
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 3241 - 3264 of 7454

Outside the Box: Green goes gray and more

Enviroblog's new weekly column, Outside The Box, features stories outside the norm and refusing to conform.

UN report: Urban sustainability must be a priority

In 2008, half of the world's entire population will live in cities. That number is expected to keep growing, according to a report from the United Nations Population Fund, and as the world's urban...

Allow me to introduce myself...

I've just joined the staff here at Environmental Working Group as Web Communications Coordinator. A big part of the job I've been tasked with is taking over where Matthew left off here on the blog...

NASA Head: What's all this fuss over global warming?

"First of all, I don't think it's within the power of human beings to assure that the climate does not change, as millions of years of history have shown. And second of all, I guess I would ask which...

Trying to honor Rachel Carson ain't easy

Earlier this week Maryland Sen. Ben Cardin announced his intention to offer a resolution to mark the 100th birthday of Rachel Carson . Sen. Tom Coburn from Oklahoma decided that the Senate was the...

Outdated cosmetics can cause bacterial infections

Did you know that many cosmetics have a shelf life of only one year, and the applicators of some products, like eyeliner, need to be washed or discarded even more frequently? According to the FDA...

Liveblogging the farm bill teach-in

Siel of Green LA Girl attended Food Fight: A Teach-in On the 2007 Farm Bill last night at Berkely, moderated by author and farm bill critic Michael Pollan.

Toxic plastics compound in baby bottles

Chicago Tribune health columnist, Julie Deardorff, blogs about bispheniol A in 'Toxic baby bottles.' The article that prompted Julie's post was published on February 27th. Since then Natural Baby and...

A real step toward conflict disclosure

According to EWG VP of Research, Jane Houlihan, would be for The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences to prohibit Sciences International's involvement in the evaluation of any chemicals...

Industry consultant suspended from BPA review panel

Pressure and publicity from EWG, has prompted the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences announced Monday that Sciences International has been temporarily removed from overseeing the...

A 'special' kind of risk assessment from a 'special' kind of firm

Yesterday I pointed you to the newest EWG investigation exposing the dubious relationship between the Center for the Evaluation of Risks to Human Reproduction (CERHR) — an agency under the auspices of...

Campus transportation alternatives

Providing parking facilities and addressing traffic congestion imposes significant costs to universities across the United States. That's why many campuses have implemented Transportation Demand...

13% of Canadian tuna above mercury limits

A CBC investigation finds that 13% of tuna on shelves (sampled from Vancouver, Winnipeg and Toronto) exceeded Health Canada guidelines for allowable mercury in tuna.

Don't poison your valentine

The perfume you give your Valentine may contain unwanted—and unlisted— ingredients: toxic chemicals. But this Valentine's Day you can show your loved ones you really care with safer choices from the...

The biodynamic farming revolution in India

Last night I watched the agricultural documentary How to Save the World. The film follows New Zealand bio-dynamic farmer Peter Proctor to India where he works with farmers to transition from chemical...

The upside of higher gas prices

Two years of record-high gasoline prices have forced auto-crazed Americans to do something they haven't done in more than two decades: Drive less.

Bush's omissions not omitted by Washington Post

The Washington Post will not let President Bush off the hook for his omissions in last nights State of the Union address.

'Firefighter' blows smokescreen at fire retardant legislation

According to Seattle Post-Intelligencer, a man claiming to represent the Fallen Firefighters Foundation gave testimony against a PBDE bill. It was revealed that he worked for Ameribrom, a PBDE...

Out of the frying pan: Sludge fertilizer as the antidote to lead poisoning

For a second, there, I thought I was reading The Onion. No such luck. In separate studies in Baltimore and St. Louis, government-funded researchers spread sludge fertilizer on lawns and vacant lots in...

Toxic makeup all around the world

Breast cancer rates are rising all over the world, not just in the U.S. A recent World Health Organization report states that the disease has dramatically risen in the last 20 years, in some countries...

Let's be friends!

What's that you say? You want -- nay, need -- more EWG goodness? I believe that can be arranged. . . Have you seen EWG's awesomely revamped MySpace page? Are you a fan of EWG? (On Facebook, that is.)...

PFCs may concentrate in breast milk

When EWG examined the cord blood of 10 American infants, perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) were among the 287 chemicals we found already circulating in their little bodies. PFCs make up the water and...

EnviroHealth in Blogs: Goods4Girls and drugs in the water

a little light reading for your mid-week enjoyment. Everybody's talking about drugs in the water. . . except the people who ought to be. The Pump Handle's got that story. And if you've got questions...

Poor and uninsured. Sound familiar?

We all know that rich and poor are differently affected by things in life. That fact is no different when we talk about the climate change, an issue that affects all of us. In fact, not only are they...