
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 2473 - 2496 of 7455

Trump Administration to Allow More Pizza and Fries, Fewer Fruits and Vegetables in School Menus

The Trump administration has proposed significant changes to menus at the nation's public schools that would allow more pizza, fries and burgers, and fewer fruits and vegetables for students to choose...

Mark Ruffalo, EWG’s Ken Cook Applaud Gov. Cuomo for Bold Action To Protect New Yorkers From PFAS

Actor and activist Mark Ruffalo and EWG president and co-founder Ken Cook today praised New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo for taking bold action to reduce PFAS pollution.

Trump’s Proposed Budget Cuts Disastrous for Public Health, Clean Energy Investments

President Trump's 2021 budget proposal, released today, seeks deep cuts in funding for the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Energy and other agencies, and shows the administration's...

Toxic-Free Cosmetics Act Would Ban Cosmetics With Chemicals Linked to Cancer or Reproductive Harm

On Thursday the California Assembly reintroduced the Toxic-Free Cosmetics Act, A.B. 2762. If passed, the law would ban 12 toxic ingredients, such as mercury and formaldehyde, from the beauty and...

Study: PFAS Act Similar to Known Cancer-Causing Chemicals

Scientists at the Environmental Working Group and Indiana University have for the first time conducted a review of 26 fluorinated chemicals, or PFAS, and found that all display at least one...

AspenClean Brings First EWG VERIFIED® Cleaners to Consumers

Today AspenClean announced its collection of nine cleaning products that meet the Environmental Working Group's rigorous criteria for health, ingredient disclosure and transparency. These are the...

PFAS Could Contaminate More Than 600 Military Installations, DOD Says

The Department of Defense has released new data showing that more than 600 military sites and surrounding communities could be contaminated with perfluorinated chemicals, or PFAS – far more...

FOIA Data: Tap Water at 28 Military Bases Tainted With ‘Forever Chemicals’ Above States’ Safety Standards

Drinking water at more than two dozen U.S. military installations is contaminated with toxic fluorinated chemicals, or PFAS, at levels that exceed the standards set or proposed by a number of states...

Trump Rollback of Auto Emissions Standards = 1 Billion More Tons of Air Pollution

Today the Trump administration is set to release a final rule rolling back auto fuel efficiency standards, which will let cars and light trucks emit 1 billion more tons, or more, of carbon pollution...

EWG: By Pulling Out of Paris Climate Pact, Trump Ignores 'Moral Responsibility'

By pulling the U.S. out of the Paris climate agreement, President Trump will abdicate his responsibility as leader of the most powerful country in the world, to help fight the looming catastrophe of...

Trump’s Plan to Prop Up Coal and Nukes Would Drive Up Utility Bills

Millions of Americans could see their monthly electricity bills increase under the Trump administration's proposal to prop up the dying, dirty and dangerous coal and nuclear power industries, said EWG...

Picking Losers: Why Coal and Nuclear Interests Are Desperate For a Ratepayer Bailout

Without Energy Secretary Rick Perry's scheme to make utility customers buy more expensive electricity from aging, dirty and dangerous coal and nuclear u, utilities plan to close 75 coal and nuclear...

Clean Power Plan Hearing is Trump’s Latest Desperate Act to Save Dying Coal Industry

For the only public hearing on the proposed repeal of the Clean Power Plan, the Trump administration picked a location where residents are sure to support the desperate attempt to save the dying coal...

Trump Completes Repeal of Clean Water Rule, Imperiling Drinking Water Sources for 117M People

Today the Trump administration will finalize its plan to repeal critical safeguards that prohibit the dumping of industrial and agricultural pollution into sensitive waterways that provide tap water...

At Conference of Top Cancer Researchers, EWG Presents New Analysis Showing Nitrate-Polluted Tap Water Could Cause 12,500 Cancer Cases a Year

Drinking water contaminated with nitrate could be responsible for more than 12,500 cases of cancer each year, according to a peer-reviewed study by Environmental Working Group presented today at a...

Investigation: Manure From Unregulated Factory Farms Fuels Lake Erie’s Toxic Algae Blooms

Unregulated animal factory farms are funneling nutrient-rich pollution into Lake Erie, feeding an enormous toxic algae bloom each summer, according to a new investigation by the Environmental Working...

EWG’s Tap Water Database Drives Research, Public Awareness

Since 2005, Environmental Working Group's Tap Water Database has been the authoritative source for consumers, journalists and researchers who want to know about contaminants in the nation's drinking...

Public Interest Groups Unite To Form Duke Energy Watchdog

A coalition of public interest, social justice, watchdog and environmental groups are joining forces to hold Duke Energy, the largest investor-owned U.S. electric utility, accountable for its policies...

Duke Energy Demands Indiana Households and Companies Pay for Electricity Not Used During Pandemic

Duke Energy, the biggest investor-owned power utility in the country, is asking Indiana regulators to force the state's residents and companies to pay for electricity they have not used due to the...

Historic PFAS Investments Proposed in House Spending Bills

Three spending bills proposed by the House will make historic investments to address the regulation and cleanup of the toxic fluorinated chemicals known as PFAS.

McConnell COVID-19 Relief Package Fails Hungry Families, Food and Farm Workers

The following is a statement from Scott Faber, EWG's senior vice president of government affairs, on the COVID-19 relief package released today by Senate Republicans.

EWG: Without Worker Protections, Trump’s Planned Order To Keep Meat Plants Open During Pandemic Could Be a Death Sentence

President Donald Trump signed an executive order today declaring meat-processing plants essential infrastructure and allowing the Agriculture Department to use the Defense Production Act to force them...

Required conservation practices poorly monitored, farmers consistently denied conservation money, large farms continue to reap l

As the five major commodity crops reap billions in taxpayer dollars each year, nearly 70 percent of farmer requests for voluntary conservation assistance go unfunded and soil erosion rules for subsidy...

EWG Statement on Reassignment of Chief of NIH Environmental Institute

Environmental Working Group (EWG) Executive Director Richard Wiles issued the following statement today in response to the decision by the head of the National Institute of Environmental Health...