
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 3505 - 3528 of 7454

Why Does the Energy Department Downplay the Future of Renewables?

Each January, the Energy Department publishes a forecast of the nation's energy use from different sources for the coming year and beyond. The 2019 Annual Energy Outlook from the department's Energy...

The Myth of ‘Clean’ Natural Gas

Electric utilities often tout natural gas as a clean fuel – an essential weapon in the fight against global warming. Even if they admit the need to replace fossil fuels with solar and wind power...

California’s Fracking Fluids Tell a Bigger Story

Although hydraulic fracturing for oil has gone on for decades in California and half a million Californians live within a mile of a fracked well, the state Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal...

Can Cleaning Chemicals Damage Your Reproductive Potential?

Two chemicals frequently used as disinfectants in cleaning products and antibacterial wipes, as anti-static agents in fabric softeners and dryer sheets and as preservatives in personal care products...

Thanksgiving Meal Ideas and Favorite Recipes by EWG Experts

Thanksgiving ushers in the most festive time of year. The house is packed with kids. Everyone's thoughts revolve around feast food: turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce and sweet treats like pumpkin or...

EPA Suppresses Inconvenient Study in Critical Mercury Decision

In the wake of weak mercury pollution standards proposed by the Environmental Protection Agency last week, The Washington Post reported that the EPA failed to include findings from their own study...

Products Alleged to Cause Hair Loss Full of Synthetic Chemicals, Not Just Herbs

You've probably heard by now that thousands of women have complained to infomercial mega-marketer Guthy-Renker that they suffered hair loss after using the popular hair care line WEN by Hollywood...

The Empty Promise of Farm Subsidy 'Reform' Savings

In 2014, Congress eliminated direct payments to farmers, replacing them with two new subsidy programs known as Agricultural Risk Coverage (ARC County) and Price Loss Coverage (PLC). The Congressional...

Preventing Cancer is Not A Game of Chance

Today is World Cancer Day, a perfect time to raise awareness and spur action in the fight against cancer. It's a day to reflect on a very important question: What is the main cause of cancer? Is it...

More Than 60 EWG VERIFIED® Products – and Counting!

Our verification program was created to help shoppers quickly and easily identify products that meet our strictest health and transparency standards. The program is gaining momentum and awareness, and...

Is EPA Destroying Rural America?

Today, the House Agriculture Committee will hold a hearing on how the “regulatory agenda” of the Environmental Protection Agency is destroying rural America.

Crop Insurance Rewards Bad Behavior, Punishes Conservation

Federal crop insurance encourages growers to plant crops on land that is vulnerable to soil erosion and discourages landowners from adopting good conservation practices.

Five Reasons Your Tap Water Changed Color

Americans are watching their tap water more closely than ever these days following the lead crisis in Flint, Mich., and other incidents of water contamination around the country.

Editorial Boards Across The Country Say, “Stop the DARK Act”

Editorial boards across the country have been weighing in about the wrong-headed “Deny Americans the Right to Know,” or DARK, Act. Whether they favor GMO labeling or simply reject the notion of...

Senate Sends Strong Message in Defeat of DARK Act

In a major win for consumers, Sen. Pat Roberts (R-Kan.) yesterday failed to attract the votes he needed to end debate on a bill known to opponents as the Deny Americans the Right to Know Act, or DARK...

Chemical Agriculture Goes to the Mattresses

The U.S. Department of Agriculture began testing fruits and vegetables for pesticide residues in 1991 after the public became concerned about their potential risks to children.

Toxic Contamination Begins in the Womb

National media outlets, public health officials and Congress have all focused recently on lead contamination in drinking water, as they should be. The tainted water in Flint, Mich., Newark, N.J. and...

Would Chemical Safety Bill be “Gold Standard” or “Fool’s Gold?”

Cal Dooley, the top lobbyist for the chemical industry, likes to say he is optimistic that the proposed chemical safety law being developed in Congress would be the “gold standard” on which other...

Organic Success Is No “Fantasy”

Demand for organic food is soaring – so much so that Costco is running out of it.

House Bill Slashes Funding for Critical Farm Conservation Programs

Today (April 19) the House Appropriations Committee will mark up the $21 billion agriculture spending bill for fiscal year 2017, which proposes to slash a number of vital conservation programs. To...

Early Planting Raises Risk of Erosion

Recently, spring weather in upper Midwest has been warmer and dryer, leading farmers in Iowa, Illinois and Minnesota to plant corn in early April. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's...

Are Those GMO Mushrooms onYour Plate? You May Never Know

All of us who like mushrooms let out a big gasp last week after learning that a GMO mushroom could wind up on our dinner tables without any notice or label.

What Does a Good Breakfast Cereal Look Like?

Breakfast cereals like Kellogg's Corn Flakes and General Mills' Cheerios have been breakfast table regulars for nearly a century. Many of us think of them as a healthy way to start the day. After all...