
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 961 - 984 of 1523

Valuable Farm Bill Program for Fruits and Vegetables Needs Better Focus

An important farm bill program that provides valuable support for California's growers and consumers of healthy fruits, vegetables and nuts would deliver greater all-around benefits if state officials...

EWG News Roundup (1/17): Asbestos in Children’s Toys, Nitrate in Minnesota’s Drinking Water, Cosmetic Safety Reform in California and More

EWG News Roundup (1/17): Here's some news you can use going into the weekend.

Consumer Guides

EWG's Dirty Dozen: Cancer Prevention Edition

Scientists are only beginning to investigate how certain chemicals may interact to contribute to cancer development. But given that we live in a sea of chemicals, it makes sense to begin reducing exposures to ones we know are bad actors.

A Year’s Worth of (Achievable) Resolutions To Protect Your Family’s Health

“Lose weight.” “Exercise.” “Save money.” Those annual post-holiday, guilt-fueled mantras aren't only tiresome but are also usually doomed to fail. Eighty percent of resolutions fail just weeks into...
Consumer Guides

EWG's Dirty Dozen: Cancer Prevention Edition

Scientists are beginning to investigate how certain chemicals may interact to contribute to cancer development.

Top Ten Reasons to Reject the House Farm Bill

The budget-busting farm bill approved by the House Agriculture Committee late Wednesday night is quite simply the worst piece of farm and food legislation in decades. The bill will feed fewer people...

5 Ways to Protect Your Hormones from Toxic Chemicals

When you're trying to achieve a healthier lifestyle, diet and exercise tend to get most of the attention. But there's another critical step to living healthier: reducing your intake of toxic chemicals...

EWG news roundup (7/29): Mapping Western Lake Erie Basin AFOs, billions of dollars in landmark Senate deal to fight climate crisis, and more

EWG news roundup (7/29): Here’s some news you can use going into the weekend.

Landmark Study: People in Highly Polluted Areas at Greater Risk of Cancer

Americans who live in highly polluted areas are likely at greater risk of developing cancers, especially breast and prostate cancers, according to a new study from the University of Illinois at...

Senate Confirms Wheeler, Ex-Fossil Fuel Lobbyist, To Head EPA

The Senate today confirmed Andrew Wheeler, a former top lobbyist for coal and chemical companies, as head of the Environmental Protection Agency.

Organic Success Is No “Fantasy”

Demand for organic food is soaring – so much so that Costco is running out of it.

AgMag’s Top 10 Stories of the Year

Every year, EWG's editors ask our colleagues on the EWG staff to tell us what they consider the Top 10 environmental stories of the year in each of the two topic areas covered by the two blogs on EWG...

House Farm Bill: Bad for Taxpayers, Hungry Families, and the Environment

Environmental Working Group joined anti-hunger, public health, labor, and animal welfare groups at the National Press Club to voice deep concerns with the recently passed House Agriculture Committee...

Help EWG Bottled Water Research (and win a prize!)

"Purified by equatorial winds." "Pure as the driven snow." "Resonates with the energy and frequency of well-being." Your ... bottled water?

What's in Washington's water?

I paddle my touring kayak in the Potomac but never a whitewater kayak - never have wanted to practice self-rescues and rolls in that water. Okay, I know, there are world champion kayakers here in DC...

EWG President Ken Cook On What The 2014 Election Results Mean For Environmental Health

Ken Cook, the president and co-founder of the Environmental Working Group, says that EWG's commitment to protecting public health and the environment from toxic pollution will not waver, “no matter...

Communities Near GMO Fields Sprayed By Monsanto's Glyphosate

One reason nine out of 10 Americans want genetically engineered, “GMO,” food to be labeled is their concern over the escalation of herbicide spraying on hundreds of millions of acres of GMO crops.

Autism: There's more of it, not just better detection

Special to Enviroblog by Sonya Lunder, EWG Senior Researcher A study published earlier this week confirmed what parents of children with autism have argued for years--that the dramatic increase in...

Where have all the frogs gone?

Earth in Mind, a book by notable environmental educator David Orr, opens with two memorable and frightening statistics: Male sperm counts worldwide have fallen by 50% since 1938; There has been a...

EnviroHealth in Blogs: Can I recycle that?

Mark at Blogfish reports that the National Fisheries Institute, the industry group that brought us the "eat more fish!" study last fall, are pretty ticked about the New York Times investigative report...

Another Katrina legacy: Arsenic coated playgrounds

It's tricky to write about the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and the subsequent rebuilding of New Orleans. Today's headlines are full of contradictions. New Orleans is reveling "in a new spirit of...

Waxman’s Retirement Huge Loss for Environment, Public Health

The departure of environmental and public health champion Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif., “will be an enormous loss to anyone who cares about safe drinking water, clean air, food safety and children's...

It began to dawn on the early EWG team that though the public knew about pollution in air, water and soil, we didn’t know about pollution in people. And that was going to be the key to unlocking market change. EWG scientists got to work testing the umbilical cord blood of newborn infants, to see what pollutants they’re born with. The first studies began in 2004; anonymous American babies were