
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 3601 - 3624 of 7454

EWG’s Women of Courage: A Celebration of Fearless & Compassionate Leadership

In June of 2003, Linda Reinstein found out that her husband Alan had a type of lung cancer called mesothelioma, caused by breathing asbestos. “I can treat it,” the surgeon told her, “but I can't cure...

A Little Ground Truth on World Food Day

Today is World Food Day, so many farm leaders will be recycling the canard that American farmers feed the world. Do they?

Just When You Thought it Was Safe To Drink The Water

Policy makers seem to freeze with fear when confronted with terrifying algae. Regulatory and voluntary programs still haven't produced a comprehensive and effective effort to stem nutrient pollution...

Feminine Care Product Increases Women’s Exposure to Harmful Phthalates

A new study has found that vaginal douching by American women of childbearing age may increase their exposure to hormone-disrupting phthalates and contribute to racial and ethnic differences in...

Anti-Consumer DARK Act Blocks States Rights

When Congress votes this week on legislation to block GMO labeling, far more will be hanging in the balance than the simple question of whether consumers will be allowed to know whether their food was...

More People Want GMO Labeling Than Like Apple Pie

As the fight over the DARK Act heats up in the House this week, new survey data underscore what polls by The Washington Post, The New York Times and Consumer Reports have been showing for years: nine...

To Fight Consumer Rights, Food Companies Recycle Food Price Myths

The hysterical arguments being made by some food companies to fight GMO labeling should sound familiar: they've made the same claims to combat food safety and food labeling laws for decades.

Are GMO Labels a “Warning?”

Will consumers view a GMO label on food packages as a “warning?"

Hawaiians At Increased Risk Of Pesticide Exposure From GMO Crops

Hawaiians have seen firsthand that people near agrichemical companies' test plots of genetically engineered (GMO) crops are at increased risk of being exposed to toxic chemicals that drift off the...

How GMO Labeling Will Benefit Food Companies

Labeling food that contains genetically engineered ingredients, or GMOs, can help a company's bottom line, reduce risk and build trust with consumers, an MIT researcher says.

Organic Diet Reduced Children’s Exposure to Pesticides

New research in the peer-reviewed journal Environmental Health Perspectives found that an organic diet significantly lowered concentrations of certain pesticides in two groups of California children.

International Specialists Warn of Global Toll from Chemical Exposures

In a strongly worded report, a leading international organization of gynecologists and obstetricians warned this week (Oct. 1) that “exposure to toxic environmental chemicals during pregnancy and...

Bacon, Red Meat and Cancer: What the World Health Organization Said – and Didn’t Say

The finding of the International Agency for Research on Cancer , or IARC, that processed meats like bacon, ham and sausage definitely cause colon cancer, and that red meat probably does, provoked...

The True Cost of Soybeans

We've long suspected that organic soybeans are better for the environment than conventional soybeans grown with synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. Now, we know how much better.

Top Five Reasons To Shop With EWG VERIFIED®

EWG's Skin Deep®, launched in 2004, transformed the way you shop for personal care and cosmetics items. Two years ago, we introduced the Skin Deep® barcode scanning app to make shopping on-the-go even...

Crop Insurance: An Annual Disaster

Crop insurance has come under attack for its increasing cost, environmental harm and secrecy. The farm lobby, the crop insurance industry and their political patrons push back by claiming that despite...

Shouldn’t chemical safety law overhaul prioritize an asbestos ban?

In 1989, the federal Environmental Protection Agency tried to ban asbestos.

GMOs Won’t Help the World’s Hungry

An editorial in the Washington Post this week (March 30) claimed that if genetically modified foods – GMOs – are required to be labeled, the world's poorest will suffer.

The Nail in Corn Ethanol’s Coffin

The renewable fuel standard, the federal law that year after year requires refiners to blend more corn ethanol into gasoline, has caused millions of acres of grasslands to be plowed up and added...

What Would It Take for the EPA to Test Every Major Chemical for Safety?

As the Congressional debate over how to fix the failed Toxic Substances Control Act heats up, we have to ask: What would it take for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to assess the safety of...

Pesticide Drift Ruins Farms

The problem of drift could worsen if the Environmental Protection Agency approves Dow AgroSciences's new weed killer, Enlist Duo, which contains 2,4-D and glyphosate.

What Happened to “Waterproof” Sunscreens?

In 2011, the Food and Drug Administration ruled that sunscreen companies were no longer allowed to assert that their products were “waterproof” or “sweatproof” because these claims exaggerated the...

Join the Twitterstorm!

Our shocking new report uncovered four brands of crayons and two brands of kids' crime scene kits that tested positive for deadly asbestos. What's worse, these contaminated toys are being sold across...

Corn Ethanol Clips Your Car's MPG

According to a new study from the Department of Energy, corn ethanol has helped drive down the energy content in a gallon of gasoline by 3 percent since 1993. And less energy per gallon means fewer...