
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 625 - 648 of 1523

Get Glyphosate Out of Our Food!

By mecker | March 22, 2021

EWG tests have found shockingly high levels of cancer-linked glyphosate in popular PepsiCo products like Quaker Oats and Sabra Hummus.

But PepsiCo continues to allow this dangerous chemical in their food. This is unacceptable. Consumers and parents shouldn't have to worry about cancer-linked pesticides in food.

Join EWG and tell PepsiCo to get this cancer-linked weedkiller out of their

In Win for Bayer-Monsanto, Trump EPA Claims Cancer-Causing Weedkiller ‘Safe’

The Environmental Protection Agency reaffirmed its claims today that the active ingredient in Bayer-Monsanto's carcinogenic weedkiller Roundup is safe, ignoring a growing body of independent research...

Report: Organic Packaged Foods Only ‘Clean’ Option for Consumers

Unlike organic packaged foods, conventional packaged food contains thousands of poorly regulated food chemicals, according to a new analysis by the Environmental Working Group.

Victory for Central Coast Water Drinkers

After more than three years of deliberation, California's Central Coast Regional Water Quality Board has enacted new comprehensive rules requiring area farm operations to curb nitrate and pesticide...

Farm Businesses Should Not Have Been Granted the Right to Pollute

A New York Times headline this month (Nov, 13) read: “The Problem is Clear: The Water is Filthy.” It should have read: “The Problem is Clear: Agriculture Granted the Right to Make the Water Filthy.”

Busting Cosmetic Safety Myths

Chemicals in cosmetics are largely unregulated, so it's no surprise that some irresponsible companies and their hired-gun lobbyists are fighting the Personal Care Products Safety Act, bipartisan...

GMO Ag Company Touts Seed Corn With A Bug Zapper in Every Bite

Pesticide and chemical companies battling California's Proposition 37, to require labeling of genetically engineered foods, are telling Californians these genetically engineered foods are perfectly...

Big Corn and Soy Go on the Defensive As Cancer Experts Probe Weed Killers

News that the world's cancer experts are taking a fresh look at 2,4-D has farm organizations worried.

EPA Ignores the Science, Dismisses the Risks to Children’s Health From Syngenta’s Atrazine

In a move that echoes pesticide industry wishes, the Environmental Protection Agency chose to ignore recent science and human health studies on atrazine, a weed-killer that turns male frogs into...

5 Questions You Should Ask Your Child’s School

When choosing the right school for their children, many parents ask about class sizes, the community, learning objectives and schedules.


Men's Health

Most men know by now that good lifestyle choices – such as exercising regularly, eating a healthy diet, not smoking and drinking in moderation – make a big difference in staying healthy. Men may too often ignore these sensible recommendations, but it's not because they're not aware of them.

"Congress, We Have A Problem"

Earth Day would become an annual environmental autopsy if legislation proposed and voted on in the 104th Congress actually became law. Drawing on computer databases and new research, the Environmental Working Group analyzed 12 major pieces of anti-environmental legislation, and found that congressional plans would increase contamination of tap water, cause significantly more pollution of lakes

Plantation workers v. Dole: Whose victory was it?

The trials are over, and Dole has been ordered to pay a total of $5.7 million to banana plantation workers. The Nicaraguan employees were not warned that the pesticide they were being exposed to had...

EWG Comments to EPA Opposing New Uses of Aldicarb

EWG submitted comments to the EPA in opposition to proposed new uses of the neurotoxic insecticide aldicarb on oranges and grapefruit in Texas and Florida.

Arsenic and old lies in Baltimore

Today's villain is brought to you by the letter C, for Coverup: Back in early June we posted a story about a couple of Jersey City journalists who were arrested for crossing police barricades to...

Why Environmentalists (and Every American) Should Reject the House Farm Bill

The budget-busting farm bill approved Wednesday night (May 15) by the House Agriculture Committee and its leaders – Reps. Frank Lucas (R-Okla.) and Collin Peterson (D-Minn.) – is nothing but bad news...


EWG’s Healthy Living: Quick Tips to Safer Diapers

In their first year alone, a baby will wear an estimated 2,500 disposable diapers. When buying diapers, parents are likely to consider absorbency, fit and comfort as the most important features. But recent scientific research highlights the fact that the ingredients and materials used to make the diapers may be just as important, if not more so: The diaper itself could potentially harm a child's

EWG Letter to General Mills on Glyphosate in Oat-Based Foods Marketed to Children

Attached is a letter sent by EWG to the CEO of General Mills detailing recent testing that found the herbicide glyphosate in oat-based their foods marketed to children.

Arsenic Lobbyists Coming Out of Woodwork

For decades, they made the world safe for skyrocketing sales of arsenic-soaked wood, and dangerous for the millions of Americans who were exposed to the material, and are still exposed today. But...

White House Strikes Discussion of Impacts of Climate Change on Children’s Health from Draft EPA Rule

The White House removed key language documenting the heightened risks climate change presents to children from a draft EPA proposal to repeal a rule to reduce heat-trapping chemicals leaking into the...

15 Tips to Keep July Fourth Celebrations Fun and Safe

ndependence Day celebrations are supposed to be enjoyable. We barbecue, picnic, swim, and gather with family and friends. The holiday weekend is all about fun in the sun.

EWG comments to EPA on DCPA

The Environmental Working Group submits comments to the Environmental Protection Agency urging the agency to cancel all uses of DCPA and to revoke DCPA food tolerances.

10 Tips for a Healthy Memorial Day Weekend

This weekend is all about fun in the sun. Whether you're heading to the beach, a lake or a backyard picnic, be sure to cover up to protect your skin against sunburn and pesky bug bites.