
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 2521 - 2544 of 7455

Trump EPA Indefinitely Delays Bans on Deadly Chemicals

The Trump Administration last week proposed to indefinitely delay proposed bans of high-risk uses of three toxic chemicals: Methylene chloride and N-Methylpyrrolidone, or NMP, in paint strippers and...

Trump EPA To Leave Lethal Paint Stripper Chemical Legal for Workers

The Trump administration is likely to allow methylene chloride, a dangerous chemical that can kill a person on contact, to remain an ingredient in paint stripper products for commercial use. The...

Trump EPA’s Meddling with Toxic Chemicals Law Sparks Bipartisan Calls for Oversight Hearing

Concern among members of Congress over the Trump administration's implementation of the updated federal chemicals law burst across the aisle this week, with both the top Republican and Democrat on a...

EWG: ‘Unilever Has Raised the Bar for Fragrance Transparency’

The Environmental Working Group applauds personal care products giant Unilever for making good on its commitment to give consumers information about fragrance ingredients across its 15 brands of...

Trump PFAS Plan Is a Recipe for More Contamination

The Environmental Protection Agency's so-called PFAS management plan would only make the nationwide crisis of pervasive pollution from fluorinated compounds worse, EWG said.

Pioneers in PFAS Fight Call Out Trump EPA’s ‘Action Plan’

Two of the nation's leading voices fighting for victims of PFAS contamination and pushing for federal action sharply rebuked the Environmental Protection Agency's toothless “action plan” for the...

Senate Confirms Wheeler, Ex-Fossil Fuel Lobbyist, To Head EPA

The Senate today confirmed Andrew Wheeler, a former top lobbyist for coal and chemical companies, as head of the Environmental Protection Agency.

NYT: To Avoid Cleanup, Pentagon Demands PFAS Standards Up to 30x Higher Than Safe Level in Federal Study

The Pentagon is lobbying the White House to back woefully weak cleanup standards for PFAS chemicals, which contaminate water on or near hundreds of military bases, according to The New York Times.

White House, EPA Ignore Calls To Protect Workers From Deadly Paint Stripper Chemical

The Trump administration announced today it will allow methylene chloride, a dangerous chemical that can kill a person on contact, to remain an ingredient in paint-stripper products for commercial use...

Report: Despite Growing Contamination Crisis, PFAS Chemical Use in U.S. Swells

Between 2012 and 2016, at least 30 new fluorinated chemicals, commonly called PFAS, were produced in significant volumes, according to Environmental Protection Agency data analyzed by Public Employees...

Wheeler Defends Trump’s Plan To Slash EPA Budget

In testimony before a House committee today, Environmental Protection Agency chief Andrew Wheeler defended President Trump's proposed 31 percent budget cut to the agency.

In Senate Hearing, EPA’s Wheeler Rejects Calls To Ban Asbestos, Dodges Risks From PFAS Chemicals

In testimony today before a Senate appropriations committee, Environmental Protection Agency chief Andrew Wheeler refused to support banning asbestos, one of the deadliest known carcinogens, and...

Trump Wants To Let Big Hog Farmers Decide If Pork Is Safe

The Trump administration plans to let the pork industry take over inspections of meat from industrial-scale hog farms, including all tests for deadly pathogens that sicken half a million Americans a...

Ethanol Blend Ruling Bad for American Consumers and the Environment

Statement from Environmental Working Group Vice-President for Government Affairs Scott Faber on today's DC circuit court rejection of multiple challenges to the Environmental Protection Agency's...

Duke-Backed Bill That Could Jack Up Rates for NC Ratepayers Passes State Senate

Legislation pushed by Duke Energy that could relax North Carolina regulators' oversight of electricity rates passed the state Senate Thursday, sponsored by lawmakers who have received hefty campaign...

Former EPA Head Scott Pruitt Hired as Lobbyist To Save Coal in Indiana. (He Can’t.)

A major coal mining company in Indiana has hired former Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt to lobby against plans to close several coal-fired power plants in the state.

Coal Boss Who Pushed for Industry Bailout Doubts Trump Will Deliver

A top coal executive who pushed the Trump administration for a bailout that would cost consumers billions of dollars a year admitted the president probably won't be able to keep his campaign pledge to...

Bush Violates Law Protecting Grand Canyon From Uranium Mining

The Bush administration allowed Phoenix-based Neutron Energy to stake 20 new mining claims south of the Grand Canyon on August 7, in violation of an emergency Congressional resolution passed seven...

Victory Closer in Battle to Protect Grand Canyon

U.S. Secretary of the Interior, Ken Salazar, today proposed to place off-limits to new mining activity approximately one million acres near the Grand Canyon for up to 20 years. The proposal prohibits...

EWG Deconstructs California’s Toxic Fracking Recipe

The fluids used for hydraulic fracturing in California oil wells contain dozens of hazardous chemicals linked to cancer, hormone disruption and reproductive system damage, according to a new report by...

Report: Rapidly Expanding Frac Sand Mining is Hidden Danger of Fracking Boom in U.S.

Frac sand mining - the extraction of the fine-particle sand needed for hydraulic fracturing ("fracking") of wells -- is expanding rapidly in the United States and poses a little-understood threat to...

Fields of Filth: Landmark Report Maps Feces-Laden Hog and Chicken Operations in North Carolina

A first-of-its-kind interactive map revealing the locations of more than 6,500 concentrated animal feeding operations, or CAFOs, across the state of North Carolina was released today by Waterkeeper...

Formula Makers Pressed to Remove Toxic Chemical From Containers

Environmental Working Group (EWG) renewed its call for all infant formula makers to remove the toxic chemical BPA from their containers in light of recent actions by the governments of the United...

EWG Seeks Details Over Trump EPA’s Decision To Kill Funding for Children’s Health Centers

Environmental Working Group has filed a public records request seeking internal records that could help shed light on the EPA's decision to jettison funding for a network of research centers that...