
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 3337 - 3360 of 7454

Natural Selection Foods: Organic spinach not to blame

Contrary to claims of those sympathetic to chemical-intensive farming, all cases of this most recent outbreak of E. coli have been traced back to packages of non-organic spinach, according to Natural...

Respected journal brings public to peer-review process

The scientific journal Nature has added a new element to its system of reviewing articles for publication---posting submissions online and allowing feedback from recognized scientists and institutions...

Grandpa marching on Washington for clean air and safer schools

Culminating a hike of several hundred miles, West Virginia grandfather Ed Wiley will arrive in Washington tomorrow to ask the federal government to help where his local officials' resources fall short...

Pesticides found in all 168 daycare centers tested

At least one pesticide was found in each of 168 daycare centers tested in a recent study by EPA's National Exposure Research Laboratory. While noting that concentrations found were generally low...

Just say yes to drugs

The Washington Post reported on a report by the National Research Center for Women & Families showing that expert panels assembled by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are often biased towards...

EPA is Behind Schedule in Curbing Childhood Lead Poisoning

"The Clinton administration in 2000 set a goal to eliminate childhood lead poisoning by 2010. To achieve that, in the next two years the EPA would have to reduce the estimated cases to 90,000 from...

A global warming quick fix?

What do carbon-sucking artificial trees, an ocean floor carpet of iron dust, a man-made sulfur volcano, and a global umbrella all have in common?

Katrina IMAX feature glosses over reality

I left the Smithsonian's IMAX Theater after seeing Hurricane on the Bayou wondering how the film's producers managed to make such a colorfully feel-good movie about the devastation of Katrina. The...

Coal combustion faces controversy

A recently released MIT report found that coal contributes more to global carbon dioxide emissions than any other energy source. Coal's high carbon to hydrogen ratio makes it a larger CO2 polluter per...

Quote of the day

There's one Lord, but not just one issue. I am as much against abortion as Jim Dobson and the others, but I want that baby to live in a healthful environment, inside the womb as well as outside of the...

Glass baby bottle auction to support EWG

By now you've likely seen some of the national attention EWG's recent report about Bisphenol A (BPA), an ingredient used in plastic bottles and in the lining of food cans, has generated. BPA has been...

Buying flowers? Go organic to protect workers & their kids

So you're picking out flowers to mail your loved ones for Valentines Day, but guess what else you'll be sending them—according to the Associated Press, the flowers you send will be “sprayed, rinsed...

Grist spotlights farm bill debate

Like a barnyard sow basking in attention at a county fair, the farm bill -- that monstrously complex five-year plan for federal agriculture policy -- has suddenly gained a high profile.

Kid-powered water pumps

Several years ago, concerned by the time and energy South African women spent fetching water from distant, often polluted sources, Trevor Fields decided to do something. Fields teamed up with an...

In the news: October 19, 2006

Multiple articles from recent news.

RAN's World Rainforest Week

Currently, about 40 million acres of rainforest are lost annually, even though they are home to to five to ten million plant and animal species. In addition to their role as diverse habitats...

Study links mercury and premature births

A new study of over 1,000 pregnant Michigan women has found that those with hair samples containing high levels of mercury are three times more likely to give birth prematurely. The study acknowledges...

New group forms to help science-friendly candidates

Scientists and Engineers for America is a new group, just recently formed: "to enter the political debate when the nation's leaders systematically ignore scientific evidence and analysis, put...

First shot in the 2007 farm bill debate?

Delta Farm Press, David Bennett Published May 4, 2006 In what could be the first significant shot fired in the 2007 farm bill debate, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) has released a report on how...

Fertilizer runoff creates 'Dead Zone' in Gulf

St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Bill Lambrecht Published June 14, 2007 There was hope for a cure down in the Louisiana bayous even as the Gulf of Mexico Dead Zone expanded like a B-movie blob.

America Needs a True Renewable Energy Policy

Finding ways to reduce fossil fuel use and greenhouse gas emissions while producing enough energy to support economic development worldwide is this century's preeminent challenge. We must meet this...

New Law Lets Black Farmers Seek Claims

Gannett News Service (Detroit Free Press), Doug Abrahms Published June 4, 2008 Robert Harrold missed the 2000 deadline for filing a benefit discrimination claim against the U.S. Department of...

House Farm Bill: A Missed Opportunity for Leadership and Real Reform

Statement of Ken Cook, President, Environmental Working Group House Agriculture Chairman Collin Peterson, Ranking Member Bob Goodlatte, members of their committee, and their staffs, are to be...

Follow The Money

CBS News, Sharyl Attkisson Published November 16, 2007