
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 457 - 480 of 1523

April 2017: Testicular cancer awareness month

Testicular cancer facts Rates of testicular cancer Rates for U.S. population. Data from the National Cancer Institute Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program. Source:

EWG Supports EPA's Decision to Suspend CHEERS

January 24, 2005 Stephen L. Johnson Deputy Administrator, Environmental Protection Agency 1102A USEPA Headquarters Ariel Rios Building 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Washington, DC 20460 Dear Deputy...

What you can do about the environmental risk factors that can lead to breast cancer

Cancer affects all communities. And breast cancer can occur in people of all genders

EWG Says EPA Must Press Bug Repellent Companies To Give Users More Accurate Information

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has proposed a voluntary "repellency awareness graphic” that would be displayed on bug repellents. It represents a small step forward but falls short of...

News from Ground Control: Planet Trump (April 14)

Here are several of this past week's deep dives on developments coming out of the Trump White House.


Organic Within Reach

With a little planning, cooking organic food can save money and time, help you eat better, cut down on waste and help protect the environment.

New 'Study' Fails to Analyze Key Health Benefits of Organic Food

A report from a group of English researchers who claim to have conducted “the most extensive systematic review of the available published literature on nutrient content of organic food ever conducted...

EWG Celebrates 20 Years of Game-Changing Work

This week, the Environmental Working Group celebrated 20 years of groundbreaking environmental health research and advocacy at its 4th annual Earth Dinner at the Ferry Building in San Francisco...

Billions of Pounds of Monsanto’s Glyphosate Blanket U.S. Farmland

Farmers sprayed 2.6 billion pounds of Monsanto's glyphosate herbicide on U.S. agricultural land between 1992 and 2012, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. Glyphosate has been the go-to weed...

It’s time to ban paraquat

The Environmental Protection Agency must ban the toxic weedkiller paraquat – a step more than 60 other countries have taken because of its threats to human health. Paraquat has been linked to...

EWG's Dietary Guidelines Give Straight Facts, No Spin

EWG's new Dietary Guidelines give people solid nutrition advice and highlight the shortcomings of the Obama administration's Dietary Guidelines for Americans released earlier this month, which were...

5 New Year’s Resolutions for Healthier Living

Are you looking to make a clean start to 2021? If you're ready to start living cleaner and healthier, EWG is here to help. Take a look at some of our top resolutions, with resources to help you stick...

EWG Establishes Award for Excellence in Nonprofit Technology and Digital Mobilization

In celebration of its 20th anniversary, the Environmental Working Group, the nation's leading environmental health research and advocacy organization, has established its own “genius” award to honor...

Buying flowers? Go organic to protect workers & their kids

So you're picking out flowers to mail your loved ones for Valentines Day, but guess what else you'll be sending them—according to the Associated Press, the flowers you send will be “sprayed, rinsed...

Farm Fraud?

AP reports that some Washington state farmers may have faked results in tests of a federal conservation program designed to reduce pesticide and fertilizer use. The farmers received tens of thousands...

Favorite Thanksgiving Recipes From EWG Staff

Whether you observe Thanksgiving this year with an intimate gathering or a virtual event, your day will still likely center on the traditional holiday meal. And no matter how many people you feed, you...

House Threatens Food Safety Standards

No point rewriting Marian Burros' lead from Wednesday's New York Times: "The House is expected to vote Thursday on a bill that would pre-empt all state food safety regulations that are more stringent...

EWG Letter to EPA

January 4, 2007 Mr. Jim Jones, Director Office of Pesticide Programs Environmental Protection Agency Mail Code 7510P 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20460-0001 Dear Mr. Jones, Four years...

Five fatal flaws in EPA’s justification for using toxic weedkiller paraquat

More than 60 countries have banned the weedkiller paraquat because of its links to Parkinson’s disease. But the Environmental Protection Agency continues to defend its use in the U.S., based on a...

Toxic weedkiller linked to Parkinson’s poses disproportionate risk to Latino farmworkers, families in California

A groundbreaking analysis by the Environmental Working Group sheds light on a concerning disparity in exposure to the toxic weedkiller paraquat, with rural Latino communities in California’s farm...

FDA Should Reject Food Industry’s Efforts to Allow “Natural” Food to Contain GE ingredients

Statement of EWG's Scott Faber, senior vice-president of government affairs, on the food industry's petition to the Food and Drug Administration to permit foods labeled as “natural” to contain...

‘Unbroken Ground:’ Patagonia Film Calls for Food Revolution

Most of the food Americans eat is produced in ways that harm the environment and worsen climate change. The federal government subsidizes unhealthy crops that have contributed to Americans' expanding...

Behind the science: ‘Big year’ for neonics as EWG calls for stricter EPA insecticide reviews

A rare window is opening for public health advocates to push the Environmental Protection Agency to rethink how it assesses the health risks of five neonicotinoids – insecticides that EWG and others...