
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 3361 - 3384 of 7454

Gov't Eliminates Drilling Reviews

The Bush administration continues to combat the country's energy problems with industry giveaways, now allowing oil and gas drilling permits on public lands to be issued without environmental reviews...

In the news: October 25, 2006

Multiple recent articles within.

Say NO to nano in cosmetics

While industry and government officials debate the safety of nanotech, 256 popular products have already been identified where nanomaterials are listed as ingredients. Products include eye liner...

And you thought the Tahoe ad idea was bad ...

Chevy is back it at with another ridiculous ad strategy. Since their "make your own" Tahoe advert was a flop, Chevy and John "whatever-my-middle-name-is-today" Mellencamp have teamed up to try a new...

Drink me, I'm toxic

Over 100 accidental ingestions of Colgate-Palmolive's multi-use cleaner Fabuloso have prompted an article in the journal Pediatrics. Those who drank the cleaning product (40% of whom are over 12)...

Preschool puberty from cometics, drugs

Today the New York Times reports some disturbing news about certain drugs and cosmetics causing preschoolers to go into puberty. In one case, a girl and her brother--whose father had been using a...

CDC joins the blogosphere

We learn today, via Effect Measure and DemFromCT at DailyKos, that the CDC has started a blog of their own, with the realization that "new media" is a good vehicle to help advance discussion of...

Senator laughed at for climate change skepticism

Check out this 40 second clip of Minnesota Senator Michele Bachmann calling climate change science into question as her audience laughs in her face.

Making sure there is always bad weather to report

Several TV stations are now using souped-up Hummers not only as their mobile weather stations, but also as educational tools for schoolchildren. ABC 15 in Phoenix is quite proud of its brightly...

Project Censored Exposes Hushed News

Every year, for last 30 years, Project Censored at Sonoma State University has been collecting and reporting on news that corporate media doesn't cover. The issues that don't make it to the corporate...

The Dirty Secret of Cleaner Cars

On Sunday, the New York Times ran a piece on PZEV's, or Partial Zero Emissions Vehicles. PZEV's are poorly marketed versions of the most popular cars on the road. The difference? They have better...

FDA's 100th Birthday

Check out this FDA Centennial Anthem, written in honor of the big milestone: "One century past, a people's hope fulfilled By an act conceived for safe medicine and food Protecting rights that our...


From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch on mercury in dental fillings: "...Mercury in its many forms is poisonous, especially to children and pregnant women. The most heinous problems are neurological ones...

Too Much of a Good Thing

A new report from the World Health Organization reminds us that we can have too much of a good thing. The report states that 60,000 lives are claimed each year from excessive sun exposure, the...

The bottle-versus-the-tap debate

Today, The L.A. Times reveals that consumers spend 10 billion dollars annually on bottled water which undergoes a far less scrupulous testing regimen than big-city tap water systems.

Like Mother, Like Baby

In a new study published in Environmental Science & Technology, researchers watched levels of plasticizing chemicals called phthalates ("THAH-lates") rise and fall in breast milk over a six-month...

The 'Rumble in the Jungle' of Farm Policy Debate

Environmental Working Group president, Ken Cook, has challenged former House Agriculture Committee Chairman, Larry Combest (R-TX), to a series of nationwide debates on 'agriculture policy, including...

Grassley: Will We Help Everybody in the Food Supply?

When asked in a recent interview about a provision in the Senate's emergency spending bill that would give some, not all, farmers extra money to compensate for high energy costs, Senate Finance...

Photo of the Day

This shot was submitted by Susan A. from Dallas who would like to remind us that: "While consumers are paying record-breaking high prices for gasoline, former Exxon CEO Lee Raymond got a $400,000,000...

From the Onion

Fake environmental news article about the EPA.

Farm Businesses Should Not Have Been Granted the Right to Pollute

A New York Times headline this month (Nov, 13) read: “The Problem is Clear: The Water is Filthy.” It should have read: “The Problem is Clear: Agriculture Granted the Right to Make the Water Filthy.”

Join the Fight to Provide Healthy Food for Struggling Families

For those of us lucky enough to sit down every day to healthy, nutritious meals, it's easy to forget that millions of American families in the grip of the recession are struggling to put food on the...

Hackers Unite to Visualize a Healthy Farm Bill

Making sense of the complex farm bill is the first step in bringing much-needed change to America's badly broken food and farm system.

The Downfall of Direct Payments

The Congressional Super Committee may decide the fate of the hotly debated “direct payment” subsidies for farmers in the next several weeks -- most likely in a smoke filled room without democratic...