
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 673 - 696 of 1523

EWG attends its first wedding

Thanks to newlyweds Molly Amirault and Dave Higgins of Westbrook, Maine, EWG made its first appearance (as far we know) at a wedding last weekend. Not only did the couple give each of their guests two...

Something's in the Air

Testing in suburban California neighborhoods revealed methyl bromide in the air well beyond state mandated “buffer” zones at 12 out of 16 locations tested. The levels detected ranged from less than 1 part per billion to 294 parts per billion (ppb) on average over 12 to 24 hours. Single point measurements were as high as 1,900 ppb. The California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) has estab-

EWG Launches Website for Parents, Caregivers to Help Safeguard Children’s Environmental Health

The Environmental Working Group has launched a new website that will help parents and caregivers protect children from toxic chemicals, pesticides, air and water pollution, and other environmental...

Forbes and Monsanto: A Match Made in H*ll

Clearly, the only criterion Forbes magazine uses when determining which U.S. corporation wins its yearly “Company of the Year” title must be profit. That's the only way to explain how a company as...

EWG comments to EPA on tebuconazole

The Environmental Working Group submits comments to the Environmental Protection Agency on the human health risk assessment for the fungicide tebuconazole. EWG urges the EPA to better protect children...

Poisoned Playgrounds

The wood in most playground sets, picnic tables and decks contains potentially hazardous levels of the same poison at the center of the debate over the safety of America's drinking water: arsenic. An Environmental Working Group analysis finds that even if the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency keeps its promise to lower permissible levels of arsenic in drinking water, it will not be able to

Study: Monsanto’s Glyphosate Most Heavily Used Weed-Killer in History

Monsanto's signature herbicide glyphosate, first marketed as “Roundup,” is now the most widely and heavily applied weed-killer in the history of chemical agriculture in both the U.S. and globally...

Mixed Greens 014: Not the answer

What do drilling for gas on public lands and antibacterial chemicals in consumer products have in common? Neither of them are the answer to our problems. We've got the rundown on two new EWG reports...

Cheatsheet: volatile organic compounds

What are they? Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are gasses that enter the air through the routine use of a wide variety of household products, from paints and pesticides to arts and crafts supplies...

Saving $2 Billion in Polluter Profits Tops Trump EPA’s 2018 ‘Accomplishments’

The Environmental Protection Agency's 2018 list of accomplishments touts policies that make it easier and cheaper for polluters to pollute, while painting a wildly distorted record of protecting...

Ken Cook Testifies Against Industry's Chemical Bill

Testimony of Kenneth Cook, President of the Environmental Working Group on S. 697 before the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works.

Scott Pruitt Is Turning the EPA into the KGB

Scott Pruitt, polluters' puppet and head of the Environmental Protection Agency, knows most Americans are strongly opposed to his anti-public health, anti-kids, anti-science agenda. That's why he does...

Giant Potato Grower Threatens What’s Left of Our Land

The White Earth Reservation, in Minnesota, where I was born and live, was created in 1867 by a treaty between the White Earth Band of Ojibwe and the U.S. government. The original reservation...

EWG Comments to California OEHHA to Prioritize Chemicals for Proposition 65 Review

EWG submitted comments to California's Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment and the Developmental and Reproductive Toxicant Identification Committee to recommend the prioritization of four...

Wellness Chat: The Indoor Environment

Nicole Deziel, Ph.D. in this lightly edited interview with EWG, she shares her thoughts on how household exposures can affect health.

Congress Lauds Biotech Benefits – but at Children’s Expense?

School children in districts represented by some members of the House subcommittee that oversees biotechnology could soon be at increased risk of being exposed to a toxic weed killer, a recent EWG...

Not so green-- Green Revolution

Everybody knows that using one technique to solve a diverse set of problems often doesn't work. But somebody forgot to tell that to the creators of the Green Revolution.

Top 10 Reasons to Reject Trump’s Chemical Safety Nominee

Next week, a key Senate committee will consider the nomination of Michael Dourson to oversee chemical safety at the Environmental Protection Agency. Here are the top 10 reasons senators should reject...

Nutrition Facts Delay: Latest Salvo in Trump’s War on Food

The Trump administration delayed a long-awaited update to nutrition labels on packaged food Friday, launching yet another assault in its war on good food policy.

EPA’s Top Children’s Health Dr. Shown the Door – Will Program be Axed?

The Environmental Protection Agency's top children's health official was abruptly put on administrative leave Tuesday, which could be a prelude to shutting the office she ran. EWG said Dr. Ruth Etzel...

EWG news roundup (4/16): EWG applauds President Biden’s ambitious budget proposal, spring health goals and more

EWG news roundup (4/16): Here’s some news you can use going into the weekend.


EWG’s Healthy Home Tips for Parents

Choose better body care products.