
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 3457 - 3480 of 7454

North Dakota Farm Bureau Wants to Abolish Farm Subsidies?

The Cato Institute's Sallie James has an eye-popping post on Cato's Liberty blog: Well, here's an interesting, if three-weeks-old, story. Apparently the North Dakota Farm Bureau's annual convention...

Facing Facts in the Chesapeake Bay

A frayed regulatory framework and dependence on voluntary action has done little to mitigate the damage from agricultural activities in the six states in the Chesapeake Bay watershed.

NPR: Power Breakfast

National Public Radio: Capitol News Connection, Elizabeth Wynne Johnson Today the energy and climate change bill goes to mark-up in the ag committee. Where almost every member has at least one ethanol...

Seizing a Watershed Moment

The Mississippi River Basin supports a vast array of economic, commercial, and recreational activities. But runoff from farm fields pollutes lakes and streams in the 10 states that border the...

Trouble Downstream: Upgrading Conservation Compliance

Due to lax standards and implementation problems, USDA's conservation compliance program is missing cost-effective opportunities to make further, substantial reductions in cropland soil erosion and...

National Tap Water Quality Database

Tap water in 42 states is contaminated with more than 140 unregulated chemicals that lack safety standards, according to EWG's two-and-a-half year investigation of water suppliers' tests of the...

Can’t Handle the Food Truth?

Food industry lobbyists are none too pleased with EWG's new scoring system for foods

Top Ten Food Fights Facing the Obama Administration and Congress

Food policy decisions pending before Congress and the Obama administration could set the table for decades of better eating – or more leftovers.

Rate Your Plate Series: Should You Worry About Arsenic in Rice?

EWG scientists have concluded that consumers should shop vigilantly, choosing foods selectively to lower their chances of consuming excessive arsenic. That's why EWG's Food Score flags arsenic as a...

Rate Your Plate Series: Food or Food-ish?

If you're reading this, you probably don't want to eat mystery chemicals. And you'd like to eat food, not food-ish stuff full of synthetics. But which food chemicals are most important to avoid? EWG's...

Congress Plays Scrooge With Our Land and Water

In what has become an annual ritual, Congress unveiled this week a massive spending bill to keep the government going, which includes provisions that would cut hundreds of millions of dollars from...

Ethanol Production and Profits Are Through the Roof

Corn ethanol production has soared to record heights this year, and with large harvests and low corn prices, that means record profits for the industry. Yet even with ethanol refiners making money...

Reducing Water Pollution Would Generate Billions in Economic Activity

Cleaner water in the Chesapeake Bay could mean billions of dollars in economic growth for the region.

Remembering Theo Colborn: The Rachel Carson of My Generation

Dr. Theo Colborn was the Rachel Carson of a generation of environmentalists who work on toxic chemicals, pollution and health. She inspired hard work, inventive investigation and courage across the...

Enviroblog’s Top 10 Stories of 2014

From the EWG staff, our picks for the Top 10 Enviroblog stories that had the most impact on Americans' environmental health in 2014.

FDA Clears BPA In Cans, Again

The federal Food and Drug Administration has quietly reaffirmed its position that Americans are not being harmed by bisphenol A, a synthetic estrogen that is an essential ingredient of the epoxy...

Strong Message to Lawmakers on Chemical Policy Reform

Why would 34 lawyers and law professors, 24 national non-profit organizations and 13 California-based groups all write Congress to oppose something called the Chemical Safety Improvement Act?

What Monsanto Doesn’t Want You To See

When consumers across Europe started campaigning for GMO labeling in the early 1990s, Monsanto released a series of advertisements in support of mandatory GMO labels.

The Farm Subsidy Jackpot

Critics of the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP (previously known as food stamps) claim some recipients are wrongly receiving benefits after winning lottery jackpots. SNAP...

Wastewater Injection Made Faults More Vulnerable to Distant Earthquakes

A new study has added powerful new support to the growing evidence that deep underground injections of wastewater from hydraulic fracturing or other drilling activity has made some areas of the U.S...

Senator Formaldehyde’s ‘Chemical Safety’ Bill

These days, legislation rarely makes it through Congress without support from interest groups on both sides of the issue, forcing lawmakers to draft bills that are largely balanced. Now, however, the...

Subsidizing the Wealthiest Farmers in the Hungriest Counties

Did you know that many counties with the highest rates of food stamp users are also home to recipients of huge farm subsidies?

California Needs Corn Ethanol Reform

The federal requirement to blend nearly 14 billion gallons of corn ethanol into gasoline – more than the system can physically absorb – is slowing the nation's transition to low carbon fuels, harming...

Asbestos Victims Unite on Mesothelioma Awareness Day

Michael Bradley of Tunnel Hill, Georgia has spent the past 17 months in and out of surgery fighting peritoneal mesothelioma, a rare and usually fatal abdominal cancer caused by exposure to asbestos...