
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 3073 - 3096 of 7455

Toxic Chemicals in Food Packaging Must Go

Under mounting pressure from consumers, scientists, advocacy groups and lawsuits, the Food and Drug Administration is about to decide whether to ban the ubiquitous industrial chemical BPA (bisphenol-A...

Fracking and Endocrine Disruptors, Sunscreen and Endometriosis

Our California fracking report continued to gain fantastic coverage this week with three large stories in Santa Cruz Weekly, Sacramento News and Review and Wines and Vines. Our president, Ken Cook...

EWG's work on toxics and natural resources

Here's a look at what the Environmental Working Group staff has been up to lately, and how our research, advocacy and commentary are being covered in the press.

EWG to FDA: Step It Up on Formaldehyde-Laced Hair Straighteners

The maker of Brazilian Blowout -- one of numerous hair straighteners on the market containing formaldehyde, a known carcinogen -- is now required to provide health warnings on its product's packaging...

Don't Let Your Child Be a Back Seat Smoker

Many parents who don't smoke - and have raised their kids to do the same - might be surprised to learn that their offspring could be secondhand-smoking a pack a week.

Louisville Water Co. Slashes Chrome-6 Pollution

In 2010, EWG identified chromium-VI contamination in the drinking water of 31 of the 35 cities we tested. One Kentucky city has stepped up to solve that problem.

Salad bars surge in D.C. schools

Local bok choy and baby spinach, a mesclun mix with mandarin oranges and broccoli florets topped with Asian chicken strips. No, it's not the lunch menu at Chez Panisse, the influential organic...

GAO Knocks EPA Tap Water Monitoring

A new report from Government Accountability Office, Congress's investigative arm, shows that a number of states have made serious errors in tap water safety data reporting. GAO attributed the lapses...

GAO to EPA: Improve Implementation of Safe Drinking Water Act

A Government Accountability Office investigation released last week has found that the Environmental Protection Agency's efforts to protect drinking water and public health from dangerous contaminants...

School cleaning supplies: Plenty toxic but very fixable

Baking soda, vinegar and plain soap are my cleaning supplies at home - plus a little elbow grease. I don't use conventional cleaners for a reason: I don't know what's in them (very weak labeling laws)...

Toxic chemicals and you: In search of 'safe'

140,321,493 searches have been requested on EWG's Skin Deep cosmetics safety database since 2004 - and counting. That's a lot of searches, by a lot of people seeking safer personal care products...

Healthy Home Tip 5: Another reason to wash those hands

With one case of kid flu and another serious case of coughing and sneezing in the house this week, our family is hand washing like never before. Parents included.

East L.A. says no more BPA

1,000 BPA-free baby bottles landed in east Los Angeles last week.

Peach & Pesticide Pie: a summer favorite?

Late summer produce harvest season is in full swing. Nothing should stand between you and all the peaches, berries, and tomatoes you can eat.

The greatest advertising trick of all time

We've studied bottled water a lot. You've probably seen our recent report on inadequate labeling (and our search tool for identifying better-labeled brands), and you might even have heard our...

Tell Del Monte: No more BPA!

Several months ago, EWG helped break news of a secret meeting convened at a fancy private club in Washington, where lobbyists from the chemical industry and food companies hatched a plot to mislead...

Sunscreen series: You've found the perfect sunscreen, now what?

By this point in the summer you've probably thoroughly researched and hunted down just the sunscreen you want. If you haven't, quick, it's already August! Read our sunscreen report and use our search...

Eden Foods: A BPA-Free Pioneer

No one is more pleased to see the hazards of Bisphenol A in the spotlight than Mike Potter, father of six, grandfather of four, and founder and president of Eden Foods.

Find your sunscreen in EWG's 2009 report

This week my family is vacationing, like many American families, and we're doing our best to play outside - a lot. Which, of course, means we're in the sun. And since we're from Oregon, our skin isn't...

About BPA: Do you feel lucky?

Clint Eastwood/Harry Callahan's pithy question rings in my head, every time I read the chemical lobby's defense of bisphenol A(BPA), a high-volume industrial plastics chemical.

EWG's Healthy Home Tip 1: Choose better body care products

Most people use around 10 personal care products every day with an average of 126 unique ingredients. The government's NOT protecting us. We'd like to believe that the government is policing the...

Beijing Games Had Worst Air Pollution Ever

Remember the Chinese government's draconian crackdown on air pollution before the 2008 Olympics?

It's practically summer: Quick, grab the (safe) sunscreen

Every year about this time we get a note from our preschool asking parents to either sign off on the school's sunscreen application regimen (their brand) or to bring your own. We've always brought our...

Help EWG Bottled Water Research (and win a prize!)

"Purified by equatorial winds." "Pure as the driven snow." "Resonates with the energy and frequency of well-being." Your ... bottled water?