
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 3553 - 3576 of 7454

News from Ground Control: Planet Trump (Jan. 13)

With President-elect Donald Trump's inauguration only a week from today, questions on what environmental policies he will put in place during his first 100 days in office, as well as who he will pick...

Kids’ Health at Risk Under Trump’s EPA

Last week's confirmation hearing for President Trump's nominee to head the Environmental Protection Agency underscored the agency's foremost responsibility: protecting the health of America's children...

News from Ground Control: Planet Trump (Jan. 27)

As President Trump's first week in office comes to an end, a number of startling decisions that could have serious implications for public health and the environment have already come out of the White...

Your Game Plan for a Healthier Super Bowl Sunday

When it comes to eating holidays, Super Bowl Sunday comes in second only to Thanksgiving, with some reports suggesting that the average football fan consumes more than 2,400 calories during the game...

5 Things to Know About California’s Cleaning Products Disclosure Bill

Many of the supplies we use to clean and freshen our homes and workplaces contain ingredients that could harm our health or the environment. Some products use ingredients that have been linked to...

EWG News Roundup (2/17): Pruitt’s Emails, DuPont’s $671M Teflon Settlement and Lead in Lipstick

Today, in a near-partisan vote, Scott Pruitt was confirmed as the next head of the Environmental Protection Agency. It's no secret that EWG opposed him for the job.

News from Ground Control: Planet Trump (Feb. 17)

After today's vote confirming Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt as Environmental Protection Agency administrator, a number of troubling questions remain as to his impartiality and his commitment...

California Cautions Cell Phone Users: Keep Your Distance

Under a court order, last week California public health officials released draft guidelines advising cell phone users to keep phones away from their bodies, use speaker phone and limit use.

No Rules? No Renewable Fuel

Midwestern politicians, such as Sen. Rob Portman of Ohio, usually love mandates to blend more and more ethanol into our gasoline. In fact, Portman cites ethanol as one way to “lower gas prices and...

News from Ground Control: Planet Trump (March 17)

Here are several of this past week's deep dives on that development, along with other worrisome environmental and public health actions taken by the Trump administration.

Is Federal Crop Insurance Policy Leading to Another Dust Bowl?

As the southern Great Plains get hotter and drier, is federal policy that encourages farmers not to adapt to climate change leading to another Dust Bowl?

EPA Chief’s Big Test: Ban Pesticide Hazardous to Kids’ Brains

As one of his first major decisions as administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, Scott Pruitt must rule by the end of this week on the safety of chlorpyrifos, an organophosphate pesticide...

Trump’s EPA Chief Says Polluters Pay To Clean Up Worst Toxic Waste Sites. Wrong: We Do.

Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt was recently asked by Fox News how much it will cost to clean up the nation's most severely polluted toxic waste sites. His answer shows that the man...

Another Risk for College Students? Indoor Tanning.

It's summer break on college campuses, which means students across America are packing up their bathing suits and cleaning out their bank accounts for sun, sand and partying. But before they leave...

USDA Chief's School Lunch Menu: White Bread With Extra Salt and Sugar

Last month Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue announced a rollback of nutrition standards for school lunches that have been successfully implemented for the last five years. The move threatens to...

Trump’s Toxic Turn on Chemical Safety

President Trump has already methodically weakened efforts to protect Americans from toxic chemicals, but things are about to get much worse.

6 Steps Toward the Greenest Farm Bill Ever

What would it take to make the 2018 federal Farm Bill the best ever for public health and the environment?

Dow Courts White House With Donations and Secret Meetings, Brain-Damaging Pesticide Stays on Shelves

The cozy relationship between the Trump administration and the chemical industry is easy to see. But now we're getting details of how Dow courted the president and his top environmental official to...

Congressional Budget Office: Farm Subsidies Costing Taxpayers $7.5 Billion More Than Expected

While many Americans were anxiously awaiting the Congressional Budget Office's analysis of the Senate health care bill, this week the CBO released another important analysis: that the price tag on...

Using Private Wells: A Drinking Water Safety Guide

If you're one of the 44 million people relying on a private well for drinking water, here's what you should know and do to make sure your water is safe.

UPDATE: ‘Erin Brockovich’ Carcinogen in 250 Million Americans’ Drinking Water

In 2016, an EWG report found that chromium-6 – a cancer-causing compound made notorious by the film “Erin Brockovich” – contaminated the tap water supplies of 218 million Americans in all 50 states...