
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 73 - 96 of 1523

Big Ag’s “Celery Calculator” Lowballs Pesticide Risk

Big agribusiness hates it when we talk dirty. The Dirty Dozen that is, EWG's list of fresh fruits and vegetables that are most likely to carry pesticide residues.

Time for USDA to Release New Pesticide Residue Data

On Friday (May 13), Environmental Working Group President Ken Cook blew the whistle on the agri-chemical lobby's months-long effort to get the government to put the industry's spin on the upcoming...

The EPA hasn’t banned this brain-damaging pesticide, so states are stepping up

Chlorpyrifos is the most widely used organophosphate pesticide in the U.S., with millions of pounds sprayed every year. Scientists have definitively linked it to severe brain damage in children and...

NEW: EWG’s 2022 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce™

Today the Environmental Working Group announced that strawberries, spinach and leafy greens are again the top offenders on its 2022 Dirty Dozen™ – a list of the most pesticide-contaminated fresh...

Beloved children’s fruit snacks test positive for pesticides

Pesticides are found at detectable levels in dozens of fruit leather strips and dried fruit, two of the most popular children’s snacks, according to the results of new Environmental Working Group...

Getting sick on pesticides Big Ag can't live without

Chemical agriculture's defense of pesticides conjures up the image of the chain-smoking industry attorney Nathan Thurm slithering through a minefield of facts and figures about the causes of global...

Strawberries Top the List of Worst Fruits and Veggies for Pesticide Residues

One of your kid's favorite fruits is hiding a dirty secret. Of all the fresh fruits and vegetables available for sale in the United States, sweet, sun-kissed strawberries are the most likely to be...

The Pesticide Lobby's ‘Alternative Facts’ About EWG’s Shopper’s Guide

Does hearing about pesticides on produce make people less likely to eat fruits and vegetables? No – just the opposite. But that's what the pesticide lobby would like to have you believe.

Just Released: EWG’s 2019 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce™

Kale has higher pesticide residues than nearly all other produce found on supermarket shelves, according to the Environmental Working Group's 2019 Dirty Dozen™.

Cancer-Causing Pesticide ‘Garbage’ Taints Tap Water for Millions in California

TCP is just one example of the widespread contamination of drinking water from agriculture chemicals.

NAS Committee Meets on Testing of Pesticides, Toxic Chemicals on Humans

A National Academy of Sciences (NAS) panel, requested by the Bush Administration, will meet January 8-9, 2003 to begin its review of the ethics of chemical companies using humans in laboratory tests...

New York Becomes Third State To Ban Brain-Damaging Pesticide

Beginning next year, a neurotoxic pesticide that at low doses can trigger brain and behavioral damage in children will be banned from use by agricultural operations in New York State

Banned pesticide still used in head lice treatment

A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit brought against The Ecology Center and two Michigan pediatricians who stood up in support of banning the dangerous chemical lindane in anti-head-lice shampoos.

EWG’s 2013 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides Coming Soon

EWG's 2013 Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce will be coming out soon. Stay tuned.

San Francisco Tap Water Tests: Pesticides Not Detected

Much of EWG's work means warning you about potentially harmful chemicals in your water, food or consumer products. So we're glad to report some good news: Recent tests of San Francisco tap water...

Because pesticides on your food aren't bad enough

Worried about your cantaloupe catching fire? You might not have to anymore! Your fruits and veggies may be doused in Deca, a flame retardant chemical and known neurotoxin.

Pesticide Industry to Use Tax Dollars to Attack Critics

WASHINGTON, Sept. 21 -- The California Department of Food and Agriculture has awarded $180,000 in federal funds to finance an agribusiness-chemical industry plan to combat its critics – Environmental...

EPA will ban all food uses of pesticide chlorpyrifos

Today the Environmental Protection Agency announced it will ban all uses of the pesticide chlorpyrifos on food, a move to protect public health that also highlights the risks of unsafe but widely used...

Five Essential Facts About Pesticides on Fruits and Vegetables

A healthy diet begins with lots of fruits and vegetables, but some of your family's favorites may contain startling amounts of harmful pesticides.

Farmers' Prostate Cancer Likely Linked to Pesticide Exposures

One in seven men are diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetimes. It's the most common cancer among men, but we don't know much about its causes.

Banned pesticide, others found on Washington State apples

Despite an August ban by the federal government on an apple pesticide, recent tests of State of Washington apples show dangerous levels of the bug killer and other agriculture chemicals on the fruit.

EPA Seeks To Expand Use of Toxic Pesticide 2,4-D

A plan under consideration by the Obama administration would result in at least a three-fold increase in use of the toxic herbicide 2,4-D on American corn and soybean fields. The ubiquitous crop...

EWG Comments to EPA on Registration Decision for Pesticide Imazalil

Environmental Working Group objects to the EPA’s proposed interim registration decision for the carcinogenic pesticide imazalil. EWG urges the EPA to protect children’s health from imazalil and to...

Court rejects California’s blanket approval of pesticide spraying

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – In a major victory for health and environmental groups, a California court has ruled that a sweeping state pesticide spraying program is unlawful. The court found the program...