
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 3097 - 3120 of 7455

Tips for Teens: Reevaluate your makeup bag!

Did you know that your cosmetics could harm your health? Your makeup is probably laden with dangerous chemical ingredients that could potentially cause long-term damage. Are you having trouble getting...

Teens Find Out the Real Story Behind Cosmetics

Hey teens! We know you probably wear make-up and use cosmetics everyday, but do you have any idea what's inside these products? Many personal care products may include dangerous chemicals that can...

Fracking Jobs? N.Y. Residents Need not Apply

Think fracking for natural gas means jobs? Think again.

Support a Climate Rider for EWG

I've signed up to ride in the five-day, 320-mile Climate Ride California 2011 in support of EWG. I have a personal goal of raising $2,700 by Tuesday, Sept. 20. Can you help me make this goal? A...

Cancer: Belatedly, Environmental Causes Get their Due

In discussions of the causes of cancer, environmental exposures have long been the unloved stepchild. But that's changing.

On Fracking: Now, Cracks in the Façade

Imagine, if you can: Nearly overnight, your water well begins producing slimy, off-color foul smelling and worse tasting water. It's unusable. You can't drink it. You can't bathe in it. You can't wash...

French law informs, protects cell phone users

France will soon become the first nation anywhere to require merchants to inform consumers of the radiation levels of cell phones at the point of sale.

Tell Congress: Pass the Healthy, Hunger-free Kids Act

With the aftershocks from this month's midterm election still reverberating around the nation, the "lame-duck" Congress returning to Washington for one last week's work is largely ready to punt most...

EWG Honors CA Officials for Efforts to Protect Public Health and Environment

Six dedicated public servants in California will be honored tonight in San Francisco for their shared commitment to protecting the health and environment of Californians.

Texas Schools are Drilling for Dollars

Pro sports teams regularly use signing bonuses to lure the star athletes they want. Now some Texas school districts are taking the bait, too.

Introducing: EWG's Guide to Healthy Child Care

Truth is, when my husband and I chose a childcare facility for our kids (way back in 2003), the question of environmental health didn't even cross our minds.

Federal grants to promote pesticides? Oh, my.

More than 50 organizations concerned about the risks of pesticides to human health and the environment have joined forces to fight California officials' award of a $180,000 taxpayer-funded grant to a...

Rachel Maddow: Don't Frack Me, Bro!

For a while there, it was just environmental watchdogs like EWG and film makers like Josh Fox (Gasland) and Debra Anderson (Split Estate) talking about the environmental consequences of hydraulic...

Yes we can - and should - make our food safer

We're all used to hearing Big Food and Big Ag brag about America having "the safest food supply in the world," usually as a warm-up for complaining that EWG and other critics of our food system are...

Race, Class, and Climate Change in the Wake of Hurricane Sandy

Hurricane Sandy ravaged much of the eastern seaboard, leaving some dead, many without shelter, and all of us wondering how such an event could happen. What we realized, though, is that we can no...

Cooking Through Winter's Bitter Bounty

When the weather turns, the days get shorter and it's time to get out the winter clothes, it's also high season for the Brassicaceae, or mustard family, on your family's dinner table.

EWG's Guide to Healthy Cleaning: How did we do it?

What's in those bottles on top of my washing machine and under my sink? We've been asked that question thousands of times - especially by fans of EWG's Skin Deep database, who value our brand of...

BPA: Recent Research Shows Continued Need for Government Action

There is now solid evidence that Americans have gotten the message that the plastics chemical bisphenol-A, a synthetic estrogen that can disrupt the hormone system, is hazardous to their health.

Don't wipe out: The hidden hazards of antibacterial wipes

Grocery stores dispense them for wiping down carts, gyms, for spiffing up exercise equipment. Some schools hand them out so kids can scrub their desks and ask parents for wipes as back-to-school...

Johnson & Johnson Takes a Big Step in the Right Direction

This week marked a huge victory for consumers. Johnson & Johnson, global manufacturer of such well known health and personal care products as Johnson's Baby Shampoo, unveiled plans to reformulate many...

EWG's 2012 Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce

Well, as we do each year, EWG released (on June 19) the latest Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce and as we suspected, eaters around the country are still concerned about high levels of toxic...

"The EWG list of best sunscreens can't be beat in my opinion."

Late last week, news outlets began reporting that the Federal Communications Commission was considering revising its cell phone radiation testing methods - for the first time in 15 years. Early this...

BPA and... Wait for It... Breast Cancer

DeSmog Blog published a piece last week about a new study linking in utero exposure to the notorious bisphenol-A to breast cancer.

New York Times' Kristof Lays Out the Case Against Endocrine Disruptors

Nicholas Kristof a columnist for The New York Times, has written about the expanding evidence that hypospadias and other birth defects in people and wildlife that may be linked to the daily...