
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 1321 - 1344 of 1523

Thank you, Administrator Jackson

It's not news that getting anything substantive through Congress these days is like pushing very big rocks uphill, even when there is remarkable consensus on a topic.

Getting started on your plant-powered kitchen

I hope you’ve garnered enough information from my alternative protein musings that you want to try doing things a little differently. Reshaping what and how you eat is a process, and it’s the small...

EWG News Roundup (2/5): Investigation Finds Toxic Heavy Metals in Baby Food, the Recent History of USDA Discrimination Against Black Farmers and More

On Thursday, a congressional investigation revealed it had found that a number of widely sold baby food brands are tainted with dangerous levels of toxic heavy metals, including arsenic, lead, cadmium...

Wellness Chat: The Importance of Nutrition in Cancer Prevention

Wellness Chat is a new EWG series bringing you the latest news on cancer prevention through discussions with experts in the field. Today's guest: Jocelyn Weiss, Ph.D.

Will Chemical Safety Bill Shortchange EPA?

The best car won't run if you don't put gas in it. Even if Congress modestly improves the federal chemical safety law—and there are lots of reasons to think it won't—the changes won't mean much if the...

Beauty and the Beast: Fix Broken Cosmetics Law with Real Reform, Not Loopholes

Federal law on cosmetics and other personal care products is badly broken and has not been updated for nearly 80 years.

Despite Record Deficits and Anger Over Government Spending, Federal Commodity Crop Spending Continues Unabated

In a time of ballooning federal budget deficits, robust farm income and increasing populist anger over government spending and intervention in the private sector, it would seem prudent to trim...

Rethinking Carcinogens

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. That old adage is certainly true for cancer. Despite great advances in treatments and therapies, preventing the disease from ever occurring will always be the best option.

News from Ground Control: Planet Trump (March 3)

It was quite the busy week for the Trump team – with new Environmental Protection Agency head Scott Pruitt wasting no time putting his extreme, anti-environment agenda in place.

EWG Standards Cut Through Compromises on Drinking Water Quality

When it comes to your drinking water, getting a passing grade from the federal government may not be good enough.

Chemical Industry Shill Nominated to Lead EPA Toxics Program

In May, EWG reported that former chemical industry bigwig Nancy Beck was the scariest Trump appointee you've never heard of. We may have spoken too soon.

EWG’s Top 10 Enviroblog stories of 2015

The EWG staff voted the landmark global climate accord approved on December 12 in Paris as the top environmental story of 2015. In our judgment, the achievement of the Paris pact is that, for the...


Trouble Downstream

Due to lax standards and implementation problems, the conservation compliance program is missing cost-effective opportunities to make further, substantial reductions in soil erosion on U.S. cropland.

EWG’s Food Scores Helps People Find Out What’s Really In Their Food

Today, Environmental Working Group released Food Scores: Rate Your Plate, an easy-to-use food database and mobile app that will house ratings and a vast array of other information for more than 80,000...

EWG TSCA 8(e) Petition to US EPA

EWG asks EPA administrator Whitman to investigation apparent reporting violations by DuPont Chemical. EWG submits documentation that DuPont had determined that 2 of 7 babies born to Teflon-exposed...

Fluoride in your water: How much is too much?

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services proposes that public water systems cut back on the amount of fluoride they add to drinking water.

Plate of the Union: New Campaign Will Activate Consumers for Healthy Food and Sustainable Farm Policy

Every five years, the government passes an almost-trillion-dollar piece of legislation that profoundly impacts food and farm policy. For decades, big agribusiness has dominated the process, with its...

Climate change isn’t high priority for $1.2 billion USDA farm stewardship program

One of the Department of Agriculture’s largest farm stewardship programs doesn’t make a big enough priority of helping farmers reduce greenhouse gases – even though food and farming emissions keep...

New GE Crops/Weed Killer Combo Puts Foods At Risk

More than 440,000 acres of food crops – including potatoes, peas, grapes and tomatoes – could soon be in the toxic spray zones of a weed-killing chemical linked to Parkinson's disease and reproductive...

EWG News Roundup (12/18): Biden Announces Top Environmental and Energy Nominees, Winter Healthy Skin Tips and More

EWG News Roundup (12/18): Here's some news you can use going into the weekend.

EWG news roundup (3/25): Federal crop insurance linked to climate crisis, the meaning of EU ban on controversial cosmetic ingredient and more

EWG news roundup (3/25): Here’s some news you can use going into the weekend.