
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 3745 - 3768 of 7454

Fields of Drift: GMO Weed Killer Exposure on Playing Fields and Parks

An EWG survey of athletic fields and parks in a six-state sample of small-town America shows that more than 90 percent of these recreational areas are within 1,000 feet of a corn or soybean field...

“Extreme levels” of Herbicide Roundup Found in Food

A new study led by scientists from the Arctic University of Norway has detected “extreme levels” of Roundup, the agricultural herbicide manufactured by Monsanto, in genetically engineered soy.

How Corn Ethanol Is Worse For Climate Change Than The Keystone Pipeline

Do you think the federal government couldn't order something worse for the environment than the Keystone XL oil pipeline? Think again.

Earth to Paris: Corn Ethanol is a Climate Disaster

Corn ethanol, once thought of as a way for the U.S. to cut carbon pollution, is conspicuously absent from the emissions reduction plan the White House submitted ahead of the global climate conference...

Corn Growers Don’t Need the Corn Ethanol Mandate

The corn ethanol mandate requires refiners to blend more and more ethanol into gasoline. But there is already a “natural” marketplace demand for ethanol. If there were no mandate, gasoline refiners...

Clean Energy Jobs in Great Lakes Outnumber Jobs in Fossil Fuels and Nuclear Energy by More Than 4 to 1

The new clean energy economy provides over four times more jobs in the Great Lakes region than the fossil fuel and nuclear power industries, according to EWG's analysis of recent reports.

Trump’s Coal Bailout, Repeal of Clean Power Plan Would Bring Early Death to Many Americans

The Trump administration's proposals to prop up the coal industry and roll back clean air rules would mean early deaths for tens of thousands of Americans, according to new research.

Is 100 Percent Renewable Energy for the U.S. Possible? Yes.

Across America, devastating hurricanes, hellish wildfires, deadly heat waves and other disasters have brought the climate change crisis close to home. In response, more than 100 cities, counties and...

Glyphosate Is Spreading Like a Cancer Across the U.S.

American growers sprayed 280 million pounds of glyphosate on their crops in 2012, according to U.S. Geological Survey data. That amounts to nearly a pound of glyphosate for every person in the country...

Billions of Pounds of Monsanto’s Glyphosate Blanket U.S. Farmland

Farmers sprayed 2.6 billion pounds of Monsanto's glyphosate herbicide on U.S. agricultural land between 1992 and 2012, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. Glyphosate has been the go-to weed...

Which Sunscreens are Safest?

Today EWG released the first-ever, in-depth analysis of the safety and effectiveness of more than 700 name-brand sunscreens

CDC: Americans Carry ‘Body Burden’ of Toxic Sunscreen Chemical

The bodies of nearly all Americans are contaminated with a sunscreen chemical that has been linked to allergies, hormone disruption, and cell damage, according to a new study from the Centers for...

No Secret Farm Bill in Fiscal Cliff Deal

Environmental Working Group joined several groups today to call on lawmakers to stop a secret farm bill from being attached to any legislation designed to straighten out the nation's finances.

Camp Lejeune Bill Spotlights Importance of Environmental Health

EWG president Ken Cook has issued the following statement on the passage of the Janey Ensminger Act

Senate Panel Votes to Tighten U.S. Chemicals Regulation Law

A key Senate committee today (July 25) approved the first fundamental overhaul of federal chemicals regulation since passage of the 1976 Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), widely considered the...

Senate Passes Landmark Bill for Camp Lejeune Families

The U.S. Senate unanimously passed a bill that furnishes health care benefits to veterans and their families made ill from polluted drinking water at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune in North Carolina.

FDA To Bar BPA From Baby Bottles, Sippy Cups

Less than a year after the state of California banned baby bottles and sippy cups made with the toxic plastics chemical bisphenol-A, BPA, the federal government has followed suit.

FCC To Review Cell Phone Radiation Rules

After years of neglecting to update its scientific statements on cell phone radiation, the Federal Communications Commission, in an about-face, launched a review of its safety standards.

Survey: Strong Bipartisan Support Seen For Shift To Cleaner Energy

The common wisdom is wrong: There is no political "fault line" that divides Americans along party lines when it comes to clean energy issues and solutions.

Free Farm Insurance Could Save Taxpayers up to $18.5 Billion

A new report released today shows that an Environmental Working Group proposal to reform the costly federal crop insurance program through the 2012 farm bill could save taxpayers up to $18.5 billion...

EWG Farm Bill Platform

This year's effort to renew America's food and farm policy through the farm bill creates an opportunity for Congress to do more to support family farmers, protect the environment, encourage healthy...

Common Pesticides Associated With Lower Birth Weight, Shortened Pregnancy

A new study is reinforcing obstetricians' standard warning that pregnant women should avoid exposure to pesticides in foods and weed killers because the chemicals can harm the developing fetus.

FDA Keeps Toxic Plastic Chemical in Food, Infant Formula

Once again, the federal agency charged with protecting the public from tainted food has ignored a mountain of scientific research and decided to allow a toxic chemical to remain in food packaging. The...