
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 745 - 768 of 1523

6 Strikes Against the House Farm Bill

Every federal farm bill is a chance to feed hungry Americans, build healthier diets, support family farmers and reduce farm pollution

Sen. Lautenberg Introduces Safe Chemicals Act of 2011

Once again, Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.) is leading the effort to try to contain the constant onslaught of dangerous industrial chemicals on our bodies.

Plant-powered holiday dishes approved by EWG

For the festive season, EWG is dishing out some green gastronomic advice with mouthwatering plant-based recipes – perfect for a healthy and happy time over the holidays.

Who would do all this research if EWG weren't around?

Special to Enviroblog by Bonnie Raitt & Erin Brockovich. You know I like giving people something to talk about. Erin's the same way. Some might call us rabble-rousers, but we're just speaking up about...

EWG comments to EPA on chlorothalonil

The Environmental Working Group submits comments to the Environmental Protection Agency on the human health and ecological risk assessments for the fungicide chlorothalonil. EWG urges EPA to better...

Government Tests Find Roundup Widespread in Water, Air

Glyphosate, one of the most heavily used weed-killers in the world, has been found in air, rain and rivers in two states examined by government scientists.

‘Should I Throw Out My Cheerios?’ and Other Questions about Roundup in Children’s Food

Recently, EWG released a headline-making report on Roundup in children's cereal and other oat-based foods. Much of the news coverage agrees with us that parents should be concerned.

EWG News Roundup (6/12): Landmark California Cosmetics Bill Clears Hurdle, COVID-19 Afflicts Food Processors and More

EWG News Roundup (6/12): Here's some news you can use going into the weekend.

EWG welcomes $65 million USDA plan to improve farmworker health and safety standards

The Environmental Working Group today welcomed a new proposal by the Department of Agriculture to spend $65 million on improving health and safety standards for farmworkers.

Study: Elevated Levels of Toxic Chemicals Found in Menstrual Pads and Disposable Diapers

Many brands of menstrual pads and disposable diapers contain elevated levels of chemicals linked to developmental and reproductive harm, according to a recent study published in the journal...

Five Kids’ Snacks You Should Always Buy Organic

Did you know that in order to receive organic certification, packaged foods must be free of not only toxic pesticides but also thousands of added chemicals like artificial preservatives, colors and...

News Release

Nationwide sampling in 13 metropolitan areas found harmful levels of cancer-causing arsenic on the surface of "pressure-treated" wood purchased at Home Depot and Lowe's Home Improvement Warehouse...

Don't wipe out: The hidden hazards of antibacterial wipes

Grocery stores dispense them for wiping down carts, gyms, for spiffing up exercise equipment. Some schools hand them out so kids can scrub their desks and ask parents for wipes as back-to-school...

Change the market. Advocate for safety. Lead with science. Protect our health.

We combine peer-reviewed research, data analysis and groundbreaking consumer tools with expert communications and advocacy to bring about changes in policy, consumer demand and market behavior. These...

Background Information on Cyanazine

Cyanazine is sold by DuPont Chemical as Bladex, and has been in use since 1971. It is the fourth most widely used synthetic chemical pesticide in U.S. agriculture. An estimated 30-35 million pounds were applied in 1993 (Aspeline 1994), primarily on corn fields to control grasses and broad leaf weeds. Based on information reported by the EPA, the USDA, and others, the use of cyanazine appears to be

6 Ways the Biden Administration Should Protect Food and Farm Workers From Covid-19

The Covid-19 pandemic – worsened by the Trump administration's woefully anemic response – has taken the lives of more than 300 food and farm workers and sickened tens of thousands more, turning the...

Bayer may end sales of toxic weedkiller Roundup for residential use

After a federal judge rejected a proposed $2 billion settlement for all future claims that Roundup causes cancer, the maker of the widely used weedkiller said it will consider whether to end its sale...


The farm bill proposed yesterday by House Agriculture Committee leaders would cut funds for nutrition programs and the environment to help finance new price and revenue guarantees and increase...

EWG Statement on the Phase-Out of CCA

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) today applauded the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for standing up to the chemical and wood treatment industries by forcing the phase-out of arsenic...

EWG comments EPA on implementation strategies for EDSP

The Environmental Working Group submits comments to the Environmental Protection Agency urging the agency to strengthen the implementation strategies for the Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program, or...

What are the biggest food policy debates?

This week, Grist offered its opinion about the biggest debates in food policy. But many of the biggest kitchen-table issues weren't on the list, including climate change, farm pollution, food safety...

A “Dirty Dozen” Chemical To Avoid

The “Dirty Dozen” label doesn't apply only to produce.