
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 3265 - 3288 of 7454

Law & Order tackles human testing of pesticides

Tomorrow night, NBC will air “Loophole,” an episode on the crime drama Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, which focuses on the controversial EPA rule allowing intentional dosing of people with...

Guest blogger defends Pollan from criticism

Yesterday I posted about Michael Pollan's essay Unhappy Meals for New York Times Magazine, in which he promotes eating whole foods rather than food products and raises doubts about scientists' who...

Flame retardants ingested through household dust

New research confirms that people can take up brominated flame retardants (PBDEs) from the dust in their homes.

EWG intern makes USA Today front page

Today's USA Today profiles (on the front page no less) EWG intern Alex Wells. According to USAT Alex may be pretty typical of Generation Y. Research suggests she and other millennials — those in their...

In the news: October 24, 2006

Multiple recent articles from news websites to be found within.

In the news: October 13, 2006

Multiple articles from recent news.

Testing for arsenic in San Fran playgrounds

Community groups in San Francisco are testing the city's playgrounds for deadly arsenic, which can leach off of treated wood play structures onto the skin and clothing of children. The City has plans...

Dupont's 2015 Sustainability Goals

Dupont has announced its new sustainability initiative which includes, among other goals, a reduction of air carcinogen emissions and submission to independent third-party verification of...

EU proposes ban on toxic embalming fluid

The EU is considering banning embalming fluid which contains formaldehyde, a potent carcinogen. Proponents of the ban are concerned about the chemical's potential to leach into the ground. The Wall...

Green-conscious GE develops hybrid lightbulb

Faux news from The Onion.

Journalism 101: Who's a Source?

In response to the debate National Geographic magazine has recently sparked with its October 2006 article, "The Pollution Within," Environmental Working Group invites journalism students, working...

EPA ignoring its own experts on air quality standards

NPR reports uncovering internal documents suggesting that EPA administrator Steven Johnson ignored the advice of EPA scientific advisors when he rejected tougher air quality standards that could save...

On spinach and food safety regulation

A quick glance at today's editorials makes clear that spinach and the recent E. coli episode are still on peoples' minds--and with good reason. The New York Times and The Capital Times of Madison are...

Farmer to AJC on Farm Subsidies: "We're playing a game."

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution is running an investigative series that examines many aspects of farm subsidies. U.S. subsidies for cotton and selected other crops, born in the Great Depression to...

Religious groups in Canada declare war on bottled water

Water and the rights to it have fueled many debates in the past. Recently several churches in Canada have been advocating against consumption of bottled water, citing ethical, social, and theological...

Protests in Shanghai over toxic US-Japanese cosmetics

SHANGHAI (AFP) - Hundreds of angry Chinese women have taken to the streets of Shanghai demanding refunds for US-Japanese cosmetics after authorities detected banned chemicals in some of the products.

Message Received: Growing organics in the Fairness Amendment

Remember the petition we asked (and asked, and asked) you to sign to tell Congress to Grow Organics?

'I don't see no p'ints about that frog that's any better'n any other frog.'

"'What might it be that you've got in the box?' "And Smiley says, sorter indifferent-like, 'It might be a parrot, or it might be a canary, maybe, but it ain't—it's only just a frog.'

GreenFest Philly: Who doesn't love a block party?

September 9th sounds like a good day for a green street festival, doesn't it?

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Arsenic and old lies in Baltimore

Today's villain is brought to you by the letter C, for Coverup: Back in early June we posted a story about a couple of Jersey City journalists who were arrested for crossing police barricades to...

Al Gore live webcast today

Have you been counting down the days to the Live Earth concerts? We've been pretty quiet on the subject here at Enviroblog, but not because we don't care -- we've just been too busy keeping you in the...

Who's in your Zipcode Village?

In a world where web-empires have been built on connecting you to people across the country and across the world, it can be easy to lose sight of what's going on in your own backyard.

Ask EWG: Do flame-retardant chemicals on furniture accumulate in breast milk?

Question: Is it true that flame-retardant chemicals in upholstered furniture accumulate in women's breast milk? If so, what kind of hazard does this pose to an infant that consumes the breast milk?