nation's #2 selling home and garden insecticide.

California Sets Nation’s Toughest Tap Water Limit for Carcinogenic ‘Garbage’ Chemical

In a unanimous vote today, the California Water Resources Control Board adopted a stringent, health-protective drinking water limit for 1,2,3-trichloropropane, or TCP, an extremely potent carcinogen...

EWG's Healthy Home Tip 2: Eat organic, fresh foods

Most people prefer their foods free of pesticides and toxic chemicals, for a whole host of (pretty) obvious reasons. I know I do. The government isn't doing enough Pesticides and toxic chemicals are...

EWG Comments to the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment on Glyphosate Exposure

Below and attached are comments EWG has submitted to the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment on the agency’s proposed No Significant Risk Limit for human intake of Monsanto’s...

Consumer Guides

EWG's Dietary Guidelines

The Obama administration's Dietary Guidelines for Americans, released in January 2016, are supposed to represent the best scientific judgments on what people need to do to stay healthy. Instead, the 2016 edition of the guidelines, like those before it, are confusing to consumers and influenced by the $1 trillion-a-year food industry.

The True Cost of Soybeans

We've long suspected that organic soybeans are better for the environment than conventional soybeans grown with synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. Now, we know how much better.

EWG Responds to General Mills and Quaker Oats: ‘Legal Is Not the Same as Safe’

The Environmental Working Group is disappointed that General Mills and the Quaker Oats Company have brushed aside consumer health concerns raised by new research that found the cancer-causing weed...

Consumer Guides

Cancer prevention: Top 5 cancer-causing chemicals to avoid for cancer prevention

Cancer-causing chemicals can lurk in almost any everyday product you can imagine: candy, toys, clothes, hair dyes, pet food and more. Reducing your exposure to items that have potentially harmful ingredients is a great way to safeguard your health.

Does Your Tap Water Taste Like Fertilizer?

In an unprecedented analysis of 20 million drinking water quality tests performed by water utilities between 2004 and 2009, EWG found that water suppliers had detected a total of 316 contaminants in...

Public Interest Groups on WHO's decision on Glyphosate

We the undersigned organizations strongly urge the Environmental Protection Agency to weigh heavily the decision last week by the World Health Organization to categorize glyphosate (trade name...

Worth Protecting

Today, on the eve of farm bill consideration by the Senate Committee on Agriculture, EWG is launching an unprecedented campaign to remind Congress that our land, our food, our families, and our farms...


Give Us a Fake

Based on the evidence presented, the millions who watched the original broadcast might well have answered Walters' questions in the affirmative. After viewing the segment, Walters said she might “cry.” The ABC News investigation seemed to offer compelling proof that millions of consumers were very wrong, indeed, about the benefits of organic food. Even more consumers saw the program when ABC News

Turn over a new leaf: Ditch your salad's harmful chemicals with healthier dressings

Salad is the original health food, full of vitamins and nutrients and ideal for a healthier lifestyle. Just beware of dressings containing chemicals that could do more harm than good.

Cancer and the Environment: 10 Common Misconceptions Answered

As a cancer epidemiologist, I've spent a lot of time researching the links between environmental contaminants and cancer. One of the pitfalls of the Digital Age is that people come across a lot of...

Who's afraid of the White House garden?

Fresh fruits and vegetables for the First Family, school kids playing in the dirt at the White House. A reminder to Americans that food actually comes from the Earth - who's going to object to...

September 2017: Prostate Cancer Awareness Month

As Prostate Cancer Rates Decline, Number of Survivors Grows Rates of prostate cancer in the U.S. have declined in recent years, but it remains one of the most commonly diagnosed cancers in men, with...